
A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Who would have thought that a person who loves to laugh would suddenly leave like this." Xiao Li's old friend Lao Wang stood in the crowd and muttered to himself.

Xiao Li, 45 years old, is a librarian. Xiao Li, who likes to read, has some not-so-good habits and often eats foods high in fat, sugar and salt. In the end, she died of a heart attack, leaving behind countless grieving relatives and friends.

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

In the aftermath of this sudden tragedy, her family and friends gathered around a doctor to learn what was behind it. "I kept telling her that if she ate those three things every day, it was only a matter of time before she had heart problems." The doctor was helpless.

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

Fried chicken. Xiao Li eats a few pieces of fried chicken almost every night, and in order to satisfy her taste, she always chooses the crispest and most greasy kind. The fatty and fatty components of fried chicken are a major cause of heart disease.

Soda pop. Xiao Li hardly drinks water, and her drinks are almost all kinds of sweet and greasy sodas. These drinks contain a high amount of sugar and also contain various additives, which are extremely damaging to the cardiovascular system.

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

Finally, there are the fries. Whether it's lunch or dinner, French fries are always Xiao Li's first choice. These seemingly innocuous snacks actually contain a lot of trans fats, which are widely believed to be one of the culprits in increasing the risk of heart attacks.

The doctor continued: "Do you know that these foods look ordinary, but long-term intake of these high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt foods will cause more and more fat to accumulate in the inner walls of blood vessels, forming arteriosclerosis, and in severe cases, it can cause myocardial infarction. ”

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

Everyone present was listening attentively, and these words made them feel relatable. The old doctor said: "Many people think that as long as they don't eat it every day, it's not a big deal once in a while. The problem, however, is that 'occasional' can easily become 'often'. ”

One family member asked, "Doctor, can you tell us more about how you can reduce your risk of heart disease through your diet?" ”

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

The doctor replied, "Of course." To reduce the intake of high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt foods, eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. It is also important to be physically active regularly, to maintain a good mood, to read appropriately, and to have leisure activities. Simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. ”

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

After answering the family's questions, the doctor continued: "In addition to these basic lifestyle changes, there is another point that you may not have noticed too much, and that is the improvement of sleep quality. ”

The doctor deliberately slowed down the pace of speech to make sure everyone present could hear every word: "Did you know that long-term sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can lead to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and even cardiovascular disease? This is because sleep deprivation can affect the inflammatory response in the body and increase the burden of cardiovascular stress. ”

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

The doctor went on to give specific measures to improve: "For example, you can try to go to bed and wake up regularly, avoid caffeine and alcohol at night, avoid electronic devices before bed, and keep the bedroom quiet, dark and at the right temperature." ”

A young man asked a question, and he looked a little anxious: "Doctor, what you just said is very reasonable, I would like to ask, if we already have a family history of heart disease, do we have any special advice other than changing our diet and lifestyle habits?" ”

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

The doctor replied, "If you have a family history of heart disease in your family, you really need to be more careful." In addition to the life changes just mentioned, I recommend regular heart health check-ups. ”

"You may also consider genetic screening to see if you carry certain genetic variants that increase your risk of heart disease. In this way, even if there is a risk of genetic factors in the family, we can minimize the probability of heart disease through early intervention. ”

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem

As the doctor's last words fell, there was a calm and serious atmosphere in the air, and everyone was silently thinking about the old doctor's words, and their hearts were full of expectations and determination for a healthy life.

What do you think about a heart attack? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 45-year-old woman died of a heart attack, and the doctor was helpless: eat these 3 things every day, and it is strange that there is no heart problem