
UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight


For nearly a decade, the replacement of UFC heavyweight champions has been in the spotlight. From 2010 to the present, a series of outstanding fighters have ascended to the throne of this highest honor.

UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight

In 2010, Brock Kleiners became a UFC heavyweight champion and was impressed by his strong stature and virtuosity. Although it didn't get off to a good start, he eventually won the title in 2008 and successfully defended it two years in a row.

UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight

Kane Velázquez lifted the UFC heavyweight title three times in 2011 and in 2013 and 2014. His excellent stamina and excellent ability to resist strikes make him an unbeatable presence. However, his undefeated streak was shattered in an earth-shattering knockout, which made his path to the title even tougher.

UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight

Dos Santos won the heavyweight title twice in 2011 and 2012. His nickname "Xiao Ju" accurately describes his strong combat prowess, and his eight-game winning record is enough to prove his strength.

UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight

Fabricio Winton, known as "Father-in-law", won the UFC heavyweight title two years in a row in 2014 and 2015. His comeback path can be described as a series of victories, and in the end he defeated Kane to become a true UFC heavyweight champion.

UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight

Miocchi, known by his nickname "Little Cop", won the UFC heavyweight championship trophy three consecutive years in 2016, 2017 and 2018, setting UFC history. His strength and perseverance are admirable, making him one of the brightest boxers of the last decade.

UFC Decade Heavyweight Glory: Ju, Father-in-law, Black Ball, Legendary Fight

Cormier "The Black Ball" won the UFC heavyweight title in 2018, and his performance and precision of tactics have made him one of the most high-profile boxers. However, his throne did not last long and was eventually reclaimed by Miocchi.

In 2021, the iron-blooded Naganno became the UFC heavyweight champion, and he managed to get his revenge in a thrilling rematch to become the new UFC heavyweight champion. The victory not only marked his path to the top, but also highlighted his rise to prominence in the boxing world.

The UFC heavyweight title changes have been dizzying for nearly a decade, but Mioci "Little Men" is undoubtedly the No. 1 man to defend his title three in a row, earning him the respect and affection of many fans.