
Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

author:Demon fire says history

In 191 AD, in the face of the continuous offensive of the Kwantung coalition army, Dong Zhuo had to choose to temporarily avoid the edge and move the capital from Luoyang to Chang'an.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

However, what people didn't expect was that in April of this year, when Dong Zhuo entered Chang'an City for the first time, Dong Zhuo did something that surprised everyone.

He asked his old boss Huangfu Song to kneel on both sides of the street to greet him! Moreover, at the moment of entering the city, Dong Zhuo deliberately ran to Huang Fu Song, took Huang Fu Song's hand and asked him, "Can you obey me?" ”

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

You must know that as one of the three heroes of the late Han Dynasty, Huangfu Song had a very high status and prestige at that time. For a long time before, Huangfu Song was Dong Zhuo's top boss and used to directly manage Dong Zhuo. Therefore, Dong Zhuo's approach is tantamount to directly humiliating Huangfu Song.

But as a result, in the face of Dong Zhuo's strength, Huangfu Song chose to forbear at this time. He could only reply: "How did I know that Ming Gong would have you today?" ”

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Dong Zhuo was obviously not satisfied with Huangfu Song's answer, so he said again: "Honghu naturally has lofty ambitions, how can Yanque know?" ”

At this time, Huangfu Song had to give in again and replied: "You were a Honghu at the beginning, but now you have become a phoenix!" ”

Huangfu Song's answer finally made Dong Zhuo feel satisfied. So he said happily, "If you had served me earlier, you wouldn't have to worship me today!" ”

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

The above plot is from "The Book of the Later Han" and "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms". In these two official histories, Dong Zhuo and Huangfu Song said slightly different words, but the general situation is completely the same. Both official histories say that when Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he forced Huangfu Song to kneel down in order to humiliate Huang Fu Song.

So, for his old boss, why did Dong Zhuo humiliate him so much? As one of the three heroes of the late Han Dynasty, why did Huangfu Song bow to Dong Zhuo? In the face of Dong Zhuo's humiliation, why did Huangfu Song put up with it? Why didn't he join the Kwantung Coalition Army and directly raise troops against Dong?

In fact, if we look at Huang Fu Song's life, we will find that in Huang Fu Song's life, there were actually three opportunities to turn the tide and easily change the historical trend in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But unfortunately, he failed to seize any of these three opportunities.

And this story, at first, we actually have to start with Huangfu Song's family background.

Huangfu Song's family belongs to a typical family of generals! His grandfather was a general of Liao back then, and his grandfather was a captain of Fufeng. In his father's generation, it was even worse. His father once served as the Taishou of Yanmen County, and was directly responsible for guarding against Xianbei in the north. And his uncle Huangfu Gui is one of the three Mings in Liangzhou, and the official is the captain of the Qiang Guard!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Among these elders in Huangfu Song's family, the most capable one is his uncle Huangfu Gui. How fierce is Liangzhou Sanming? What exactly has been done? We can see the period of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, the war between the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Qiang. In that war, Huangfu Gui played a vital role and directly determined the direction of history at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Born in such a family of generals, coupled with the elders of his family, he has never done anything bad, and he has an excellent reputation in the officialdom of the Eastern Han Dynasty! Therefore, after Huangfu Song grew up, his career was naturally smooth sailing.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Under the arrangement of the family, Huangfu Song passed the examination of the probation system at a young age. Since then, he has successively served as the commander of Langzhong, Baling County and Linfen County. When Huangfu Song was a little older, he was even more favored by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty and directly promoted him to the rank of squire, and later to the position of Taishou of Beidi County.

I have to say that it is indeed more relaxed to come from a family with a background. Huang Fu Song has gone smoothly along the way, and has hardly encountered any twists and turns, and has been promoted to the level of Taishou. His starting point is often the end point of many people. And the high position that he can easily reach is a height that many people dare not dream of.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But such a too smooth career may not be a good thing for Huangfu Song.

At least, in connection with those later things, we can be sure: Huangfu Song is a person who seriously lacks experience in officialdom struggle! Huangfu Song is a good hand at fighting, but he has a serious lack of understanding of the cruelty of political struggle!

This point later not only directly determined his fate, but also determined the fate of the entire Eastern Han Dynasty.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Huangfu Song's resume, there is nothing worth saying much in the early stage. And the thing that really made him famous and completely stood out was the Yellow Turban Uprising!

