
Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Lao Li, have you been feeling tight in your chest and panting lately?" Dr. Zhang from the community hospital frowned and looked at Uncle Li sitting in front of him.

Uncle Li, over sixty years old, is a retired engineer. When he was young, he was in his prime, working day and night, and made great contributions to the construction of the country. However, the years are not forgiving, and he always feels stuffy in his chest these months, and sometimes he even struggles to breathe. The family persuaded him to go to the hospital to have a look, but Uncle Li didn't think so at first, but then he couldn't stand this uncomfortable feeling, so he came to the community hospital.

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

After listening to Uncle Li's narration, Dr. Zhang nodded, "Old Li, at your age, all the functions of your body are deteriorating, so let's do a full body physical examination to see what is wrong." ”

Uncle Li smiled helplessly, "Doctor Zhang, my age is also my age, and I don't shine anywhere." ”

Dr. Zhang shook his head, "Don't say that, health problems can't be delayed. You go for a full check-up first, and we'll see how it goes. ”

In the next few days, Uncle Li went through a series of physical examinations: blood routine, electrocardiogram, lung CT, various medical and surgical examinations, and the whole process went down, and Uncle Li was tired enough. However, he was a lot more steady, thinking that he could always find out.

A few days later, the physical examination report came out, and after Dr. Zhang read it carefully, he found a detail, "Lao Li, have you ever felt that your scalp has been itchy and your hair has fallen out a lot recently?" ”

Uncle Li nodded, "Yes, I thought it was because I was old and lost my hair normally." ”

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

Dr. Zhang smiled, "Not necessarily, you know?" Your chest tightness and shortness of breath are likely to be related to scalp problems. ”

Uncle Li's eyes widened in surprise, "How can these two have a relationship?" ”

Dr. Zhang explains, "We found that the health of your scalp is not very good, and the health of your scalp also has a great impact on the health of the whole body, especially for the elderly. ”

It turns out that scalp health is closely related to the health of other parts of the body, especially in the elderly, and scalp problems can trigger a series of physical problems. Dr. Zhang continued, "The matter of washing the hair of the elderly, but there are universities that ask about it, and the following three points must be done. ”

Uncle Li listened carefully, for fear of missing any details. Dr. Zhang lists three points of attention and explains them one by one:

1. Choose the right shampoo product

"Older people have sensitive scalps that tend to dry and itch, so it's important to choose the right shampoo. Instead of using some cheap shampoos in the supermarket, choose those that contain natural ingredients and are gentle and non-irritating. ”

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

Dr. Zhang cites some data, "According to one of our surveys, using a shampoo containing sulfates increased the degree of scalp dryness by more than 30% in the elderly. Shampoos that use natural ingredients can effectively reduce scalp itching and keep the scalp healthy. ”

Uncle Li nodded, "It seems that I have to change all the shampoos at home." ”

2. The frequency and method of washing hair

Dr. Zhang continued, "The frequency of hair washing for the elderly also needs to be taken care of, not too often, not too little. In general, it is appropriate to wash your hair two to three times a week. If you wash your hair every day, it is easy to cause excessive scalp oil secretion, which can cause scalp problems. ”

He also emphasized the way to wash your hair, "Gently massage your scalp when washing your hair, not scratching hard. Wash your hair with lukewarm water, the water temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will irritate the scalp. ”

Uncle Li nodded yes, "I used to just catch it and finish it, it looks like I'm going to change my habits." ”

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

3. Pay attention to the maintenance of the scalp

Finally, Dr. Zhang emphasized the importance of scalp maintenance, "Elderly people should not only pay attention to washing their hair, but also pay attention to scalp maintenance. You can use some scalp massagers or nutrient solutions to help keep your scalp healthy. ”

He also shared a case, "I had a patient before, Aunt Wang, who had a very serious scalp problem and lost a lot of hair every day. Later, she began to use a scalp massager, massaging for ten minutes every night, combined with some scalp nutrient solution, her scalp health was greatly improved, and even her sleep quality was improved. ”

Uncle Li listened attentively and nodded again and again, "It seems that this scalp health is really knowledgeable." ”

Dr. Teo went on to explain, "The scalp health of the elderly is closely related to the health of the rest of the body. An unhealthy scalp can lead to a range of problems, such as headaches, dizziness, and may even affect the cardiovascular system. ”

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

He cites some data, "Studies have shown that older adults with poor scalp health have more than 20% higher rates of cardiovascular disease than those with healthy scalps. ”

Uncle Li was a little worried, "So, my chest tightness and shortness may also be related to scalp problems?" ”

Dr. Zhang nodded, "Yes, while this is not the only reason, scalp health issues may be one of them. Poor scalp health may affect your blood circulation, which in turn can lead to chest tightness and shortness of breath. ”

Dr. Zhang also shared a specific case, "I have a patient, Uncle Zhao, who also had chest tightness and asthma before, and after a series of examinations, it was found that his scalp health was very poor. We developed a detailed scalp maintenance plan for him, including using natural shampoo, massaging the scalp regularly, using scalp nutrient solution, etc. After three months, his chest tightness and wheezing symptoms have greatly reduced and his scalp has regained health. ”

Uncle Li was convinced and determined to take good care of his scalp. He sighed, "It turns out that there are so many exquisiteness in washing hair, which is really eye-opening." ”

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

Dr. Zhang concluded, "The health of the elderly requires comprehensive attention, not only the heart, lungs and other major organs, but also the health of the scalp. Only comprehensive maintenance can maintain good health. ”

Uncle Li smiled and said, "I'll do what you say when I go back, and I will take good care of my scalp." ”

Doctor Zhang nodded with satisfaction, "Lao Li, if you do this, your health will definitely improve greatly." ”

### Derivative Question: How to better take care of your scalp?

After Uncle Li returned home, he began to take care of his scalp according to Dr. Zhang's advice. However, there is another question in his mind: is there any better way to take care of the scalp besides the above methods?

In addition to the above-mentioned options for choosing the right shampoo, how often and how to wash your hair, and paying attention to scalp care, there are also ways to help older adults take better care of their scalp.

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

1. Diet

Diet also has a big impact on scalp health. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish, can help keep your scalp healthy.

2. Maintain good habits

Good lifestyle habits are also very important for scalp health. Avoiding staying up late, getting enough sleep, and exercising in moderation can all help improve scalp health.

3. Avoid overuse of hair products

Older people should try to avoid using too many hair products, such as hairspray, wax, etc., which may irritate the scalp and cause scalp problems.

4. Check your scalp health regularly

Regular checks on the health of the scalp to identify and address issues in a timely manner can avoid the impact of scalp problems on your health.

Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair

By using a combination of these methods, seniors can better take care of their scalp and maintain overall health. Uncle Li is determined to follow these methods for scalp maintenance, and believes that his health will definitely get better and better.

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Do the elderly have a big deal to wash their hair? The doctor kept emphasizing: when you are old, you must do 3 points to wash your hair