
The worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, is it really fake?

author:Qi misses her mother

My colleague Xiao Liu was pregnant with her first baby, which should have been a joyful thing, but Xiao Liu's early pregnancy reaction really made people laugh and cry.

At the beginning, Xiao Liu told us that he was quite lucky, after all, his sense of smell had become a little more sensitive, and he was easy to revolt when he smelled some strange smells.

However, as time went on, the situation got worse! By the seventh week, it had been turned upside down!

Xiao Liu is the only son in the family, since Xiao Liu became pregnant, her mother-in-law has been busy with her and changed her tricks to make nutritious meals, Xiao Liu was very moved.

However, as soon as he smelled the food, Xiao Liu had to rush to the bathroom. Sometimes when I get up in the morning, I don't eat anything, and I can vomit when I drink boiled water.

Hearing Xiao Liu say that she vomited when she drank boiled water, we all persuaded her to go to the hospital to have a look, but Xiao Liu smiled bitterly: "My mother-in-law said that the more serious the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, and the medicine may have an impact on the fetus, so I will endure it." ”

Since Xiao Liu said so, we didn't dare to say anything more.

The worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, is it really fake?

Xiao Liu endured it like this, until one day, Xiao Liu was about 14 weeks old. That morning, Xiao Liu got up early in the morning and started vomiting without eating anything. In the end, I vomited blood!

At that moment, Xiao Liu knew that he was afraid, so he quickly woke up her husband and went to the hospital together. The results of the examination showed that Xiao Liu had severe water loss and electrolyte imbalance, and needed to be hospitalized.

The worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, is it really fake?

Granny Xiao Liu said that "the more severe the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future", in fact, there is also this saying in our hometown.

I remember when I was pregnant with Dabao, the morning sickness was so terrible that I felt that my whole person was about to be hollowed out.

My mother-in-law learned about my situation in my hometown, and she also had the same statement as Xiao Liu's mother-in-law; said that the worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, and told me to bear with it, taking medicine is not good for the child.

The worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, is it really fake?

At that time, I was out of curiosity, and I was panicked in my heart, and I was afraid that something would happen to the baby. Later, I checked the information and found that this mother-in-law's statement actually has no scientific basis. Morning sickness is mainly caused by changes in hormone levels in the pregnant woman's body and is not directly related to the baby's mental development. The more severe the morning sickness, there is no data to support the idea that the child will be smarter in the future.

But from a biological science point of view, the worse the morning sickness, the better the baby's development! Why?

In fact, morning sickness is also a bodily mechanism that "escorts". Morning sickness is the body's natural response to changes during pregnancy, like the body is saying, "Hey baby, we're here to protect you, don't worry!" ”

Actually, from the perspective of biological science, morning sickness really makes sense.

During pregnancy, the progesterone HCG in a woman's body rises rapidly, which can lead to uncomfortable physiological reactions, such as morning sickness.

The increase in HCG is actually conducive to the smooth implantation of the fertilized egg, and it can also stimulate the secretion of progesterone and create a comfortable growth environment for the baby.

The worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, is it really fake?

Some people say that morning sickness is because the body is rejecting all foreign "invasions" and protecting the fetus. Although this statement may sound a bit mysterious, there is some truth to it when you think about it. After all, our body is smart and it will protect our baby in the most effective way.

Morning sickness is a serious health hazard, and expectant mothers try to regulate it this way

Pregnancy reactions are a sign that the fetus is developing well, but overdoing it is a different story! For example, morning sickness is so severe that it even needs to be hospitalized, which is medically called "hyperemesis gravidarum".

Morning sickness, as a common physiological reaction during pregnancy, often bothers expectant mothers. Severe morning sickness not only affects the daily life of the expectant mother, but can also have adverse effects on the health of the fetus. Just like my little Liu, therefore, it is crucial to learn to regulate morning sickness effectively.

First and foremost, dietary regulation is key to relieving morning sickness.

Expectant mothers can try to change from three meals a day to smaller, more frequent meals to avoid overburdening their stomachs.

At the same time, choose light and easy-to-digest foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fish, etc., which can not only meet the nutrients needed by the body, but also reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. In addition, maintaining adequate water intake can help alleviate dehydration caused by morning sickness.

The worse the morning sickness, the smarter the child will be in the future, is it really fake?

Secondly, psychological adjustment is equally important.

Morning sickness is often associated with emotional stress and stress. Therefore, expectant mothers should maintain a relaxed and happy mood and try to avoid overwork and mood swings.

Try relaxing activities such as deep breathing and yoga to relieve the discomfort of morning sickness.

In addition, proper environmental adjustments can also help relieve morning sickness.

Expectant mothers can keep indoor air circulation to avoid the invasion of pungent odors such as oil smoke and peculiar smells. At the same time, choosing a comfortable, quiet resting environment can help relieve the fatigue and discomfort caused by morning sickness.

Finally, if morning sickness symptoms are severe and persistent, expectant mothers should seek medical attention in a timely manner. The doctor will give appropriate medication or advice on a case-by-case basis to ensure the health of the mother and baby.

In short, although morning sickness is a common physiological reaction during pregnancy, through reasonable dietary adjustment, psychological adjustment and environmental adjustment, expectant mothers can effectively alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness and have a happy pregnancy.

Thank you for reading, I'm a nursery teacher - Qi Xiang's mother, a mother of two children.