In 184 AD, a Yellow Turban Rebellion suddenly swept through most of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

At this critical moment, Emperor Ling of Han had to urgently dispatch troops to prepare to suppress the rebellion. But at this time, Emperor Han Ling encountered a particularly tricky problem!

This problem is: Emperor Han Ling is unavailable at this time!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

If we look at it from the perspective of the afterlife, we will feel that this problem is not a problem at all. After all, in the melee in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, it can be called a group of bright stars, and those names that everyone is familiar with, one can fight better than the other! Pick a few out at random, and put them in other eras, they are all fierce people who can sweep the world.

In this case, Emperor Han Ling casually promoted a few fierce people up, and it seemed that they could easily solve the problem, how could it be said that there was no one available?

The answer is actually quite simple! Because of those particularly famous fierce men later, their status was not high at this point in time of the Yellow Turban Uprising! Although their talent for fighting is very high, at this time, they basically have no combat experience. Moreover, even if they can fight, they are far from reaching the top level of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and they will not be able to reach the front of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty at all!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Later, among the more famous heroes of the late Han Dynasty, a very small number of people who could enter the sight of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty may be Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. But they can go in front of Emperor Han Ling, not because they can fight, but because their parents are more powerful and can recommend their own children in front of the emperor.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Therefore, for Emperor Ling of Han at that time, when Emperor Ling of Han chose a general, he would continue his previous inertial thinking.

In the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the past, the generals that the emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty liked to reuse can be roughly divided into two categories: one is after the heroes, that is, the descendants of the founding generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty, such as the Geng family, the Deng family and other generals. The second category is relatives, such as Dou Xian, who was Le Shi Yanran back then.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

In the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the past, the generals above the military region level in the Eastern Han Dynasty were basically these two kinds of people.

But in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, these two kinds of people were not very useful.

After the former heroes, they like to raise their own respect. Especially when dealing with Xiqiang, they especially like to play this game, and then they consumed a lot of financial revenue of the Eastern Han Dynasty and almost dragged down the entire country. So in the period of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, in order to solve the problem of Xiqiang, Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty began to gradually abandon them and promote those generals from Liangzhou instead.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

As for the latter, not to mention. The Eastern Han Dynasty has always had a precedent for relatives to be in power, so when it came to Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was unwilling to let his relatives hold too much power, especially to hold military power. Moreover, the He family, a relative at that time, was already a little too powerful with the support of Emperor Han Ling. In this case, Emperor Ling of Han was naturally reluctant to give them more military power.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

For this reason, in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Huan of Han and Emperor Ling of Han were particularly fond of activating a new power.

This kind of power can be called a Liangzhou military general, or a military general of the scholar clan. These Liangzhou generals may not be from their hometown in Liangzhou. But most of them, or the elders of their families, participated in the war to pacify Xiqiang.

Therefore, these generals have risen through the ranks of military merit, not by relationships. In the same way, because they do not rely on relationships, they do not belong to relatives, nor to eunuchs, nor to the scholar clan. They are relatively independent and relatively capable of fighting.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

In this way, when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, Emperor Ling of Han suddenly found that he could not use his relatives and heroes. Because once used, it is easy to cause these people to have too much power and threaten the imperial power. In this way, Emperor Han Ling must promote a group of his own generals!

According to the previous train of thought, in the end, Emperor Ling of Han selected Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun and others.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

These generals are neither relatives nor heroes, and they don't even have anything to do with the eunuchs. Such a general is obviously easier to control.

For example, Huangfu Song himself, his uncle Huangfu Gui, was a representative of the proper Liangzhou military generals, and he was born in a family of generals. Such a background simply meets all the promotion requirements!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

And the following history proves that although Emperor Ling of Han is a faint monarch, he does have a set of people. The generals he reused were indeed talented! Especially the combination of the three heroes of the late Han Dynasty, any single one actually has the ability to reverse the fortunes of the country!

After being activated by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Lu Zhi took a part of the central elite and rushed to the Jizhou battlefield. As for Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, they rushed to the Yingchuan battlefield with another part of the elite. These two places were basically the areas where the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was located at that time.

On the Yingchuan side, because at that time, the population in Yingchuan and Nanyang was relatively large. Therefore, the strength of the Yellow Turban Army here is also the strongest. The most important thing is that there is a key person here, named Bocai.

