
In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

author:Northern urban culture

[Northern Urban Culture, Huaxia Edition] ‖ 2024 No. 40 ‖ News Hot Spots‖ Colorful May, the work of helping the disabled is in progress

Original Northern Orchid Grass Northern Urban Culture 2024-05-19 09:23 Jilin

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

Masthead inscription: Geng Ming

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

——The volunteer service team of "Northern Urban Culture" and a number of teams jointly carried out a series of activities to help the "National Day for the Disabled".

Colorful May, full of passion. On the occasion of the 34th "National Day for the Disabled", on May 17, the volunteer service team of "Northern Urban Culture" and Songbin Community, Tuanjie Street, Ningjiang District, Provincial and Municipal Disabled Writers' Association, Songyuan Association for the Physically Handicapped, Songyuan Literary and Art Volunteer Association, Songyuan Women Photographers Association, Songyuan Voice Recitation Art Troupe, Songyuan Film and Television Artists Association and other associations jointly launched the "National Day for the Disabled" in Tuanjie Street, Ningjiang District, Songyuan City, with the theme of "Equality, Integration, and Sharing to Promote the Modernization of the Cause of the Disabled". "Series of events. More than 50 people from various teams participated in the event. The event, which was mainly based on theatrical performances and calligraphy and paper-cutting live demonstrations, lasted more than two hours, and everyone's exquisite interpretation won warm applause from the audience.

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway
In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

Zhang Dapeng of the Publicity, Culture and Sports Department of the Songyuan Disabled Persons' Federation, Li Zihe, Vice Chairman of the Songyuan Literary and Art Volunteer Association, Wang Guifen and Liu Lihua, Deputy Secretary-General, Zhang Juntao, Chairman of the Songyuan Daily Labor Union and President of the Songnen River Basin Literature Association, Wang Guifen, Head of the Songyuan Voice Recitation Art Troupe, Hu Wancai, Head of the Songyuan Fanghua Art Troupe, Li Yanling, Provincial Inheritor of Guoerros Paper-cutting, a representative project of provincial intangible cultural heritage, and other leaders of relevant departments were invited to attend the event. Artists from various teams presented different forms of programs such as calligraphy, paper-cutting, recitation, yoga, and dance during the event. What is touching is that Hou Yutian, an expert and professor of potential externalization development education in Songyuan City, and a Chinese culture consultant of the volunteer service team of "Northern Urban Culture", who is already in his eighties, also came to the performance venue to applaud the actors.


The performance kicked off with the cheerful dance steps of the opening dance "Ocean of Joy" of the Fujiangyuan Rainbow Dance Team. Subsequently, the joint recitation of "Embrace Spring", "My South and North", the solo recitation of "Love My China", "China in the Moonlight", "Ode to the Motherland" and other programs have made wonderful appearances. During this period, Li Hongxi, a teacher from the volunteer service team of "Northern Urban Culture", told about his experience of being disabled and tenacious for many years, and composed and recited the ancient style "Inspirational Song". With a high-pitched and loud voice, he shows a hard-working, open-minded and optimistic attitude towards life.

Xu Li, president of the Songyuan Readers Reading Club, recently wrote and recited the narrative essay "He Lived as a Light", describing the inspirational story of Chen Shi, president of the Songyuan Blind Association, who strives for self-improvement and hard work. Zhu Xiangshun, vice president of Hongyuan Poetry Society, poet and writer, wrote and recited her poem "Praise for Zhang Xiaoyan with Disabilities", and praised Zhang Xiaoyan, editor-in-chief of the editorial department of "Northern Urban Culture" and captain of the volunteer service team of "Northern Urban Culture", for many years to promote the beautiful Songyuan and promote the excellent culture of his hometown, and his spirit of selfless dedication...... In the yoga dance "Jiu'er", the double fan dance "Red Chinese Knot", the dance "Kangding Love Song", the fan dance "Shangchun Mountain" and other programs, the actors' beautiful dancing posture and healthy and upward style were welcomed by the audience, and expressed the sincere feelings of the actors and the disabled people who love the motherland and their hometown.

