
Positive life on life: Who should be the most cherished person in this life?

author:The people's vision of people's livelihood and law

Author: Zhou Zhengsheng

Positive life on life: Who should be the most cherished person in this life?

On the road of life, I have met countless people, but it is difficult to find a soulmate. Most people just pass by, and there are very few people who can accompany you on a journey; People who can live without separation for the rest of their lives are even rarer.

He is sincere in his feelings for you, and he will not be jealous because of your scenery, nor will he stay away because you are down.

When you need help, he does not turn a deaf ear or turn a blind eye.

When you are proud of your life, he will kindly remind and sincerely admonish, and will not pander and flatter, hypocritically flattering.

When you are misunderstood and upset, he will believe and encourage you, and will not follow the crowd and fall into the trap.

In this life, the person who should be cherished the most is him

When it is difficult, he will never leave you; When he is suffering, he sacrifices himself for you and has been helping you; When he is poor, he will lend you money, and never consider your repayment; When you are wrong, he can not only tolerate you, but also criticize you sharply.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He is the parent who gave us life. He gave us life, and raised us with hard work, he worked hard all his life, tired and bent over, endured all the hardships, and endured the wind and frost, all just for the children to live better, to be happier, to be happier.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He walks through the youth with you and grows old together; Accompanied by bitterness and joy with you, life and death depend on each other; Run a family with you and have children; We will be in the same boat with you for a hundred years.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He can not only give you the icing on the cake, but also give you charcoal in the snow; He will never show you how good he is, he is like a cup of tea you like to drink, although it has always been faint, but it is fragrant to you. He knows the bitterness behind you best, the sweetness in your heart, and the difficulty of your life.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He is full of wisdom, always giving you spiritual encouragement, giving you rich knowledge, giving you wisdom enlightenment, so that your heart is no longer barren, and your brain is constantly enriched.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He is your nobleman, he may show you the way forward at the crossroads of your life, so that you are no longer confused; Or give you the greatest support when your life is difficult, or silently escort you all the way through life.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He doesn't care whether you are rich or poor, whether you are an official or a citizen, whether you are in a high position or a low position, whether you are far or near, and whether you are beautiful or ugly, he can treat everyone equally. He always wants to help you in any way he can, and he will not stand by whenever and wherever you need help.

The person who should be cherished the most in this life is him

He is honest and trustworthy, upright, and attaches great importance to affection and righteousness. He is sincere and consistent with you, he is your benefactor, he is your nobleman, and he is the person you must cherish in this life.

It is not easy for everyone to come to the world, since they are destined to know and meet, they should get along sincerely and treat them well. If you know who you should cherish the most, you should be sincere and cherish.

Positive life on life: Who should be the most cherished person in this life?

Authors: Successively served as a reporter, director, editor-in-chief, vice president, deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, etc., deputy secretary-general of the China Commercial Law Research Association, director/researcher of the National Legal Public Opinion Monitoring Center, director/researcher of the National Legal Research Center, etc.

Positive life on life: Who should be the most cherished person in this life?