
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

author:Great River Health News

Co-ordinator: An Wei

Reporter: Wu Wenke, Yang Lu, Liang Lulu, Meng Lei, Sun Qianwen

Reporter Wang Xiaowei pictured

On May 18th, the grass was green, the sky was clear, and the blood and the sun collided.

The provincial qualifiers of the Healthy China Action Zhixing Competition Family Special Henan Division Activity (hereinafter referred to as the Henan Division Activity) continued to be staged at the Longzihu Campus of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

This event is an important measure to implement the national strategic deployment and promote the in-depth promotion of the Healthy China Action in Henan, which is jointly sponsored by the Henan Provincial Health Commission, the Office of the Henan Provincial Patriotic Health Campaign Committee, the Henan Provincial Department of Education, the Henan Provincial Sports Bureau, the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Henan Provincial Women's Federation, the Henan Provincial Red Cross, the Henan Daily, and the Henan Provincial Family Planning Association.

The 29 family teams competed for the 8 places in the finals through time-limited rope skipping, bridge crossing, hula hoop challenge, two-person tripod run and cardiopulmonary resuscitation demonstration.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

After a two-day selection of the qualifiers, in the end, Liu Ning's family team, Zhang Huan's family team, Yan Jingong's family team, Yang Ying's family team, Shi Tongfeng's family team, Maoyu's family team, Bai Xiangwei's family team, and Wang Yi's family team entered the finals.

All ages come together to show their health and vitality

"One, two, three, four......"

At 8 a.m. on May 18, 29 family teams gathered at the stadium of Longzihu Campus of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Before the game, a piece of dynamic music sounded, and Tang Hongyuan, the chief referee of the healthy and energetic display link of this event and the deputy director of the Henan Sports Science and Technology Center, led 29 participating teams to warm up activities, squats, lunges and push-ups between marches......

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

The blazing sun did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm, and the various family teams were gearing up and eager to try.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Time-limited rope skipping events

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Hula Hoop Challenge Project

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

"Wow, this little handsome guy turns the hula hoop very well!"

A little boy in fluorescent green clothes danced the hula hoop like fire, he is Yu Ziyue, a 10-year-old boy from Jiyuan, who came to compete with his mother Zhang Huan, father and grandfather, and his 4-year-old sister is a cheerleader.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

From not knowing how to "get out of the circle" with a hula hoop, Yu Ziyue only took less than two weeks.

Grandpa, who is a committed player despite his leg problems, said that he wanted to lead by example and let the children know that no matter what the outcome is, participating is a valuable experience in itself, so he should be brave enough to take that step.

For this competition, Zhang Huan also prepared three sets of different styles of costumes for the family, including formal wear, parent-child costumes, and performance costumes, to increase the sense of ceremony for the children.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Bridge crossing project

In the bridging and river crossing project, the tacit understanding and collaboration ability of the participating families is very tested. Each family team needs to send 3 members to participate in the competition, using 4 yoga blocks as a "bridge" to move forward in a way that lays one and moves forward.

After all the team members get on the "bridge", the team members in the back must pass the cardboard to the team members in front in turn to continue laying and moving forward. Rotate until you reach the finish line.

Bai Xiangwei's family team from Fuwai Huazhong Cardiovascular Hospital cooperated tacitly and smoothly cooperated, and quickly completed the "crossing the river".

Asked about the secret of tacit understanding, Bai Xiangwei told reporters that before the competition, their family purchased props according to the requirements of the competition, and after internal trials and selections within the family, it was determined that he, his lover, and daughter would participate in the competition.

"After many attempts and exercises, we found that the plan of having my wife 'take the lead', my daughter in the middle, and me 'in the back' worked best. At the same time, I also found that when I 'crossed the river', my lover and I squatted to pass the 'bridge', which saved time. ”

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Two people run on three legs

In the three-legged jump arena, a father and son player attracted the attention of many people.

The other players try to choose a team partner with a little difference in height, but this father and son are different, the father is tall and thin, and the son is small.

His father is Li Yang from Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital in Henan Province, "I used to participate in various popular science competitions alone, and I want my child to really participate in this family competition, so that he can experience the fun of sports from an early age." In addition, I also want to make him understand that life is about accumulation and gain, don't care about the gains and losses in front of you, as long as you persevere, you can usher in victory. ”

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the event, a referee team composed of 30 volunteers from Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was set up for this event.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Zhang Jingyuan, one of the referees and a 23-level student majoring in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine at Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told reporters that the five projects set up in the event need to be participated in by families, which can not only show the healthy and harmonious atmosphere of the participating families, but also enhance the feelings between family members.