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

Li Zihe, a member of the Songyuan Calligraphers Association, the president of the Binjiang Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Ningjiang District, and a calligrapher, Gao Yongchen and Yu Enyou, a member of the Songyuan Calligraphers Association and a member of the Songyuan Painting and Calligraphy Institute, also presented ink treasures to the audience. Li Yanling, the provincial inheritor of Guoerros paper-cutting, demonstrated her exquisite paper-cutting skills. Wang Shuzhi, a photographer from several photography groups, and Qu Fengwei from the Songyuan Women Photographers Association undertook the shooting task of the event, took a large number of photos, and left precious image materials for the event. According to the recorder, during the event, the calligraphy and paper-cutting works dedicated by the artists will be donated to the disabled people free of charge. Finally, the participants held a number of calligraphy works and paper-cut works created on the spot, and successfully closed the curtain in the chorus of "My Motherland and Me".

After the theatrical performance, the participants came to the activity room of the volunteer service team of "Northern Urban Culture" in Tuanjie Street, and watched the arts and crafts and photography works of the disabled on display, as well as the Baidu Manchu paper-cutting and gourd painting exhibition boards. Everyone admired the exquisite skills and profound cultural connotations shown in the works, and raised their mobile phones to take pictures of their favorite works, lingering in the hundred gardens of art.

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

Practice has proved that this activity will have a certain impact in order to better practice the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the disabled at the grassroots level, display the cultural and artistic achievements of the disabled, and actively carry out the civilized practice of helping the disabled. It has played a certain role in promoting the cultural work of the community and the construction of spiritual civilization in Songyuan City, and has dedicated a sincere gift to the 34th "National Day for the Disabled".

Written by: Shen Shuli

Photography and video: Wang Shuzhi, Qu Fengwei, Li Yanling, Yang Xiaoguang, Wang Guifen, Li Hongxi, Pu Lihong, Wang Tidong, Song Liyan, Xu Li, He Yanhua, Sun Kuimin, Liu Lihua, Zhu Xiangshun, Zhong Yan, Zhang Xiaoyan, etc

Editorial Department of Northern Urban Culture

Literary Advisors: Ji Zhenyu, Jin Wei

Wind Consultants: Shen Fengxiang, Wang Guofa

Sinology Consultants: Shen Hongyou, Hou Yutian

Artistic advisors: Zhang Guizhi, Zhao Xin, Wang Guifen, Geng Ming

Review consultants: Yao Zongxi, Fu Baokui, Wang Fengqi

General Counsel: Li Mingjun

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Xiaoyan

Executive Editors-in-Chief: Shen Shuli, Gu Guohong, Zhou Changlong

Editors-in-Chief: Wu Yumei, Wu Yao, Wang Guoqi, Wang Di

Deputy editors-in-chief: Xu Li, Yang Xiaomei, Chai Liyan, Jia Chunhui


Matsuga Basin Literature Company

Northern Metropolis Culture Editorial Department

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway


Matsubara City Disabled Persons' Federation

Songyuan City Literary and Art Volunteer Association

Matsubara City Film and Television Artists Association

Songyuan City Ningjiang District Writers Association

Matsubara City Women Photographers Association

Songbara Civic Artists Association

Jilin Oilfield Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Sports Association

Golden Autumn Club

Songyuan Gas Production Plant of Jilin Oilfield

Jilin Oilfield Fire Detachment

Jilin Oilfield Power Supply Company

Sound of Songbara Recitation Art Troupe

"Reader" reading club

Dongzhen Radio Drama Club

Jilin Longhua Biography Culture Studio

Volunteer of traditional culture of Matsumon Plain Shosha

Chagan Lake Sanqu Society

Submission email: [email protected]

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

This issue is edited by Zhang Xiaoyan

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

This issue is edited by Li Mingjun

In May, the work of helping the disabled is underway

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