
What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

author:Dr. Sun's class

In modern society, men's health issues are gradually gaining attention, and one of the common but often overlooked problems is premature ejaculation. According to a data analysis, about 30% of men worldwide have faced premature ejaculation in their lives. Not only does this put a significant strain on an individual's mental health, but it can also seriously damage an otherwise harmonious relationship between couples. Many men may rush to seek medication when they experience this problem, but medication is not the only solution. Here, we'll look at five non-pharmacological solutions that we hope will provide some practical advice for troubled men.

What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

1. Optimize your mindset to adapt to changes and adjust your mental state to the best

First of all, psychological factors are one of the important triggers of premature ejaculation. Constant psychological stress, excessive anxiety and nervous emotional states can all trigger premature ejaculation during sex. Many men show excessive self-concern and worry during sex, fearing that they will not perform well, which can lead to psychological tension and trigger premature ejaculation. Therefore, adjusting your mental state is the first step in solving the problem of premature ejaculation.

An effective strategy is to melt the tension with relaxation exercises. Deep relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga are effective aids for men in maintaining inner peace and tranquility during sex. Studies have shown that regular relaxation training can significantly reduce the frequency of premature ejaculation. Therefore, male friends should set aside a moment in their daily busyness and focus on relaxation training to optimize and adjust their mental state.

What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

2. Conduct behavioral therapy

Behavior modification is an effective strategy that focuses on modifying behavior patterns to cope with and overcome premature ejaculation. Widely used behavioral therapies include the "pause-restart" technique and the "squeeze" approach to address premature ejaculation. Both methods are designed to help men ejaculate longer and improve their control over ejaculation.

The "pause-restart" technique is a practice designed to gradually exercise and improve ejaculation control. When men feel that they are about to reach a critical point for ejaculation, they should cut off all external stimuli and wait for the urge to ejaculate to subside before proceeding. This process can be repeated several times, gradually lengthening the ejaculation time.

The "squeezing" technique involves gently squeezing the head of the penis with your thumb and forefinger to reduce the urge to ejaculate when you are about to ejaculate. This method also needs to be practiced repeatedly to achieve the best results.

What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

3. Strengthens pelvic floor muscles

The strength of the pelvic floor muscles plays a crucial role in male sexual function, which directly affects the quality of sexual life and the normal functioning of sexual function. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help men have better control over their ejaculation. Kegel exercises are a specific type of exercise that targets the pelvic floor muscles, and it is not only suitable for women but also for men.

The basic method of Kegel exercises is to contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles. Men can try to consciously interrupt the flow of urine during urination as a way to locate and exercise the pelvic floor muscles, which are closely related to sexual function. Men then perform an array of pelvic floor muscle contractions and relaxation exercises daily for a few seconds, gradually increasing the number and duration as the exercise progresses. Studies have shown that after a few months of Kegel exercise training, many men experience significant improvements in premature ejaculation symptoms.

What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

4. Improve the quality of sexual life

The quality of sex can also affect the timing of ejaculation. Communication with your partner is crucial. By communicating, understanding each other's needs and preferences, can reduce stress and enhance intimacy, which can help men better control their ejaculation.

In addition, the frequency of sex also needs to be adjusted appropriately. Having sex too often can lead to physical fatigue, which in turn can affect ejaculation control. Too little sex may increase the urge to ejaculate. Therefore, finding a suitable frequency is very important to improve the problem of premature ejaculation.

What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

5. Adjust your diet and lifestyle habits

Healthy eating habits and regular daily routines are important factors that cannot be ignored in terms of the positive impact of male sexual function. A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and moderate exercise are the key cornerstones for maintaining stable male sexual function. Studies have shown that foods rich in zinc, vitamin E and amino acids can help promote the effective secretion of sex hormones, thereby strengthening and enhancing sexual function. For example, foods such as seafood, nuts, and leafy greens can all help improve premature ejaculation.

In addition, in order to maintain good health and the proper functioning of sexual function, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are indispensable steps. Long-term smoking and alcohol abuse significantly harm blood circulation and nervous system health, and may induce multiple health risks, thus causing negative effects on sexual function. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol not only helps improve premature ejaculation, but it is also beneficial for overall health.

What to do if a man is "too fast"? Don't rush to take medicine first, these solutions are worth trying

The problem of premature ejaculation, while common, is not unsolvable. Many men can improve this problem without relying on medication by adjusting their mental state, engaging in behavioral therapy, strengthening their pelvic floor muscles, improving the quality of their sexual life, and adjusting their diet and lifestyle habits. It is important for male friends to maintain a positive attitude, face problems bravely, and take a scientific approach to adjustment. Hopefully, these five tips will help you regain your confidence and enjoy a healthy and harmonious sex life. #头条创作挑战赛#

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