In particular, time-limited rope skipping, bridge crossing, two-person three-legged running and other events require the close cooperation of the players. "Watching the families on the field full of vitality also made me feel the importance of health to families." She said.

"In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of counting and punishment, we have conducted many trainings before the game, including learning the rules of the game, on-site simulation training, and the use of referee equipment." Yang Yi, deputy chief referee and national referee of track and field, introduced the healthy and energetic display of this event.

"Family sports are one of the important measures to implement health for all, through participating in sports, family members can encourage, support and supervise each other, increase communication and interaction between family members, and achieve health goals together. Family exercise can also popularize the concept of health, so that every family member can realize the importance of exercise to physical and mental health, so as to form good health habits. Referee Tang Hongyuan said.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation competition Important first aid skills to learn

At the cardiopulmonary resuscitation competition in the "Health and Vitality Display" link, experts from the Emergency Department of Henan Provincial People's Hospital played the role of referees.

Zhang Peirong, director of the hospital's pre-hospital emergency department, told reporters: "Judging from the performance of the competition, most of the players are quite proficient in the operation process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. However, there are also some players who need to improve on some details. ”

Zhang Peirong gave an example: after compression, it should be ensured that the chest rebounds fully to avoid compression frequency too fast; The pressure site should be accurately located in the middle and lower part of the sternum, that is, the midpoint of the line between the two nipples, etc., which is easy to overlook.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Experts explained in detail the key points of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot to ensure that everyone can accurately grasp this vital first aid skill.

1. First of all, the rescuer should observe whether the surrounding environment is safe, lie on the patient's back on the hard and flat ground, pat his shoulders, call loudly, observe whether the patient is unconscious, if he is unconscious, call 120 immediately.

2. The rescuer touches the carotid artery on one side of the patient with his two fingers to judge whether there is a pulse, and at the same time observes whether the patient has chest ups and downs to judge whether there is spontaneous breathing, the time is 5~10 seconds; Carotid pulses may also not be judged if they are not medical personnel or have not been trained to do so. If the patient does not have a carotid pulse, is not breathing spontaneously, or is breathing for death, chest compressions are performed immediately. Slow, irregular, sighing, near-death breathing.

3. Key points of chest compression: the compression site is in the middle and lower part of the sternum, or the midpoint of the line between the two nipples; Place your hands crossed, raise your fingers, place the base of your palms at the place where you press, and use the gravity of the upper body of your body to press down vertically. The depth of compressions is 5~6 cm, the frequency of compressions is 100 to 120 times per minute, and the chest cage should be fully rebounded at the end of each compression.

4. Key points of artificial respiration: make the patient raise his head, raise his chin, open the airway, wrap the rescuer's mouth around the patient's mouth, and blow mouth-to-mouth twice.

5. Chest compressions 30 times for 2 ventilation for a cycle, every five cycles to check whether the patient's carotid artery has a pulse, whether there is breathing, the time is 5~10 seconds, until the patient recovers or professional ambulance personnel arrive.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Ensuring safety Comprehensive coverage of medical assistance

In order to ensure the safety and smooth progress of the competition, medical staff from the Emergency Medicine Department of Henan Provincial People's Hospital provided comprehensive medical protection for all participants on the spot.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Liang Bingwei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Emergency Medicine, introduced: "For this competition, we have fully prepared emergency plans for cardiac arrest, heat stroke, trauma and other emergencies, as well as emergency medical equipment and drugs, such as defibrillators, tracheal intubation, epinephrine injection, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, Yunnan Baiyao, bandages, splints, etc., and an ambulance is on standby." ”

Liang Bingwei suggested that when exercising in a high-temperature outdoor environment, you should replenish water and electrolytes in time, and once someone around you has dizziness, fever and other heat stroke, you should move the patient to a cool and ventilated place or an air-conditioned room first, quickly cool down, keep the patient's airway open and replenish light salt water. If possible, you can take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, etc.

Liang Bingwei reminded that if the patient has serious symptoms such as high fever, vomiting, and consciousness disorder, it is forbidden to feed water, and the head is tilted to one side to avoid suffocation, and immediately call 120 and send it to the hospital for rescue as soon as possible.

Family Walk Together to stage a health science competition

"Plant a seed in our hearts, we all want it to grow up healthy and happy."

