
Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

author:The old garden is silent and slow
Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well


How much is life? Gone like morning frost. Time is not heavy, and Hua is no longer yang.

Time passes so fast that you don't know it. In the blink of an eye, people are old.

Life is very long, but it is very short, you really have to be kind to yourself, you have to learn to enrich yourself.

Many people always think that the best way to enrich themselves is to enjoy a rich material life, drive a luxury car, live in a luxury house, and enjoy all kinds of food.

In fact, after the age of 60, people will understand that if they stay in the pursuit of material life, then it is very low-level.

Writer Lin Qingxuan once said, "Life is just like this, the pursuit of becoming a better, more spiritual and aura self." ”

Truly high-level people will understand that the most important thing to enrich themselves is to develop a healthy lifestyle, maintain self-discipline, spiritual freedom, and be transparent and open-minded.

Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

01. Maintain a good routine of work and rest.

After retirement, if you want to put your life in a very comfortable state, then you need to master the rhythm of your life and maintain a good routine.

Usually try to go to bed early and get up early, go to bed before 10 o'clock in the evening, many people like to brush their mobile phones before going to bed, but they forget the time when they brush their mobile phones, and they start to stay up late again, and they can't get up the next day.

Therefore, before going to bed, it is best to turn off your mobile phone, read a book for a while, or listen to soft music, calm your heart, don't think nonsense, and be able to better fall asleep.

Wake up early in the morning to enjoy the first rays of sunshine, take a walk outside, do aerobics, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

02. Listen to your inner voice, live for yourself, and don't live in other people's opinions.

Why do many people feel tired of living? In fact, it is because they care too much about other people's opinions, their hearts are too sensitive, and they often let themselves fall into negative emotions because of one or two bad comments from others.

In fact, you have to understand,

Therefore, you should not expect others to truly understand you, there is no so-called "empathy" in this world, and don't care about some of the opinions of others.

If you care more about other people's opinions, then you will make your heart more entangled, and in the end you will only go with the flow, contrary to your original intention.

Learn to listen to our own hearts, we have to live for ourselves after all, other people's opinions, good and bad, we all accept, but we must keep independent thinking, adhere to our own principles, take our own path, let others say it!

Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

03. Look down on gains and losses, and adjust your mentality.

The Buddha said: Forgetting does not mean that it never exists, and everything comes from choice, not deliberately. It's better to let go, and the more you let go, the more you feel like you have more.

People live to the end, if they want to live transparently, we still have to learn to look down on the gains and losses, whether we get or lose, sometimes we have our own arrangements in the dark, and it is not our personal strength to decide.

We must adjust our mentality, don't force anything, some things are not necessarily bad things if they are lost, and some things are not necessarily good things when they are obtained.

Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

04. Insist on reading and enrich your soul.

Many people feel that they are old and so old, so there is no need to study anymore, and they give up the habit of reading, which is actually a wrong perception.

Keeping reading can not only increase one's knowledge, but also keep one's mind thinking and active.

Reading ancient books and learning the wisdom of the ancients and the way of dealing with the world can improve our cultivation and enrich our souls.

People who read often will have a more elegant temperament and a more stable mood, giving people a very elegant feeling, like a spring breeze.

Only after 60 years do people understand that enriching oneself is not about eating delicious food and living in a mansion, but about doing these five things well

05. Face it with a smile and don't complain. Leisurely, casual, casual, casual.

What is the highest state of mind in life?

It's just that I've let go, don't complain about anything, and be able to face everything with a smile.

Even if your life is at a low point right now and you encounter great difficulties, don't complain. Because of resentment, it can't solve any practical problems, and it will only increase one's mental internal friction.

Many people always want to compete with themselves, and they are unwilling to serve the old, that is, they want to be strong, not to break through the south wall and not look back, but in fact, they finally find that our personal strength is really very small.

Recognize your own abilities, and if you can solve it, then try to face it. If you find that you can't do anything, then don't force it, just go with the flow, it's really tricky, just let it go and wait for the turnaround.

Time is the best antidote, all hardships and hardships, as long as you get through it, there will be spring flowers after all.


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