
One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

author:Talk about poetry and words
One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

In life, who doesn't yearn for a beautiful love, and who doesn't want to realize the dream in their heart? Although many times it backfires, and some people who like each other always pass by, these are not reasons for everyone to be slack and lazy, let alone a basis for indulgence or sinking.

Love is like a long journey, sometimes with wind and sunshine, sometimes with wind and rain. Lovers will sometimes be heart-to-heart, sometimes inseparable. Only by experiencing the ice and snow together and going through the difficult years together can we truly rely on each other and grow old together. The following introduces a poem by Gu Cheng, with many images, a combination of fiction and reality, which gives people profound enlightenment.

One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

Cheng is a well-known poet of the Hazy School, who moved from the capital Beijing to live in a remote village in Shandong Province with his family since he was a child. Although the conditions were difficult, the flowers and trees, birds and animals in the countryside, as well as the green mountains and clear waters, and the simple villagers all left a deep impression on the poet, and also became good material for his future literary creation.

Gu Cheng's poetry is rich in imagination and novel in its views, which has had a great impact on the development of modern poetry. His poetic language is natural and emotional, like a carefully constructed fairytale kingdom. At the same time, some of his works are also full of sad and helpless expressions, especially the ending of his life is even more lamenting.

One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

The poem begins with a dialogue between the two protagonists, with the male protagonist looking affectionately at his sleepy lover and reminding her not to fall asleep because there is still a long way to go. At the same time, the surrounding forest is full of unknowns and temptations, and if you lose concentration or are in a trance, you may encounter accidents.

The snow had not yet cleared, the north wind was howling, and they had walked a long way, already exhausted. Although the male protagonist is still fighting hard, he also feels that he is about to be unable to survive in such a cold weather.

At this moment, as long as he relaxes a little, he may lie here forever with his lover. So while stroking his lover's face, he kept whispering in her ear to encourage her, dear, don't lose hope!

One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

The second paragraph is full of meaning, the snow water is pure and colorless, and it can't actually leave any traces on the hand, but the cold feeling can touch the heart and leave a deep imprint in the depths of the mind.

Solid shoulders are a reflection of mutual trust when you are helpless. The hazy morning light is the easiest to make people fall into a drowsy, while the stimulation of ice and snow will make people wake up a little and then get out of the confusion strongly.

One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

At this time, the male protagonist began to be full of romantic imagination again, although a storm made the road more muddy, but we only need to go through this last journey, we can return home smoothly. At that point, you will see "a circular green area near the ancient tower." "The author skillfully combines the ancient and the real, showing a picture full of traditional culture and youthful vitality.

At the same time, the author again continued to describe in an affectionate tone, "I will guard your tired dreams there, drive away the night, and leave only the bronze drum and the sun." "The brass drum gives people the courage to forge ahead, and the sun gives people a strong sense of hope, which also inspires lovers to immediately stand up bravely and move on hand with their lovers.

One of Gu Cheng's poems, combining fiction and reality, gives people profound enlightenment

The last stanza describes the sweet feelings of the lovers after realizing their dreams and reaping happiness, they see the raging waves next to the ancient pagoda, the sand shining golden in the sun, and the beautiful sound of seagulls, pine waves, waves, etc., which is intoxicating, and can enjoy the infinite joy after success.

The whole text has many images, rich imagination, a combination of fiction and reality, and far-reaching implications. The poet seems to be telling people that they don't need to panic or be discouraged when they encounter difficulties, and only by uniting and helping each other and working together can they overcome difficulties, tide over difficulties, and finally feel the beauty of love and experience the joy brought by career success!