There are very few records of Bocai in the history books, and we only know that he was a general on the side of the rebel army. But judging from various records, Bocai should be the most capable general within the Yellow Turban Army! Even if it's Zhang Jiao, it's far inferior to him to fight!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

A general who can fight, with superior troops, this is very tricky. Therefore, when Zhu Jun arrived with the first troops, he was soon surrounded by a few hundred. And after Huang Fu Song came over, in the face of the superior strength of the Yellow Turban Army, Huang Fu Song had no good way for the time being. Therefore, he could only temporarily join forces with Zhu Jun and retreat to the area of Changshe, Henan.

Under the command of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, there were only 20,000 troops each. In addition, Zhu Jun had just been defeated, and the army in their hands at this time may add up to less than 40,000 people. On the other hand, on the rebel side, the number of people was several times higher.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

However, after suffering a short setback, Huangfu Song quickly thought of a plan to break the enemy. Under his arrangement, soon, the Han army played a hand to burn the joint venture.

On a windy night, Huangfu Song quietly went out of the city and lit a fire outside the camp of the rebels. On the rebel side, because of the lack of military supplies, many of the military tents used were particularly stainable. With the blessing of the gale, the fire quickly ignited.

After that, while the rebel army was extinguishing the fire, Huangfu Song quickly led the team out of the city to attack. Because on the side of the rebels, there is a serious lack of combat experience. In the face of enemies and fires, they simply did not know which one to take first, and was quickly scattered in formation.

And so it was, the rebels began to rout.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

And Huangfu Song, on his side, did not miss this opportunity. With this fire, they began to chase down the scattered rebel army. At this time, on the side of the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the reinforcements sent also arrived, and the leader was Cao Cao. With the help of reinforcements, Huangfu Song pursued and killed faster.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

In this way, less than three months later, the Yingchuan Yellow Turban Army, which was originally the most powerful, was easily pacified by Huangfu Song.

But that's not all.

When the dust has settled on the Yingchuan battlefield, on the Jizhou battlefield, moths began to appear. To put it simply, after Lu Zhi went north before, he fought very well in the early stage, and soon trapped the main force of the Yellow Turban Army. But as a result, Lu Zhi later asked for a bribe from a eunuch, but Lu Zhi resolutely refused to give it. This led to the eunuch going back and directly suing Lu Zhi.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

After that, Lu Zhi was taken down. And the one who succeeded him to continue the war was Dong Zhuo, who later messed up the Eastern Han Dynasty.

But compared with Lu Zhi, Dong Zhuo's combat effectiveness is obviously too much worse. So next, the good situation originally created by Lu Zhi was quickly brought to collapse by Dong Zhuo. The Yellow Turban Army on the Jizhou battlefield also began to gradually have a tendency to expand outward.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

At this critical moment, Huangfu Song, who had already ended the Yingchuan War, quickly led his troops north. After that, in the Battle of Guangzong, Huangfu Song directly killed the main force of the 30,000 Yellow Turban Army on the battlefield. At the same time, there were 50,000 people who were forced into the river by Huangfu Song and finally drowned in the water.

After that, Huangfu Song went all the way to Quyang. In the Battle of Quyang, Huangfu Song also easily broke the city and captured more than 100,000 Yellow Turban troops! After this battle, Huangfu Song executed more than 100,000 people and built a huge 'Jingguan'.

In this way, after two consecutive wars, the originally erosive Jizhou battle situation was quickly resolved by Huangfu Song. At the same time, Huangfu Song's murderous reputation has also completely spread all over the world!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

You must know that when Xiang Yu killed the Qin army in Xin'ankeng, the number of killings was about 200,000. And the two great battles of Huangfu Song combined, the Battle of Guangzong killed more than 80,000 people, and the Battle of Quyang slaughtered more than 100,000 people. This record, even compared with Xiang Yu's pit killing and surrendering pawns back then, is actually not far behind.

It's just that many people in later generations are not familiar with this record. Because in the following Three Kingdoms era, there were too many famous wars. Therefore, Huangfu Song's record is easy to be ignored by everyone.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Of course, at that point in time, Huangfu Song's record was still very exaggerated. Because this is equivalent to him solving most of the Yellow Turban Army alone! So after this battle, Huangfu Song's fierce name became known to everyone at once.

