
A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

author:Longnan Hui County Media


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Sauerkraut fish

The charm of sauerkraut fish comes from its unique cooking process. Fresh fish, paired with home-made pickled sauerkraut, supplemented with chili, ginger and garlic and other seasonings, is skillfully cooked to present a delicious dish with excellent color and flavor. The fish is tender and the sauerkraut is sour, and the two complement each other and make it unforgettable.

Scrambled eggs with broad beans

Fava beans are rich in protein, dietary fiber, and a variety of vitamins that help boost physical strength and immunity. Eggs, on the other hand, are a source of high-quality protein that can replenish the nutrients needed by the body.

Sauté shredded potatoes

Stir-fried potatoes are delicious in color and flavor, and have a crisp and refreshing taste, making them a good choice for rice or as an accompaniment to alcohol.

Roasted duck with konjac

Konjac roasted duck not only has a unique taste, but it is also nutritious. Konjac is rich in dietary fiber and minerals, which help with digestion and detoxification; Duck meat, on the other hand, is rich in protein and vitamins, which can nourish the body and improve immunity.


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Sweet and sour pork ribs

Sweet and sour pork ribs have a crispy skin on the outside and juicy on the inside, and the sweet and sour flavor is endless.

Sweet and sour pork ribs are not only delicious, but also nutritious, making them a must-have for family dinners.

Amaranth with garlic

Amaranth is rich in vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity, improve eyesight, and help prevent diseases such as anemia.

Stir-fried shrimp with asparagus

Asparagus is rich in vitamins and minerals, while shrimp is rich in high-quality protein and trace elements, and the two are delicious and healthy together.

Stir-fried shredded lettuce

Stir-fried shredded lettuce must be fried quickly over high heat, so as to keep the lettuce green and crisp. When the shredded lettuce is fried until it is broken, it can be removed from the pan and served on a plate.

Stir-fried shredded lettuce is not only simple to make, but also has a refreshing taste, which is very suitable for summer consumption.


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Eggs scrambled fungus

The tenderness of the eggs and the crispness of the fungus complement each other, and the taste is rich and varied, which will increase the appetite.

Scrambled fungus with eggs is not only a delicacy, but also rich in protein and dietary fiber, which is very beneficial to health.


Artemisia root is a nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and appetizing. The dried fragrant is the best of the bean products, with a delicate taste and overflowing bean aroma. Stir-frying the two together not only has a rich taste, but also allows people to enjoy the food while getting healthy nourishment.

Braised crucian carp

Braised crucian carp is not only a delicacy but also a nutritious home-cooked dish.

Senzhang knot roasted pork

Senjani knot, a traditional ingredient made from soy products, is made with a unique production process that gives it a unique taste. The production process of the thousand knot is cumbersome and delicate, requiring multiple processes such as soaking, grinding, boiling, and drying, and finally forming a soy product that is as thin as a cicada's wings and full of toughness. And roast pork is another protagonist in this dish. High-quality pork is selected, and after multiple processes such as marinating, frying, and stewing, the roast meat is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fat but not greasy.


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Water spinach stalks

Water spinach, also known as macaroni, is a common leafy green. People have the impression that water spinach mainly eats leaves, and few people pay attention to its stems. However, it is these seemingly inconspicuous water spinach stalks that contain rich nutrients and a unique taste. Water spinach stems are extremely nutritious. It is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, etc. These nutrients play an important role in maintaining good health and improving immunity. In addition, water spinach stalks are also rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation and other problems.

Stir-fried gourd

Gourd, also known as gourd, is one of the common vegetables in summer. It has a long and round shape, a smooth surface, thin skin and thick flesh, and a crisp and tender taste.

River prawns in scallion oil

The meat of river shrimp is delicate, delicious, rich in protein, minerals and a variety of trace elements, which has a significant effect on enhancing human immunity and promoting metabolism.

Braised chicken

As a Chinese dish with a long history and rich cultural connotation, braised chicken not only satisfies the needs of people's taste buds, but also inherits the excellent food culture of the Chinese nation.


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Stir-fried garlic moss with pork belly

Pork belly is rich in protein and fat, which can provide the body with the energy it needs; Garlic moss is rich in vitamins and minerals, which help to strengthen the body's immunity.

Qing Feng Feng

The charm of steamed mandarin fish lies in its light yet delicious taste, delicate and layered taste. The fish is tender and juicy, melts in your mouth, blends with the aroma of the seasoning, and has an endless aftertaste.

Shredded cabbage and pork

Shredded pork with pickled cabbage is an enduring home-cooked dish. With its unique taste and rich nutritional value, this dish is deeply loved by the masses. The saltiness of the pickled cabbage and the mellow flavor of the pork are perfectly blended, giving you an endless aftertaste. Pickled cabbage, also known as snow mushroom, is a common pickled vegetable.

Soy sauce chicken

This traditional dish, which originated in ancient times, is loved by diners for its bright red color, mellow taste, and smooth taste. After thousands of years of inheritance and development, soy sauce chicken has become an indispensable part of Chinese food culture.


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Shredded lettuce with garlic

On a hot summer day, a refreshing and delicious shredded lettuce with garlic can always bring a touch of coolness. This dish is loved for its emerald green color, crisp texture, and fresh flavor, and has become a regular at many people's tables.

Braised beef

Beef is rich in nutrients such as protein and B vitamins, which help to strengthen physical strength and immunity.

Scrambled eggs with green peppers

The color combination of scrambled eggs with green peppers is also quite aesthetic. The green peppers and golden eggs complement each other, making the whole dish look particularly attractive.

Roasted pork with bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which help to promote digestion and enhance immunity.


A collection of home-cooked menus of the week for you to get cooking inspiration

Spinach mixed with pork liver

Pork liver with spinach is not only delicious, but also a nutritious dish. Pork liver is rich in protein, iron, vitamin A and other nutrients, which has the effect of nourishing blood, nourishing the liver and brightening the eye. Spinach is rich in chlorophyll, dietary fiber and vitamin C, which have antioxidant, cholesterol-lowering, and constipation prevention.

Garlic vermicelli shrimp

Garlic vermicelli shrimp is a seafood dish with good color and flavor. It combines tender shrimp meat, smooth vermicelli and rich garlic aroma to make it endlessly delicious as you taste it.

Dry-fried beans

Dried carob beans are not only delicious but also have high nutritional value. The dietary fiber in beans helps promote intestinal peristalsis and improve digestive function; The vitamin C in it helps to resist oxidation and delay aging.

Spicy diced chicken

Spicy delicaciesIn the vast world of Chinese food culture, spicy chicken has become the favorite of countless diners with its unique taste and attractive color.