
After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

author:Brother Qiao's health miscellaneous

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On a sunny morning, the community center was packed with residents gathering for a health talk.

Residents gather here early and eagerly await the arrival of the doctor. The theme of this lecture was "Weight and Longevity after the age of 55", and everyone was curious about this topic.

At the beginning of the lecture, the keynote speaker, Dr. Wang, asked in a kind tone: "Uncles and aunts, do you think that when you are old, is there a relationship between weight and longevity?" ”

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Aunt Li, who was sitting in the front row, was the first to respond: "It must have something to do with it, it's definitely not good to be too heavy, and it's easy to get sick." ”

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded, "Aunt Li is right. However, weight is more than just a simple number, it is closely related to our health. ”

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Dr. Wang first introduced the concept of body mass index (BMI), explaining that BMI is a numerical value obtained by dividing weight (kg) by height (m) squared to measure whether a person's weight is within a healthy range.

Generally speaking, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is the normal range, below 18.5 is considered thin, 25 to 29.9 is overweight, and above 30 is obese.

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

"After the age of 55, the change in weight has a big impact on health.

Dr Wong continued, "Maintaining a moderate weight is particularly helpful in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Especially at our age, it is important to pay more attention to your weight and maintain a healthy weight. ”

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang asked suspiciously, "Then people of our age should try to lose weight as much as possible?" ”

Dr. Wang replied, "Weight control is indeed important, but the key is to go through the scientific method. Dieting to lose weight is not advisable and can easily lead to malnutrition. ”

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Dr. Wang then gave some specific advice. He recommends consuming a moderate amount of protein every day, such as fish, chicken, beans, etc., while reducing the intake of red meat.

"Another very important thing is to pay attention to the timing and rhythm of meals. Try to finish dinner before 7 p.m. and avoid eating before bedtime. ”

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Aunt Li couldn't help but ask: "Then what should people of our age do to exercise?" ”

Dr. Wang said with a smile: "The exercise does not need to be too strenuous and the key is to persevere." "30 minutes to 1 hour of moderate-intensity exercise a day, such as brisk walking, cycling, and dancing, is good.

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

If you can, go swimming, or do some gentle yoga and tai chi, which are joint-friendly. ”

When Aunt Li arrived home, she repeatedly recalled her bad habits. Although she has always paid attention to her health, she still has a lot of problems with her diet, especially eating too much for dinner.

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

She gets up every morning to go for a walk in the park, and in the afternoon she dances with her neighbors in the square, and she also pays attention to her diet and eats as light as possible for dinner.

Slowly, her weight dropped, and she felt much more relaxed and energetic than before.

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Daughter Xiao Zhang found that her mother's mental state not only improved, but even her blood pressure stabilized. She couldn't help but ask, "Mom, do you have any secrets lately?" ”

Aunt Li smiled and said, "Just listen to the doctor, eat healthy and exercise more." Also, the most important thing is to stay in a good mood. ”

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Other neighbors in the community also saw the change in Aunt Li and asked her for advice. Auntie Li is happy to share her experience, saying, "Everyone should remember that health is the most important thing. Maintain proper exercise"

Aunt Li cooperated with doctors to organize health lectures, lead everyone to exercise together, and spread scientific health knowledge. More and more people in the community have been influenced by her and are beginning to pay attention to their weight and health.

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Through Aunt Li's story, we can see that after the age of 55, maintaining a healthy weight is indeed closely related to longevity. Scientific diet, proper exercise and a good attitude are the three magic weapons to maintain health.

I hope that everyone can take their health seriously, and from now on, develop good living habits to lay a solid foundation for their longevity and health.

After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related

Auntie Li's change has not only benefited herself, but also led to a healthy atmosphere in the entire community. She used her practical actions to tell everyone that health is closely related to weight, and maintaining a moderate weight can not only prevent diseases, but also improve the quality of life.

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After the age of 55, weight predicts longevity? Doctors bluntly say: health and weight are closely related