
Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day

author:Purple Cow News

On May 18, the International Museum Theme Day, the Chinese Museums Association issued the "Announcement on the Fifth Batch of National First, Second and Third Class Museum Lists", and the Nanjing Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum was rated as a national first-class museum. In order to allow more tourists and citizens to enter the museum and give full play to the museum's educational and research functions, the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the International Museum Day with the theme of "Forever Disappearing Heritage".

On the morning of the 18th, the award ceremony of the essay contest on the theme of "'Eternal Cultural Heritage'" was held in the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum, and representatives from various cultural and museum venues, communities and civilization practice stations, and cultural and museum volunteer groups in Nanjing gathered together. It is reported that the theme of this essay contest is "cultural heritage that never disappears", and students are invited to think about and recreate the explanatory words from the perspective of "little docents" for the unearthed cultural relics, site history and architectural characteristics of the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum. Li Yingle from Zheng He Foreign Chinese School won the special prize of the competition for "Perfume River Bridge Ruins".

Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day
Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day
Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day

On the morning of the same day, the Da Bao En Temple Ruins Museum also organized a half-day research camp "The Legend of the Glazed Tower", the children followed the teacher to understand the past and present life of the "Da Bao En Temple" and the "Glazed Pagoda", to know the national treasure of the glaze, the research activities attracted the interest of many children and parents, the children can not only appreciate the cultural relics, learn history, cultural knowledge, but also experience the daily work of the museumist, do their own "repair of cultural relics", full of fun.

As a cultural hub for international exchanges, the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum has been making efforts in the protection of cultural relics, the digitization of cultural heritage, the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture, and international cultural exchanges in recent years, and has built China's first all-true connected metaverse museum, actively playing the transformative role of digital creativity in museum education and research. On the afternoon of the 18th, the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held an international salon with the theme of "Digital Creativity Empowers the Museum as an Experiential Education Scene", and invited Steven Swaby, former director of the interpretation department of the Natural History Museum in London, Rosalind Coleman, co-producer of Punch drunk and internationally renowned creative producer, Yi Xin, director of the Sino-German Urban and Rural and Architectural Research Center of Southeast University, Li Meng, associate professor of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and the winner of the iF Design Award. Designer Zhang Ruochen and several other experts and representatives from international museums, immersive experiences, and digitization of domestic cultural heritage served as guests. Industry leaders discussed the role and challenges of museums in the current sustainable development of global culture with museum workers, education practitioners and young museum enthusiasts.

Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day
Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day
Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day

Steven Swaby shared the digital evolution of the Natural History Museum in London, arguing that digital, interactive and immersive technologies will continue to transform the museum experience, shaping unique spaces for knowledge sharing and socialising. Focusing on the application of digital technology to Punch drunk, Rosalind Coleman elaborated on how digital creativity can meet individual needs at the group and individual levels, while Ren Yixin discussed the evolution of urban landscape pattern and spatial correlation in Jinling literary landscapes. Subsequently, several experts and scholars opened a roundtable forum to answer questions and exchange ideas with young cultural and museum enthusiasts on the spot. Starting from the digital practice of the Da Bao'en Temple Ruins Museum, the Chinese and foreign guests explained how digital creativity empowers museums from different perspectives, and deeply discussed how to improve the museum visit experience through innovative technologies, providing new ideas for the development of museums in the future. In the future, the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum plans to continue to leverage its advantages as an experiential education scene to expand its digital and interactive display programs. The museum will continue to serve as an important base for academic research and public education, telling more compelling historical stories through innovative approaches such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) while providing an all-encompassing cultural experience.

Digital empowerment goes to the bright future of the museum, and the Dabao'en Temple Ruins Museum held a series of activities on the 5.18 Museum Day

It is reported that with the support of UNESCO, the Da Bao En Temple Site Museum and the University of London, the University of Bristol, Tsinghua University Future Laboratory, Southeast University School of Architecture and other institutions and institutions cooperated to hold the "Lost Heritage - Immersive Cultural Heritage Maker Competition", the competition invited young creatives from all over the world to design an immersive digital creative exhibition for the Da Bao En Temple, and has received a total of 588 applications from 13 countries, 34 cities, 61 universities, These interesting digital ideas will finally be showcased in the finals of the Nanjing Hackathon in early July.

Yangtze Evening News|Purple Cow News reporter Shen Zhao

Proofread by Faye Wong

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