
Science and technology sports into the campus! The Olympic champion invites you to get high

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily on May 18 (all-media reporter Yang Sihan, Huang Jing, correspondent Zhang Yixuan, Ren Yong) "The Olympic champion came to our school, and he personally taught us how to play badminton...... "On May 18, Changsha Junjing Senior High School held a unique "science and technology sports into the campus" theme open day activity. At the same time, the Hunan Provincial Aviation Sports Management Center and Junjin High School reached a strategic cooperation intention, and Junjin High School became the only "Hunan Provincial Aviation Science and Technology Sports Talent Training Demonstration Base" among the private schools in Xiangjiang New Area.

Science and technology sports into the campus! The Olympic champion invites you to get high

At the scene, Olympic champion Chen Lijun and badminton Grand Slam winner Tian Qing exchanged sports knowledge and interacted with the students, and they used their personal experience and successful experience to convey positive values and life attitudes to the students; The power of role models inspires students to constantly challenge themselves, pursue excellence, and strive to achieve their dreams.

Science and technology sports into the campus! The Olympic champion invites you to get high

Tian Qing said that badminton is a very collective sport that requires close cooperation between team members. In training and competitions, high school students can learn to communicate and collaborate with others, and develop team spirit and a sense of collective pride. "With the popularity of badminton and the improvement of the level of competition, more and more high school students will choose to become badminton specialists. These students will receive more professional and refined training to improve their competitive level. ”

The presence and interaction of the Olympic champions has stimulated the love and pursuit of science and technology sports among young people. The reporter learned that the school will introduce science and technology sports into daily teaching, and promote the innovation and development of physical education through the power of science and technology. It not only brings a new sports experience to the campus, but also invisibly promotes the organic integration of moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education and labor education.

Science and technology sports into the campus! The Olympic champion invites you to get high

Deng Zhihong, the principal of the school, said that through the introduction of technological elements, traditional physical education teaching has become more vivid and interesting, which can attract students' attention and stimulate their curiosity and desire for knowledge. This helps to develop students' initiative and creativity, allowing them to participate more actively in physical activities. At the same time, by using modern technology, teachers can more accurately assess students' athletic performance and skill mastery, and provide them with more personalized guidance and advice. "In the next step, the school will actively promote and apply science and technology sports into the campus, and contribute to the cultivation of more outstanding talents with innovative spirit and practical ability."

"Indeed, science and technology sports have promoted innovation in educational methods, which has enabled more and more educational resources to be shared and integrated. Schools can make the most of these resources to provide students with a richer and more diverse learning experience. This not only helps to improve the learning effect of students, but also cultivates their comprehensive quality and ability. Jiang He of the Hunan Provincial Aviation Sports Management Center said that by participating in science and technology sports projects, students can show their talents and strength, and win social recognition and respect. This sense of recognition and respect will motivate students to work harder to learn and grow, laying a solid foundation for their future careers.

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