
Nanhai Art High School: It plans to enroll 770 students, and broadens the new direction of talent training with the brand of art education 2024 Preparatory Season

author:Eye-catching video

On May 17, the "Good School at the Doorstep" enrollment lecture and test preparation suggestions live interview program hosted by Foshan News and Media Center invited Zhang Xingting, vice principal of Nanhai District Art Senior High School, to interpret the highlights of the school's 2024 high school entrance examination enrollment on the spot.

Nanhai Art High School: It plans to enroll 770 students, and broadens the new direction of talent training with the brand of art education 2024 Preparatory Season

Zhang Xingting, vice principal of Nanhai Art High School, was invited to interpret the highlights of the school's 2024 high school entrance examination.

This year, Nanhai Art High School plans to enroll 770 students, including 570 art students (including 50 independent enrollment) and 200 ordinary students, with a total of 14 teaching classes, including 8 art classes, 2 music and dance classes, and 4 general high school classes. Among them, 40 ordinary students are recruited from the city, 60 ordinary students and 100 index students are recruited from Nanhai District. Zhang Xingting suggested that art students with a professional score of more than 150 points and a score of more than 560 points in Foshan second-model cultural subjects, music students with a professional score of more than 70 points and more than 530 points in Foshan second-model cultural subjects, dance students with a professional score of more than 68 points and more than 510 points in Foshan second-model cultural subjects, and ordinary students with a score of more than 610 points in Foshan second-model culture subjects should apply for Nanhai Art High School with their first choice, and have a greater chance of admission.

In terms of independent enrollment, Nanhai Art High School plans to enroll 40 art students, 9 music students, and 1 dance student. "All candidates can fill in the independent enrollment of fine arts." Zhang Xingting said that because art students are generally strong in liberal arts and weak in science, the school uses the combined total score of five subjects in the Foshan high school entrance examination as the basis for admission, and removes the scores of physics and chemistry. In addition, ordinary students who have not passed the major but have good cultural scores or have not taken the professional examination for special reasons but have a strong interest in art can also apply. For the candidates who wish to enroll in music and dance independently, the minimum control line for cultural scores will be delineated according to the top 60% of the total number of cultural subjects (excluding bonus points) in the high school entrance examination, and on the basis of the cultural score reaching the control line, the comprehensive evaluation results will be admitted from high to low.

Nanhai Art High School: It plans to enroll 770 students, and broadens the new direction of talent training with the brand of art education 2024 Preparatory Season

Nanhai Art High School.

Nanhai Art High School is a key public high school with art education as the brand feature, the predecessor of the school was founded in 1928 Nanhai Normal School, a famous school in southern Guangdong, and transformed into a key high school in 2003. It is now a national exemplary ordinary high school in Guangdong Province, a national advanced unit of school art education, a national college art unified school examination center, and one of the 300 characteristic high school cultivation schools in the country, and will be selected as a high-level characteristic "art comprehensive" creation project school in Foshan in 2023.

The school has a strong teaching force and complete hardware facilities, with 219 teachers on staff, about 20% of art teachers, 36% of senior cultural teachers, 35 provincial and municipal famous teachers and famous class teachers, and nearly 100 school-level backbone teachers. There are 3 art buildings, 2 music buildings, 1 dance building, 1 comprehensive building and other teaching rooms, which provide great convenience for teaching.

Nanhai Art High School: It plans to enroll 770 students, and broadens the new direction of talent training with the brand of art education 2024 Preparatory Season
Nanhai Art High School: It plans to enroll 770 students, and broadens the new direction of talent training with the brand of art education 2024 Preparatory Season
Nanhai Art High School: It plans to enroll 770 students, and broadens the new direction of talent training with the brand of art education 2024 Preparatory Season

Zhang Xingting introduced that the school takes "paying equal attention to art and literature, art and culture" as the cultural school-running idea, and "three going out, two returning" as the art school-running idea, providing systematic and scientific art courses, innovating and improving the art curriculum system, so that students can go out of the campus to experience and feel, let teachers go out of the school for teaching and research exchanges, and let the works go out of the campus to be tested; Return to the origin of art education, strengthen the cultivation of aesthetic taste, return to the foundation of art teaching, consolidate professional skills and literacy, promote the development of students' specialties, and broaden the new direction of talent training.

In the past 20 years of transformation, Nanhai Art High School has focused on the development of art education brand characteristics, and has achieved remarkable results in running schools, with students all over the famous schools in China, and appearing on national stages such as the Beijing Winter Olympics and "The Great Journey". Every year, it sends a large number of outstanding graduates to Tsinghua University, Chinese People's University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing Dance Academy, China Academy of Art, China Conservatory of Music and other well-known art academies.

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Parents of candidates are welcome to participate in the "Foshan High-quality High School and Secondary Vocational School Large-scale Meeting"!

Time: May 19, 2024 (Sunday) 8:30~12:00 a.m

Venue: Foshan Media K-PARK Cultural and Creative Industry Park

At that time, high-quality high schools and secondary vocational schools from Foshan will be unveiled, and the principals and teachers in charge of the admissions office of the participating schools will face to face to comprehensively analyze the important information related to the high school entrance examination; There will be a special stage part on the spot, and famous teachers and education experts from famous schools in Foshan will be invited to explain the subject preparation for parents and candidates, and analyze the skills of voluntary filling and the goal positioning of school selection.

Text, photo/Li Xin, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

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