At the same time, relying on this record, he was also quickly recognized by Emperor Ling of Han. So next, Emperor Ling of Han directly ordered that Huangfu Song be promoted to Jizhou Mu, with full authority to be in charge of all affairs in Jizhou!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

This is the first time that Huangfu Song has the opportunity to decide the direction of history.

Linked to the later history, we know that after Huangfu Song suppressed the Yellow Turban Army, within a few years, the world was completely chaotic. Before the chaos in the world, Huangfu Song had already relied on his military exploits to achieve the position of Jizhou Pastor and became the strongest local real power boss.

At this time, if Huangfu Song is more sensitive to politics, he should realize that the world may be in chaos in the future. For example, during the same period, Liu Yan, who had a good sense of politics, proposed 'abolishing Shi Limu', and then went to the border of the empire to become a feudal official.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

And if Huangfu Song realizes this, next, his best choice is to 'raise his own respect'. He can let the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou occasionally make trouble, so that Jizhou is a little more peaceful. In this way, he can stay in Jizhou for a long time and establish an independent region of his own.

After that, when the world is in turmoil, the combat effectiveness of Huangfu Song and the land of a state will be used as the foundation. In the next history, it is estimated that there will be no Three Kingdoms era, and maybe even the melee in the late Eastern Han Dynasty will be gone.

By the way, this situation is not actually a blind guess in later generations. At that point in time, the idea had already been proposed. After Huangfu Song took charge of Jizhou, there was once a person named Yan Zhong, who did not do the county order, and came to Huangfu Song as an entourage after resigning. And this Yan Zhong used the story of 'Kuaitong persuaded Han Xin to divide the world' to persuade Huang Fu Song at that time, and proposed a set of plans for Huang Fu Song.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But unfortunately, Huang Fusong didn't think about this at all.

So later, after Yan Zhong saw that Huangfu Song really couldn't help him, he could only go to Liangzhou, and finally died in the rebellion in Liangzhou.

In addition, this Yan Zhong, although he is not famous, his level is actually not low, and he is not the kind of person who talks about it. Because when he was an official, he once had a unique vision and found a person who everyone was not optimistic about. This person's name is Jia Xu!

As for how high Jia Xu's level is, everyone knew later.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

In short, because Huangfu Song had no political vision at all, he soon missed the opportunity to seize Jizhou. After a year in charge of Jizhou, Huangfu Song was directly transferred by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, and lost the opportunity to divide Jizhou.

But then, fate soon gave him a second chance.

During the reign of Huangfu Song in Jizhou, a large-scale rebellion suddenly broke out in Liangzhou in the northwest. This Liangzhou Qiang Rebellion can be regarded as the main plot of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and it soon swept the entire Liangzhou.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

And after the rebellion in Liangzhou, the Guanzhong area was very dangerous. So next, Emperor Ling of Han issued an order again, asking Huangfu Song to lead troops to Guanzhong to deal with the rebels in Liangzhou. At the same time, Huangfu Song was promoted to the rank of 'General of Che Cavalry'. In the military system of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this was already the second and third position. At that time, Huangfu Song's position in the army was second only to the general He Ji.

At this time, Huangfu Song, as the number two person in the Eastern Han Dynasty military, had more than 20,000 elites in his hands, and most of them were cavalry. These good cards are actually enough for him to cut off Guanzhong and dominate one side next.

But as a result, this good card was later played by Huangfu Song.

To put it simply, on the way to Guanzhong, Huangfu Song offended the ten permanent servants. He once impeached Zhao Zhong, the leader of the Ten Standing Attendants, saying that Zhao Zhong's residence exceeded the standard. Then another ten-standing servant, Zhang Rang, asked him for a bribe, and he didn't give a penny.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Anyone who has watched "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" knows that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty once said: Zhang Changshou is my father, and Zhao Changshou is my mother! offended such two eunuchs with real power, and Huangfu Song naturally had a hard time in the following days. Soon, these two people began to speak ill of Huangfu Song in the ears of Emperor Han Ling.

So after that, Huangfu Song was constantly demoted, and the previous fiefdoms, titles, and positions of the general of the chariot cavalry were all gone.

Of course, because of the Liangzhou Qiang Rebellion, Huangfu Song had not lost the most important army at this time. But he didn't play this card well.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

After arriving in Guanzhong, Huangfu Song quickly took up his old job and began to actively resist the Liangzhou rebels. At the same time, in order to better protect Guanzhong, Emperor Ling of Han transferred another person from the border.

