
"Tourism Canton Fair" innovation drives the future of cultural tourism

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
"Tourism Canton Fair" innovation drives the future of cultural tourism

Live performance from the Ningbo booth.

"Tourism Canton Fair" innovation drives the future of cultural tourism

"Buddhism Hui II" is one of the highlights of this year's travel exhibition.

"Tourism Canton Fair" innovation drives the future of cultural tourism

The booth of the "Bay Area Marvel Program" was crowded.

"Tourism Canton Fair" innovation drives the future of cultural tourism

TECT Digital Cultural Tourism Zone.

Founded by the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism (formerly Guangzhou Municipal Tourism Bureau) and organized by Hannover Milano Messe (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the 32nd Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition 2024 will be held from May 16 to 18, 2024 in Area C of the China Import and Export Fair Complex (Pazhou Complex).

The Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition, known as the "ceiling of the domestic travel exhibition industry", was held on the eve of this year's "5.19 China Tourism Day", which warmed up in advance for this festival belonging to the tourism industry and tourists. Visitors can grasp the most popular travel information, participate in a variety of exhibition activities, "travel around the world" and "travel in China" together, and experience "happy life" in this colorful May.

Observation 1 The Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition has witnessed the prosperous development of tourism in Guangzhou

Founded in 1993, Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as GITF or "Travel Exhibition") is the earliest and longest large-scale international tourism exhibition in China, after more than 30 years of development, Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition has become an international professional exhibition covering outbound tourism, inbound tourism, MICE and other aspects, with the reputation of "Tourism Canton Fair", is a witness to the development of tourism in Guangzhou, and is an important stage and platform for Guangzhou to connect with world tourism.

Over the years, the Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition has been known as the "Canton Fair for Tourism" in the industry.

"In the past, the Guangzhou International Travel Fair was very important for the travel agency business, and many years ago, the orders of the travel exhibition were almost the basis of the travel agency's business for a year." A retired travel agency executive told a reporter from Nandu, "You can use the platform of the travel exhibition to promote the corporate image, and the travel exhibition is still a profit growth point; Travel agencies attach great importance to this exhibition, and with the help of this platform, they can also receive summer vacation groups in advance, which is of great help to the group rate. ”

On the opening ceremony of the travel exhibition on May 16, a number of elites from Guangzhou's tourism industry visited the exhibition hall, and some people said that "from the age of 22 to the present, visiting the exhibition every year has become a professional habit". Not only is the industry full of "reputation" for the travel exhibition, but the citizens of Guangzhou also have a lot of feelings for the "Guangzhou Travel Exhibition" held at the beginning of the year, "Visiting the travel exhibition is like catching up with the market, not only can you see the different customs of many countries, but also can purchase a lot of affordable tourist routes." Guangzhou citizens who love to travel introduced.

In addition to displaying the latest international tourism information, the annual travel exhibition also actively inherits the cultural tourism culture, creating exhibition highlights from intangible cultural heritage, homestays, AI digital cultural tourism, etc., and showcasing Guangzhou's world-class tourist destination.

The exhibition provides market value for the development of Guangzhou's tourism industry, and provides a position for in-depth insight into the evolution of Chinese travelers' needs and market trends. After years of hard work, Guangzhou's tourism industry colleagues, who are willing to embrace change, promote cooperation, and are good at creating a better experience, have gained an in-depth understanding of the travel motivations and expectations of travelers at home and abroad through the "foresight" of the travel exhibition, practiced the concept of innovative, pragmatic and personalized "Cantonese service", fully released this growing market potential with high-quality products and services, and always walked in the forefront of the booming cultural tourism market.

Observation 2 "Go to Ban Taste"! In the past 32 years, the travel exhibition has become younger and more energetic

"Go to class" is a kind of realm that migrant workers try to get rid of, and tourism is the most effective way to relax happily and stretch freely. As an annual event in the tourism industry, this year's GITF will carry out the "Go to Banwei" more thoroughly.