In the afternoon, in the health science competition, singing and dancing, sketches, melodramas, and eastern Henan drums ...... 29 family teams with a variety of health science works.

Within three minutes, each team brought a feast of health science full of dry goods to the online and offline audiences, focusing on reasonable diet, mental health, salt and oil reduction, oral health, child development, and prevention and treatment of common diseases.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Guo Bingtao's family team from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, and his 8-year-old daughter Guo Yurui provoked the "beam" of the competition.

The little girl sang and danced on the stage, without stage fright, and won the applause of the audience. "When I was about to go on stage, I felt my heart pounding, but I was nervous, but as soon as I was on stage, I was not nervous." Guo Yurui said proudly.

This time, Guo Bingtao's family team took children's mental health as the topic and brought the program "Courage Exploded - Say No to Children's Psychological Problems".

"The main population that our hospital focuses on is women and children. In my work, I often see parents paying attention to their children's academic performance, life pressure and other reasons, which invisibly bring greater psychological pressure to children. At the same time, many parents do not know how to guide their children, causing serious problems. Therefore, we hope that more people will pay attention to children's mental health and listen to their voices. Guo Bingtao told reporters.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

"Prime Minister, you have high blood pressure from wealth and wealth." "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you get high blood pressure when you are in the prime of life?"

Geng Xiaoguang, a pediatrician from Xuchang's Xiangcheng County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, staged a costume drama with his father in a costume drama called "Cao Chengxiang and Hua Tuo", while his wife and children played the role of maids and scholars.

He said that the idea of the work comes from the culture of his hometown, and as a cultural resort of the Three Kingdoms, Xuchang has a profound history and a rich collection of humanities.

Geng Xiaoguang said that in daily life, he saw many people who had high blood pressure because they stayed up late and did not exercise, did not leave their hands on cigarettes and alcohol, and overeating, so they had this work after discussing it with his wife and father.

"The purpose of participating in this competition is to challenge myself and promote a healthy lifestyle to more people around me." Geng Xiaoguang said.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

After fierce competition, the Yan Jingong family team from Luoyang won the first place in this round with a clear explanation and wonderful interpretation.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning
The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Liu Zhanfeng, director of the Health Education Institute of the Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, commented on the performance of the participating families with four "good".

Good topic selection: Focusing on social hot spots, the topics were selected from different angles.

Good content: The content covers a wide range of topics, including healthy lifestyle, prevention and treatment of common diseases, prevention of infectious diseases, and display of first aid skills.

Good creation: Although the participating families are not professional literary and artistic workers, they are full of creativity, songs, sketches, sitcoms, and various forms of performance.

Good effect: the knowledge explained is interesting, informative and useful, which impresses the audience and can enter the brain and heart.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judge: Liu Zhanfeng, Director of the Health Education Institute of Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

In this competition, many families took first aid as the theme.

Lan Chao, a national science popularization expert, chief science popularization expert in Henan Province, and director of the emergency center of Zhengdong Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, said that emergency medicine is a race against time, and as an emergency doctor, I am very happy to see that many participating families can use first aid skills as the topic for popular science explanation, such as Heimlich first aid method and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Lan Chao introduced that the key to the implementation of first aid lies in four key points: daring, fast, stable and accurate. To dare is to dare to make a move; Quickly, first aid should be implemented as soon as possible; Steady, first aid should be carried out calmly; Accurate, first aid operations should be accurate.

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judges: Lan Chao, a national science popularization expert, chief science popularization expert in Henan Province, and director of the Emergency Center of Zhengdong Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judges: Zhang Lihua, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judge: Guo Xiaoli, Vice President of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judge: Xin Kai, Director of the Department of Rheumatology, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judges: Qin Li, Secretary General of Henan Radio and Television Poetry Recitation Association and senior host

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judge: Xin Di, senior media person and chief reporter of Henan Radio and Television Station

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judge: Shi Songhe, a professor at the School of Public Health, Zhengzhou University

The top 8 were promoted, and this healthy family PK competition was super burning

Judge: Zhang Qiang, Deputy Director of the Health Education Institute of Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

8 teams make it to the finals and we'll see you tomorrow in the finals

Tomorrow afternoon, the 8 teams that entered the finals will compete for the champion, runner-up and third place of this competition through multiple rounds of competition such as health knowledge competition, health skills display, and healthy family style speech.

Who is the healthiest family? We'll see!

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