
More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Your throat problem isn't just about seasonal allergies."

Dr. Li's words made Liang Changwei stunned. During this time, Liang Changwei always felt that his throat was dry, itchy, swollen and painful, and at first he thought it was because of spring pollen allergies, so he didn't pay much attention to it. However, after weeks of not getting better, he finally decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Liang Changwei, 45 years old, is a creative director of an advertising agency with a busy schedule and a lot of pressure. Due to staying up late and working overtime for a long time, coupled with unhealthy eating habits, his body has long been overwhelmed. After a check-up at the hospital today, Dr. Lee found that his health was far worse than he had imagined.

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

"You have signs of severe coronary heart disease, and your throat problems are caused by your long-term consumption of some foods that are high in fat and salt."

Liang Changwei looked at Dr. Li in surprise and couldn't help but ask, "Doctor, how is this possible?" I usually eat quite normal. ”

Dr. Lee smiled, "You think it's normal, but your body doesn't. Especially for some specific dishes, no matter how much you like them, you have to have a degree. ”

So, Dr. Lee began to give Leung a detailed analysis of his eating habits and explain which dishes were the culprits.

First of all, Dr. Lee mentioned braised pork. This dish is very common on the table of Chinese families, especially during the Chinese New Year. Every time Liang Changwei returned to his hometown, his mother would specially cook this dish for him, and he naturally ate it happily.

"Braised pork contains a lot of fat and sugar, which is tantamount to a chronic poison for your heart." "Although it is delicious, the intake of high fat and sugar can lead to elevated blood lipids and increase the burden on the heart. ”

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

Dr. Lee went on to mention the claypot rice. It's one of Leung's favourite fast foods, and the aroma of sausages and claypot rice is always hard for him to resist.

"Although sausage and bacon are delicious, they both contain a lot of nitrite and high salt, and long-term consumption can cause damage to blood vessels." "Nitrite is a strong carcinogen, and high salinity can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of coronary heart disease. ”

The third dish mentioned is fried food. Liang Changwei often orders takeout in the office, and fried chicken wings, French fries, and pork cutlets are his favorites.

"Trans fatty acids in fried foods are the heart's worst enemy." "Trans fatty acids not only increase bad cholesterol, but also lower good cholesterol, which is a fatal blow to the cardiovascular system. ”

Dr. Lee also made a special mention of the barbecue. Liang Changwei and his friends go to the night market every week to eat barbecue, lamb skewers, chicken wings, grilled fish, these are their favorites.

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

"Not only does barbecued food contain a lot of fat, but it also produces a variety of carcinogens during the grilling process, such as benzopyrene, which can cause serious harm to your heart and overall health." Dr. Lee reminded.

Liang Changwei was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect that these daily favorite dishes would cause so much damage to his body. He couldn't help but ask, "Then what should I do?" Am I really not going to be able to eat any of these things? ”

Dr. Li smiled and shook his head, "It's not that you can't eat it at all, but you have to have a degree." Eating in moderation, maintaining a balanced diet, increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, and eating more foods rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants is a healthy way to eat. ”

Next, Dr. Li told Liang Changwei about several specific cases to further explain the effects of these foods on human health.

One of the cases was an old man in his fifties named Zhao Dayong. He was a construction worker in his youth, and after his retirement, he fell in love with cooking, especially all kinds of fried foods. Every weekend, he would fry a large plate of chicken wings and fries to share with his family. As a result, over the past few years, Zhao Dayong's weight has skyrocketed, and he has suffered from high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

"Once he had a heart attack and was in critical condition when he arrived at the hospital. After a series of examinations, we found that his blood vessels were almost completely blocked and he had to undergo surgery immediately. "After the surgery, he started to focus on eating a healthy diet, quitting fried foods and switching to light foods, and now his health has improved a lot." ”

The other case was a 40-year-old white-collar woman named Chen Xiaoli. She is busy with work and often orders takeaway, especially likes to eat cured claypot rice and barbecue. During a physical exam, doctors found that her blood lipids and blood pressure were high, and that she had plaques in her coronary arteries.

"She didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and thought it was okay to be young." Dr. Lee continued, "After our patient explanation, she finally realized the seriousness of the problem, adjusted her diet, increased her physical activity, and now her health has improved significantly. ”

After listening to these cases, Liang Changwei finally understood the seriousness of the problem. He decided to follow his doctor's advice and adjust his diet and lifestyle.

Dr. Lee doesn't end there, though, citing some data to illustrate the pervasiveness of the problem. According to the latest research data, more than 1 million people die from coronary heart disease in China every year, and a large part of them are caused by unhealthy eating habits.

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

"In our study, we found that people who like to eat high-fat and high-salt foods have two to three times the risk of coronary heart disease compared to the general population." "These numbers are not just numbers, they represent individual lives. ”

To further prove his point, Dr. Lee also presented some international research data. For example, a study from Harvard University found that long-term consumption of fried foods increased the risk of heart attack by 37%. Another study showed that people who consumed more than 6 grams of salt per day were nearly 50% more likely to develop high blood pressure and coronary heart disease than those who consumed less salt.

Liang Changwei was frightened when he heard this, and quickly nodded and said that he would definitely adjust his diet. He also began to think seriously about how to maintain a healthy diet at work and in life.

The article concludes with a derivative question: Are there healthy alternative foods that satisfy our cravings without harming our heart health?

In fact, there are many healthy alternative foods that are not only delicious but also good for heart health. For example, the following foods are good choices:

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

1. Lean meat instead of braised pork: You can choose lean meat, such as chicken breast, turkey meat, etc., and make it steamed or boiled, which not only retains the delicious taste of the meat, but also reduces fat intake.

2. Seafood instead of fried food: Choose fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, etc., grilled or steamed, which is both delicious and good for the heart.

3. Whole grains instead of refined grains: Replacing white rice and white bread with whole grains like whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, etc., can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

4. Fresh fruit instead of dessert: Satisfy sweet tooth with fruits, such as apples, oranges, strawberries, etc., which can provide rich vitamins and avoid excessive sugar intake.

5. Nuts instead of french fries: Snack on nuts such as almonds, walnuts, etc., which are not only delicious but also provide healthy fats and protein.

More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree

By choosing these healthy alternative foods, we can not only satisfy our appetites, but also effectively protect our heart health and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Maintaining a balanced diet and exercising in moderation is the best way to stay healthy and disease-free.

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More and more elderly people are dying of coronary heart disease! The doctor warned: No matter how much you love these dishes, you must have a degree