This person is Dong Zhuo.

At that time, Dong Zhuo was transferred to Huangfu Song by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty and directly under the management of Huangfu Song.

In the following combat process, there were many differences of opinion between Huangfu Song and Dong Zhuo. And the results later proved that Huang Fu Song was often right and Dong Zhuo was wrong.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

This made Dong Zhuo very angry, and at the same time, it also laid the groundwork for Dong Zhuo to humiliate Huangfu Song when he entered Chang'an.

Of course, even if there are disagreements, as the coach, Huang Fusong still has enough decision-making power. At this time, Huangfu Song had 20,000 elites under his command. Coupled with the 20,000 troops brought by Dong Zhuo, there were a total of 40,000 troops under his command.

Relying on these 40,000 troops, Huangfu Song and the main force of the rebels fought a 'Chencang offensive and defensive battle' in Chencang.

In this war, the rebel commander Kingdom, with superior forces, besieged Chen Cang. And Huangfu Song led the army and defended Chencang. After more than 80 days of siege, Huangfu Song finally waited for an opportunity to wait for the rebels' supplies to run out. And then, when the rebels retreated, Huangfu Song led the army to quickly chase after him, annihilating the main force under the command of the kingdom in one fell swoop.

It was precisely because of this battle that most of the main force of the rebels in Liangzhou was wiped out. At the same time, on the Liangzhou side, Ma Teng and Han Sui began to rise rapidly, and then began to fight against each other for many years.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

After defeating the kingdom, Huangfu Song wanted to take the army and continue to push forward and recover the entire Liangzhou in one go. But at this time, Emperor Han Ling suddenly died!

After the death of Emperor Ling of Han, everything changed. Before Emperor Ling of Han was seriously ill, Dong Zhuo had already led his troops to the north and went to Bingzhou, and then he kept watching in Bingzhou. At the same time, on the side of the capital, the He family and the eunuchs began to kill each other, which finally led to the complete collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty's high-level.

And in this process, what is Huangfu Song doing?

The answer is, he didn't do anything.

After the death of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Huangfu Song, who had 30,000 elites in his hands, retreated directly around Chang'an and began to garrison in situ. He neither went to the political side, nor did he continue to advance in the direction of Liangzhou!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

By the way, during this period, Huangfu Song also missed the biggest opportunity in his life. Before Emperor Ling of Han died, he had ordered Dong Zhuo to hand over all the troops to the command of Huangfu Song. But as a result, Dong Zhuo resisted and disobeyed, and he took the army to Bingzhou.

And in the face of Dong Zhuo's act of resisting the decree, Huangfu Song didn't care about it at all and let Dong Zhuo leave!

Moreover, when Dong Zhuo left, Huang Fu Song's son once persuaded Huang Fu Song to let Huang Fu Song kill Dong Zhuo directly. But Huangfu Song thought that as a minister, he could not kill the deputy general, which was against the law. So in the end, he watched Dong Zhuo lead his troops north.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But if Emperor Fu Song is a little ruthless, there will be no Dong Zhuo's rebellion behind.

And then, when Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang City, the Kwantung Coalition Army began to raise troops against Dong. Huangfu Song, who is in Guanzhong, is particularly important. Gai Xun, who served as Jing Zhaoyin at that time, once made it clear that he was willing to join forces with Huangfu Song to control the entire Guanzhong. Then, the two sent troops together to attack Dong Zhuo from the Guanzhong area.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

If Huangfu Song really listened to Gai Xun's advice at that time and really sent troops from Guanzhong, it is estimated that Dong Zhuo would not be able to pass even a round, and he would be bulldozed directly. After that, Huangfu Song can play the role of Dong Zhuo, holding the emperor and commanding the world.

Or Huangfu Song chose a compromise plan, he could not send troops to attack Dong Zhuo, but relying on the 30,000 elites in his hands, he could directly cut off Guanzhong. With Guanzhong as the basic game, next, even if Huangfu Song wants to compete in the world, he is very likely to win.

But as a result, between the upper and middle strategies, Huangfu Song chose a lower policy!

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

He chose to believe Dong Zhuo, accepted Dong Zhuo's call, and went to the capital to become a 'city gate captain'.

That's outrageous.

