
Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

author:Thyroid Answer

  However, any drug has two sides, and it is no exception, some patients will wonder "what are the side effects of long-term use?"


Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

1. Ujiale: "Foreign Aid" of the Thyroid Gland

Eunail, as a synthetic thyroxine,

When our thyroid gland is not working properly due to various reasons, resulting in insufficient thyroxine secretion, Eunaila plays a unique role in helping the body maintain normal physiological functions.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

2. What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

If the dose of Alpha is too large or the dosage is adjusted too much, it may cause side effects, such as: tachycardia, palpitations, insomnia, excessive sweating, diarrhea, osteoporosis (need to take appropriate calcium supplements), etc.;

Once these conditions occur, thyroid function should be rechecked in time and a doctor should be consulted in time.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

3. Lifelong medication or temporary supplementation?

Whether or not you need to take it for life depends on whether the patient's type of hypothyroidism is permanent or temporary;

For example, permanent hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis, thyroid surgery or radiation therapy in most cases,

Hypothyroidism caused by subacute thyroiditis, drug-induced hypothyroidism, or iodine deficiency may be cured with treatment and no lifelong medication is required.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

Fourth, lifelong medication is not terrible

Some patients see lifelong medication as a heavy burden of mental baggage. In fact, in essence, taking Eunail for a long time is not much different from supplementing vitamins when the body is deficient. It is simply a supplement and regulation given when the body is unable to produce enough thyroxine on its own.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

5. What details should I pay attention to when taking Alpha?

1. Time of taking medicine: It is best to take it 1 hour before breakfast, when the absorption rate of the drug is the highest.

2. Delivery method: Take it with boiled water, avoid using drinks or tea, so as not to affect the absorption effect.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

3. Interval with other drugs or food: 1 hour interval with vitamins and tonics; 2 hours away from iron, calcium-containing foods or medications; 4 hours interval with milk and legumes; Interval with cholestyramine or lipid-lowering resin for 12 hours.

4. Proper storage: Eujiale is easy to absorb moisture, so it should be stored properly to avoid the effect of the drug from being affected by moisture.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?

5. Adjust the dosage with the season: In the cold season, you may need to increase the dosage to maintain body temperature.

6. Disease impact: Some diseases such as HP-related gastritis, atrophic gastritis, etc. may affect drug absorption, and the dosage needs to be rechecked and adjusted as appropriate after recovery.

7. Remedy for missed doses: Occasional missed doses can be taken double the dose the next day, and if continuous missed doses should be taken for many days until they are replenished.

Do I need to take Alpha for life if I have hypothyroidism? What are the possible side effects of taking Alpha?


In short, as a commonly used drug for patients with hypothyroidism, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and pay attention to the details of the medication when taking it to ensure the efficacy of the drug and reduce the occurrence of side effects. At the same time, patients should maintain a positive attitude,