
Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

author:The food of the snow peaks

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing" The meaning of the harvest is good, don't lose the old tradition!

In our lives, the 24 solar terms are very important, especially for agriculture in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. With the passage of time, the Xiaoman solar term has come, Xiaoman is one of the 24 solar terms, and it is also the second solar term in summer. Many of these exquisiteness are related to food, and the beautiful meaning of food comes from our expectation of beauty!

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Remember to eat 1 thing during the small full solar term:

In the north, dumplings are eaten during solar terms or festivals, and dumplings are the most representative food in the tradition, implying that wealth is rolling and happiness is fulfilling! Tomorrow Xiaoman, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing" The meaning of a bumper harvest is good, don't lose the old tradition!

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Recommended ingredients for [fennel pork dumplings]: flour, fennel sprouts, minced meat, green onions, ginger, soy sauce, salt, peanut oil.


Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 1: Wash the fennel seedlings, fennel seedlings have the effect of strengthening the stomach and dispelling dampness, we make dumplings in the small full solar term, and fennel seedlings are the best choice.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 2: Add soy sauce, salt, green onion, ginger and peanut oil to the minced meat and mix well.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 3: Chop the fennel seedlings and put them in the meat filling, stirring well with chopsticks.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 4: Mix the flour with water and stir well, add the flour and form a ball, let it stand for a while and knead it well, knead it into a small agent and roll it into a thick dumpling wrapper with a thick edge in the middle.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 5: Put an appropriate amount of filling on the dumpling wrapper and pinch it with both hands.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 6: The dumplings are wrapped, repeat the steps and wrap them all, and you can prepare to cook the dumplings.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 7: In a large pot, add more water to boil, boil the dumplings, gently push with a spoon to let the dumplings float, then cover the lid and boil, sprinkle in some cold water, cover the lid and continue to cook, repeat 3 times, the dumplings will be cooked through.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, remember to "eat 1 thing, do 1 thing, avoid 1 thing", the meaning of the harvest is good!

Step 8: Take out the dumplings, dip them in garlic and vinegar, the taste is super good, remember to eat dumplings tomorrow Xiaoman, take a good color, and the harvest of the five grains is good!

Remember to do 1 thing during the small full solar term:

With the arrival of the small full solar term, the temperature will rise significantly, the rainfall will increase, it will still be cooler in the morning or evening, the temperature diurnal difference is relatively large, especially after the rainfall, the cooling decline is more obvious, so we should pay attention to the addition or reduction of clothes, especially when sleeping at night, we should pay attention to keeping warm and avoid catching a cold and being caught by the wind.

1 thing to avoid in the small full solar term:

Avoid eating cold drinks: Entering the small full solar term, the temperature continues to rise, people often like to use cold drinks to cool down, at this time, eating raw and cold food is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort and abdominal pain, so we should pay attention to avoid excessive consumption of raw and cold food in terms of diet.

Feng'er's words:

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