
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship

author:Huaxia Sight

Mr. Wang Xinguo, this collector full of interest and discernment,

recently posted a unique photo on its social platform,

Invite the majority of netizens to "taste" a plate of seemingly fragrant "bean cakes".

However, this is not an ordinary delicacy on the table, but one of the strange stones he carefully collects.

A natural stone that resembles a traditional bean cake,

It skillfully shows the wonderful symphony of nature and human culture,

This ingenious photo quietly went viral.

Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship

This unique sharing is not only a humorous tribute to the art of ornamental stone collections.

It has also become a window into the colorful world of Mr. Wang Xinguo's collection.

As a veteran collector, Mr. Wang Xinguo's collection covers a wide range of fields, from antiques to contemporary art.

Behind each piece of the collection is a deep historical and cultural value or a unique story.

His collecting journey began with the pursuit of beauty and reverence for history, and gradually evolved into a philosophy of life.

A continuous exploration of the unique beauty of all things in the world.

Through this piece of "bean cake stone", we can get a glimpse of how Mr. Wang Xinguo has a sensitive and delicate heart.

Discover and treasure the natural and human beauty that ordinary people can't perceive.

His collection is not only a material existence, but also a carrier of emotions and memories.

Every stone, every painting, every handicraft is a medium for dialogue with the past, a bridge between the present and history.

Mr. Wang Xinguo's collection is not limited to the accumulation of static objects, but also a vivid cultural communication and exchange.

He has shared his collecting experience with the public through exhibitions, lectures and publications.

It stimulates more people's interest and respect for traditional Chinese culture, and also promotes mutual understanding and appreciation of international culture and art.

Therefore, this plate of "bean cake" is not only a fun display of the fun of collecting.

It is also a vivid footnote in Mr. Wang Xinguo's collecting career.

Reflecting his multiple identities as a collector, artist, and cultural envoy,

and the unremitting pursuit of inheritance and innovation in art collection.

【Collector Profile】

Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship

Mr. Wang Xinguo, a native of Anhui. He is a member of the China Collectors Association, a senior appraisal appraiser of national artworks, a love ambassador of China Central Radio and Television's "Help for Love", and a member of the Anhui Musicians Association.

He has been honored as "World Chinese Charity Ambassador, World Chinese Cultural Envoy, National Cultural Envoy of Foreign Friendship, National Gift Art Connoisseur, Virtue and Art Collector, People's Art Collector" and other titles.

The following picture shows part of Mr. Wang Xinguo's collection:

Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship
Stone rhyme, taste image: Wang Xinguo and his "bean cake" strange relationship

The warmth of each stone, the ink fragrance of each painting, and the heaviness of each artwork are not only material existences, they are more like silent narrators, containing the changes of the past and humanistic feelings.

Author: Zheng Yan

Editor: Sun Yeteng

Source: Gonggong News Traditional Culture Column

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