
The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

author:Shandong Armed Police

Text / Picture: 🖊 Wu Yiheng, Ge Wandong, Wang Dongxu

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

In order to promote the "icebreaking" and quality improvement of the army's ideological and political education, and strive to enhance the ability and quality of the political instructor team to "know the soldiers, teach, talk with the heart, and teach by example", recently, the mobile detachment of the Shandong Armed Police Corps organized the 2024 "Three Meetings and One Good" political instructor competition. "The collision of keys and the confrontation of words and words, although there is no gunsmoke, but the 'smell of gunpowder' is full." Next, please follow the camera and take a look at the wonderful moments of the game!

The competition is divided into two stages: basic competition selection and teaching competition observation, and the whole process of elimination is adopted, among the contestants are not only engaged in political work for many years, experienced post-80s instructors, but also post-90s instructors who love ideological and political work and actively explore innovation, as well as the "red epaulettes" post-00 theoretical backbone who stride at the forefront of thought, more than 40 contestants, compete on the same stage, and compete in a competition.

The basic selection tests the theoretical foundation

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

He who gives a man a Martian will carry a torch. If you want to become an excellent political instructor, theoretical reserves are indispensable, and this theoretical test and assessment covers the party's innovative theories, party history and military history, military knowledge, ideological and political education laws and regulations, and common sense of regular ideological work, and further tests the knowledge reserves of officers and soldiers.

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

"I was fortunate to join the detachment's 'red epaulettes' theory team, my theoretical level has been further improved, some time ago I asked if there was a soldier who wanted to participate in the 'three will and one good', when I heard the news of the detachment's competition, I was the first to sign up, and I was able to achieve the fifth place in the theoretical assessment, I am very happy, there is no end to learning, and I will make persistent efforts to continue to improve myself!" Liu Lin, the squad leader of a certain contestant, said.

In order to truly penetrate education into the hearts and minds, educators must first learn to understand and understand the theories, have a clear understanding of the party's innovative theories and various laws and regulations, and only in practice can they use the big principles to control the small ones and refute the crooked theories with the right ones.

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

The teaching competition shows a good demeanor

The three-foot podium is full of gunsmoke, and the competition shows its magical powers. From the selection of themes, to the preparation of lesson plans, the production of courseware, and then to the teaching competition, the contestants closely followed the theme, closely followed the focus of the strong army, or talked about forging political ideology and loyalty, or talked about preparing for war and practicing blood; Or talk about the responsibility of the post-80s, or the struggle of the post-00s. Quoting scriptures and classics, analyzing facts and reasoning, the teaching scene is full of enthusiasm and excitement, and the "taste of war" and "war" are full.

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

"Born under the red flag and growing up in the spring breeze, the chairman told us that the people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope. We shouted that if faith had a color, it would be Chinese red! From Yue Fei's letter of determination to Shi Yanfen's farewell letter, and then to Xiao Siyuan's book of battle, the ancients were used to pay tribute to the model of the times, and the true words profoundly interpreted the true nature of loyalty and the power of faith, which attracted bursts of applause from the scene.

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

A good lesson is a key that opens the hearts of officers and men. Senior soldier Tian Ye listened carefully in the audience and spoke enthusiastically, "I think classroom education is exactly like this, we need to prepare carefully, we must find a good entry point close to the theme, and then effectively combine the courseware and speech with our own speech, and finally go to the stage to teach, we can't panic, tell the truth, we can't squeeze it out like squeezing toothpaste, we can't pour it out like pouring beans, I feel full of harvest this afternoon!" ”

In the end, after intense competition, the top six contestants with excellent comprehensive results in the competition were rated as excellent political teachers of "three meetings and one good".

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

"This competition is not only a comprehensive training for the political work team, but also a steel quenching. Through strengthening the ability through training and promoting education through evaluation, we should establish a clear orientation of grasping education and making meritorious contributions in education, so as to truly strengthen the ability of the contingent of political teachers. Chen Fei, director of the Political Work Office who participated in the competition, concluded.

Martial arts competitions are only staged activities, but the practical exploration of ideological and political education is always ongoing. The contestants expressed that they should strive to be a good vanguard and pathfinder in the new world of ideological and political education, give full play to the role of "seeds" and "yeast", and contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of the detachment's ideological and political education.

The confrontation between "politics" and "war" is full of flavor! This competition for outstanding political teachers is full of highlights

▲The Shandong Armed Police Corps held the 2024 annual ideological and political education preparation meeting

(This article is the original article of Shandong Armed Police, please contact for authorization for reprinting)

Producer: Zhao Mengjiang

Editor-in-chief: Li Qingling, Wang Yihai

Editor in charge: Yang Yiming

Editor on duty: Wang Dazhen

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