
Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

author:Golden plum boiled wine Pearl River review

In recent years, many people have seen the problems of the United States, but where is the danger? How long can the U.S. last? But few people can say it clearly.

If the United States is going to collapse, where will it start? Is it U.S. debt? Dollar? Or is it the torn minds of the United States, the divided strata? Today, we are going to talk about one of the most dangerous things in the United States at the moment, and it is something that many people have not seen.

Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

At the moment, the United States is a country with a lot of problems, but it still looks strong, will it suddenly collapse all at once?

We say that for a powerful empire to collapse suddenly, contradictions must erupt from within, not from outside.

As we all know, the two most dangerous times in American history were the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 and the Great Depression of the 1930s, which almost killed it.

After World War II, the United States dominated the world, and although there were twists and turns in the middle, it never encountered any major dangers.

This is because the United States controls the world, and its economy and military strength have reached the pinnacle of mankind, and no one else can match it.

At the same time, the United States has long been particularly good at foreign struggles, and every time a country threatens it, it is quickly overthrown by them. They are highly vigilant and will never even allow anyone to have this potential.

For example, Germany and Japan in the past, but also those of us who are experiencing this kind of thing now.

What, then, is there at the moment that would be enough to shake the foundations of American domination from within, or even collapse it all at once?

Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

Recently, there is a particularly popular movie called "American Civil War", in which the fierce struggle between the Jews and the Angsa people, the conflict of interests is torn apart, and finally some states are divided, leading to the outbreak of civil war in the United States.

Actually, this contradiction has been going on for a long time, but if you want to say that the Anglo-Saxon are going to exterminate the Jews and then break out into civil war, there are signs of this kind at present, but not to that extent.

It is also said that the biggest crisis in the United States is the U.S. debt, which may lead to the collapse of the federal government's finances, the weakening or even disappearance of power at the federal level, and the independence of the states.

When it comes to U.S. bonds, although he is not the initiator of the problem, the current President Biden is indeed the biggest driver of U.S. bonds.

When Biden took office in 2021, the U.S. debt was only $23 trillion, and now it is 35 trillion, and it has skyrocketed by 12 trillion in more than three years, which is unprecedented.

Recently, I have seen some people whitewash their Americans.

Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

Some people say that most of the U.S. bonds are bought by Americans, which shows that Americans are patriotic and willing to invest money in the country, but the question is whether this is really a good thing for the United States.

In fact, most of the U.S. debt was bought by Americans, and this is precisely the root cause of the outbreak of contradictions within the empire.

How much did the Americans buy for themselves? Who bought it?

At present, the U.S. debt is about 35 trillion US dollars, originally about 70% in China and about 30% overseas, and in the past two years, overseas investors have sold a large number of U.S. bonds, and the proportion of overseas U.S. bonds has dropped to about 21%, and the U.S. government can only force domestic capitalists to take over.

In other words, about 28 trillion U.S. debts have been pressed back into the United States. 28 trillion, about 200 trillion yuan, which is also too scary.

Who bought so many U.S. bonds? Of course, they are big capitalists, and they basically have nothing to do with ordinary people, and even if ordinary people buy them, they can't buy much.

Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

For example, Warren Buffett holds hundreds of billions of U.S. bonds, a fact he deliberately avoided at the shareholders' meeting a few days ago, saying that Berkshire holds more than 180 billion in cash and Treasury bonds.

In fact, the fundamental crisis of the US debt is not that it is too high, let alone the contradiction between the Anglo-Saxon and the Jews, but that the capitalists have become the big creditors of the federal government, and they have even turned some presidents into puppets, which is the most terrible thing.

On the surface, the US federal government forced the capitalists to buy a lot of US bonds, but if you think about it from another angle, in fact, it is the big capitalists who took the opportunity to lend huge amounts of usury to the government, with an interest rate close to 5%!

Historically, it has never been a good thing for capitalists to lend usury to the government, and even become the largest creditor of the powerful powers, and many times the end result is that the powerful governments have moved knives against the capitalists!

This kind of thing has happened to several world hegemons, Britain, the Netherlands, and even Russia!

The most typical example is pre-World War II Germany.

Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

At that time, the Jewish consortium became the largest creditor of the German government, and even the American Jewish consortium rushed to lend usury to the German government, so Germany swelled rapidly, and finally the mustache washed the Jews in blood.

The original sin of the creditors is that they are too rich and too greedy.

When the financial crisis of the powerful is too great to solve, and they can't even afford to pay for it, their way of solving the problem is often to wash the creditors and solve all the problems.

At present, the United States has a tendency to be very much in debt, with higher and higher interest rates, and it is becoming more and more unable to repay the money.

It was not only the Jewish consortium that lended usury to the federal government, but also the Angsa consortium, so they jointly controlled the US government.

The biggest problem is that their democratically elected president and the separation of powers have effectively weakened the government's ability to resist, and most of the time it has become a tool in the hands of the capitalists.

Biden's concern: The Jewish consortium has become a big creditor of the federal government, which could accelerate the American civil war

However, today, the United States is also accompanied by ideological tears and deep social contradictions similar to those of Germany before World War II, and at the same time its national strength is constantly declining.

At present, the most powerful control of the capitalists in the United States is Congress, but they do not have full control over the federal government and the military, let alone the judicial system, and the biggest weakness of the capitalists is that they do not have a unified organization.

Now that Trump has shouted that he wants to nationalize the Federal Reserve, it shows that a sense of resistance has emerged, and will this be the beginning of the federal government's initiative to take the knife against debt?

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