
The best story game of 9 years ago! This masterpiece whose plot is better than the movie, do you understand?

author:PeJoy Games said

When I first came into contact with games more than 20 years ago, I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to play a comedy film and a game in the future. As a result, there are now interactive adventures like The Walking Dead, Rainstorm Killing, Detroit Human, and Life is Strange. Among these excellent works, the one that impressed me the most was "Life is Strange", which was named the best plot 9 years ago.

The best story game of 9 years ago! This masterpiece whose plot is better than the movie, do you understand?

The production team of this game has also developed "Forget-Me-Not", and when I finished playing "Forget-Me-Not", I felt that they were very good at telling this kind of story that connects science fiction with the primitive emotions of human beings, and the art part is also very prominent, but unfortunately the gameplay can't be taken into account, but Strange Life can be said to make up for the regret of "Forget-me-not". Once again, they did a great job, using their time-controlled superpowers to make an interactive film more engaging, and really managed to make the plot more exciting than the movie.

Probably due to the lack of human resources in the production team, Life is Strange also uses a chapter-like approach to slowly release the entire complete story. As soon as you enter the game of Life is Strange, you can feel the strict requirements of the production team for visuals, the fonts are all written in a notepad-like handwriting, and the fresh and simple painting style and hand-drawn rendering style make the picture look very comfortable.

The best story game of 9 years ago! This masterpiece whose plot is better than the movie, do you understand?

The plot of the story refers to and synthesizes the themes of many well-known writers and movies, for example, the beginning of the whole thing began when the heroine Max foresaw that the town she lived in was destroyed by a tornado, and her original simple and ordinary life was completely turned upside down because of this incident. The town is full of suspicions, with fond memories of childhood deaths, disappearances of schoolgirls, gossip and short stories from residents similar to Stephen King's novels.

"Photography" is also a very important element in the story, and many of the photos taken by the heroine will come in handy. When Max witnesses a murder in the bathroom by chance, and her time-controlling superpowers are unlocked, Max feels like a superhero who can turn back time and fix mistakes. Because of this incident, he was able to reunite with his childhood friend Chloe, and the two became best friends who talked about everything.

Because Life is Strange is an interactive adventure, it's visually exquisite, and you can see every detail of the scene, such as the classroom, the street, and the cafeteria. The costumes and hairstyles of the characters are also carefully planned, and you can tell at a glance the personalities of the characters, who are good students, who are bad teenagers, who are rebellious girls, and so on.

The best story game of 9 years ago! This masterpiece whose plot is better than the movie, do you understand?

Although everyone will say that school life is very simple compared to the world after leaving society, but for today's era when Internet information is convenient and teenagers are easy to learn badly and deviate, every school has more or less evil claws invading, such as drugs, aid and even unscrupulous teachers. The world of childhood is not separated from the world of adults, but we are born to be tainted by these evils bit by bit.

For the dark side of this kind of school violence, Strange Life can be said to be a sharp point to point out this dark side. I really like the portrayal of the "time control" superpower of Life is Strange, like many stories about time and space, the heroine is ecstatic when she has this ability at the beginning, and if she is a little dissatisfied with any small thing, she will quickly go back to the last second to make up for the mistake.

Players can deeply appreciate this advantage, for example, if the teacher asks a question, you can't answer it at the moment, and when you know the answer, you can go back to the previous moment and fight back beautifully. It's also a superpower that everyone really wants to have, because it gives us more opportunities to fix decisions that we regret.

The best story game of 9 years ago! This masterpiece whose plot is better than the movie, do you understand?

Because Life is Strange is a game with a multi-line plot, players often face a dilemma, and it won't take long for you to discover the theme of this game, which is the most wonderful, difficult, and biggest subject of life, that is, even though the heroine Max can travel through time and space, the power of the butterfly effect pushes herself into the abyss. After reversing a mistake, only to be manipulated by an invisible force, you may think that it is the right thing to do at the moment, but over time the situation gets worse and worse. The mentality of digging the east wall and making up the west wall makes our lives never go well, this is the small part of us human beings, and the power of one person cannot change the whole environment.

For example, a person who won the jackpot died in a car accident while going to collect the prize, and his friends were also sad and even lost their jobs or became seriously ill. Is it better not to win the lottery in the first place? But if you don't win this prize, what will happen in your life? This kind of chaos theory is something that human beings can't prevent and predict, what will happen in the next moment? We never know.

The best story game of 9 years ago! This masterpiece whose plot is better than the movie, do you understand?

And we will live a smooth and healthy life until now, and all the things and friends around us are also the result of many small things interacting with each other. That's why there is a saying of "fate", there are 8 billion people on the earth, why are you and me meeting today? Why is it that you clicked on this article and not someone else? Therefore, no matter what sad things happen that cannot be saved, we must be brave enough to stand up again and strive to move forward into the future, instead of being immersed in the memories of the past, what has happened has happened and there is no going back.

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