
Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

author:Elephant News Client

Henan Radio and Television Elephant News reported the large-scale financial media "Shengshi Xiuwen", in-depth interpretation of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, and efforts to promote the party's innovative theories to fly into the homes of ordinary people.

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

Today, we launched the "Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese Stories


We should continue to attach importance to and strengthen archaeological work, and continue to deepen the project of exploring the origin of Chinese civilization. The Chinese civilization has a long history and has never been interrupted, shaping our great nation, and this nation will continue to be great. It is necessary to better inherit the excellent traditional culture through the excavation, research and protection of cultural relics.

——Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection in Anyang, Henan Province on October 28, 2022

Yinxu is the starting point and cornerstone of the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization. May 18 is International Museum Day, and this year's theme is "Museums Committed to Education and Research". Elephant News takes you into the new Yinxu Museum.

Sleep for 3,000 years, wake up and shock the world!

Spring 2024

The new Yinxu Museum was officially opened

Precious cultural relics dating back more than 3,000 years


Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

Many sons and daughters cross spatial distances

Rush to Anyang

Let's find this hidden in the flow of time

It belongs to the blood memory of the Chinese nation

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

The end of the Qing Dynasty

Wang Yirong, a goldsmith and stone scientist, on the "keel" of traditional Chinese medicine

The oracle bone was discovered for the first time

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu


presided over by Dong Zuobin, Li Ji and others

Archaeology Group, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica

The first shovel was dug in Xiaotun Village, Anyang, He

Thus was born modern Chinese archaeology

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

A hundred years have passed

February 26, 2024

The new Yinxu Museum was completed


Bronze, pottery, jade, oracle bones

Nearly 4,000 sets of cultural relics are here


Hold it to the world stage

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

Chief Scientist of Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project

Li Boqian, a professor at Peking University, once commented on Yinxu

"As far as archaeology is concerned,

There is no site in China that is more important than Yinxu. ”

This is the longest continuous excavation in China

The most relics are cleaned up

The most abundant ancient site of unearthed cultural relics


It is no longer just a single function to carry cultural relics display

Rather, it has become the source of Chinese civilization

One of the most critical nodes

At the same time, it is also recognized worldwide

Important remnants of early human civilization

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

Tell the story of Yinxu

Understand Chinese civilization

The important instructions of the General Secretary need to be kept in mind

Attach importance to and strengthen archaeological work

Live up to the historical mission and the important responsibility of the times

Archaeological Tombs

The work is in the future

Shengshi Xiuwen | Museum of Japanese talk Yinxu

An unsolved mystery from Yin Ruins

Generations of archaeologists are still to be found

Tracing the roots and guarding from generation to generation

With more archaeological research

Seek to nourish the Chinese nation

From ancient times to the present day

The endless flow of "living water at the source"

Let Chinese civilization

Better with the colorful civilizations of all countries in the world

To provide the right spiritual guidance to mankind

and strong mental power

The theme planning of "Shengshi Xiuwen" is funded and supported by the China Positive Energy Network Communication Special Fund of the China Internet Development Foundation.


Wang Renhai

General Planner

Lu Shenyong, Liu Linjun


Xia Jifeng, Shi Shunying


Cheng Wenjie and Liu Jinxing


Guan Xinyao, Liu Dabin, Xie Yuwei, Yang Can, Li Liyun, Wang Zequn, Han Jingwen


Zhang Binghan, Yu Jinchen, Li Leile


Henan Radio and Television Elephant News

China Internet Development Foundation