From the perspective of later generations, it is really difficult for us to imagine that a local magistrate with a heavy army in his hands and ruled over the entire Guanzhong. Before the chaos in the world, because of a letter from his subordinates, he would directly give up all power and go to the capital to show people the door! Moreover, this subordinate had a lot of contradictions with him before!

We really can't figure it out, what did Huangfu Song think at that time?

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

In this regard, we can only say that this is Huangfu Song is too pedantic. He was completely unaware of political struggle.

And then, after arriving in Luoyang, Dong Zhuo quickly turned his face and directly arrested Huangfu Song. In the end, it was many former friends who pleaded for mercy, so Dong Zhuo really couldn't wipe his face, so he let Huangfu Song go.

Of course, after this, the military power will definitely be gone. After that, Huangfu Song was given a position of 'Imperial History Zhongcheng' by Dong Zhuo at will. Later, because of Dong Zhuo's order, the entire Eastern Han Dynasty moved from Luoyang to Chang'an. And Huangfu Song also went to Chang'an with him.

And after that, when Dong Zhuo entered Chang'an, there was a scene where Huangfu Song knelt to welcome Dong Zhuo.

This scene is really ironic.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But if Emperor Fu Song was a little politically minded, Dong Zhuo would have been frustrated a long time ago.

In short, because he had no political vision, he gave up his military power and left Guanzhong, and Huangfu Song lost his second chance. But then, fate was still on Huangfu Song's side, and soon gave him a third chance.

Soon after everyone moved to Chang'an, the famous 'Lü Bu's assassination of Dong Zhuo' occurred in history. After Dong Zhuo was killed, Huangfu Song was ordered to lead the army to kill the 'Yiwu' built by Dong Zhuo, and completely wiped out the Dong family.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

At this time, Huangfu Song rarely had some military power in his hands again. Coupled with his prestige, as well as his previous influence in Guanzhong, he could completely quickly integrate the entire Guanzhong.

And the most important thing is that after Dong Zhuo was assassinated just now, many of Dong Zhuo's subordinates left behind actually recognized Huangfu Song. Because many of them were subordinates of Huangfu Song before!

In other words, as long as Huangfu Song is willing, he has every chance to take over the entire Xiliang Corps and take over most of the troops left by Dong Zhuo. In the later scripts, he can learn from the later Cao Cao and coerce the Son of Heaven to order the princes.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But as a result, because Wang Yun did not agree at that time, Huangfu Song did nothing in the end.

He really gave up this opportunity completely.

What's even more outrageous is that later Wang Yun was ready to kill all the Xiliang army, causing Li Dao and Guo Yan to lead their troops into Chang'an. After Li Dao and Guo Yan entered Beijing, they didn't actually want to be the boss themselves, but wanted to promote Huangfu Song as the boss. With their help, Huang Fu Song was even directly pushed to the position of Tai Lieutenant at that time, and he could legally control the army.

But as a result, Huangfu Song at this time still didn't have this idea. After becoming a lieutenant, he had no intention of gathering the army at all, and even wanted to give up his position to other ministers.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

Seeing that Huangfu Song was so unreliable, the generals of the Xiliang Army below were impatient. Shortly thereafter, because a meteor fell from the sky, everyone took advantage of this reason to let Emperor Han Xian remove Emperor Song from his position.

In this way, Huangfu Song completely lost all opportunities.

After being dismissed, Huangfu Song lived for another two years before dying in 195 AD. And when he died, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao Cao, Liu Biao and others had already made a pot of porridge. An unprecedented turbulent era has begun completely.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But it's a pity that until his death, Huangfu Song didn't realize this.

Until his death, he still adhered to the 'way of being an official' in peacetime.

This is probably called pedantic.

Throughout Huangfu Song's life, he actually had several opportunities to directly reverse the trend of history. But as a result, because of the red tape he believed in, these opportunities, in the end he gave up all of them.

Huangfu Song, a famous general at the end of the Han Dynasty, had three opportunities to change history, why didn't he seize one of them?

But if Emperor Fu Song was a little ruthless, it would be impossible for Dong Zhuo to leave Guanzhong alive. As long as he has a little political vision, Guanzhong has long been in his pocket.

But it's a pity that until his death, Huangfu Song didn't realize this.

Such an emperor Fu Song, perhaps, we can say that he is a serious 'partial student'.

In terms of fighting, Huangfu Song's skill tree is almost full! But when it comes to politics, he really doesn't know anything!

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