In response to the new changes in the tourism market and the new travel habits of tourists, the exhibition has created a number of new "moves", such as recruiting "cultural tourism creators", so that young people who like to travel and have unlimited creativity can use the travel exhibition site as the creative field to conduct interesting check-ins or creative video shooting around each booth according to the check-in route, publish graphic notes or videos, and get different levels of gifts according to the popularity of the topic.

This year, GITF also teamed up with "Huier Youth" to give away a limited edition co-branded bar for the "Cultural Tourism Creators", with the background of the four landmark buildings in Guangzhou: Grand Theater, Nansha Tianhou Temple, Zhenhai Tower, and Baiyun Mountain, which endorse Guangzhou's cultural tourism. Lin Chun, founder of Weier Culture, revealed, "Buddhism Huier is a healing IP full of social charm, we have customized a cultural tourism badge with Guangzhou landmark characteristics for this year's exhibition, and also provided this exhibitor with a free license for the exhibition of Buddhist pandas until 2025, hoping to explore more new ways to play new cultural tourism." ”

This year, the Guangdong Cultural Tourism Interest Camp and the Organizing Committee of the Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition jointly held the theme activity of "Guangdong Chao Youth Exploration Action", taking the Guangzhou International Tourism Exhibition as the creative field, exploring the "young exploration + young communication" model, and organizing young students to carry out live broadcast, shooting, experience, theme exchange and other activities during the 2024 Guangzhou Travel Exhibition. The live broadcast of the "Cantonese Tide Youth" exhibition will lead the audience into the wonderful world of Guangzhou Travel Expo from three different perspectives: homestay tourism, intangible cultural heritage experience and sports tourism, explore new trends in the integration of culture and tourism, and inject young and new vitality into the exhibition.

Zeng Yi, the person in charge of the Bay Area Creative Culture, Sports and Tourism Zone, introduced that the "Bay Area Marvel Plan" of the travel exhibition is based on the idea of "'traveling' you ride", looking for travel partners and building new ways to play. It is a joint creative marketing campaign for cultural tourism brands in the Greater Bay Area, creating a platform for interesting tourism partners to meet in the Bay Area.

This year's travel show is full of vitality and completely "goes to class", presenting three young characters in three dimensions, either "cultural travelers" with different regional characteristics and cultures, or "trend navigators" of digital technology, cultural tourism and new ways to play trendy life; or a "rural dreamer" who innovatively integrates cultural tourism homestays with local culture.

Observation 3 Study tour "surging"

The scope of the audience of research travel is constantly expanding, and the form of research tour is related to thousands of households, and the value of research tour is widely recognized and promotes the diversified development of the market.

As a new exhibition area of this year's Travel Expo, the Study Tour Zone has attracted research bases and institutions from Guangdong Province, Hubei Province, Hainan Province, Hong Kong, China and Luoyang City to display their characteristic resources. For the first time, the HKITE and the Hong Kong Study Travel Association jointly created the "Hong Kong Study Centre", showcasing Hong Kong's cultural characteristics and valuable research resources, and promoting in-depth exchanges between mainland and Hong Kong students. At this exhibition, Guangzhou Radio and Television Station took research and cultural tourism as the entry point, and actively created an offline research and cultural tourism IP "walking sharing classroom" and an online city-level research and supervision platform "Guangzhou Research and Practice Platform", so as to open up a new path for the promotion of Guangzhou research and cultural tourism resources and the integrated development of research and practice activities through the resource advantages of radio and television media. Among them, China's first 4K ultra-high-definition digital culture and AI metaverse interactive information column "Digital Yuan Fishing Boat" attracted the attention of the industry at the scene, and the column promoted the deep integration of artificial intelligence and traditional media industry by integrating top AI innovation resources at home and abroad, and jointly explored a new direction of digital innovation and development.

In addition, focusing on the topic of research and study tours, the "Exploring New Paths of Destination Tourism and Study Tours" Forum also invited representatives of Chinese and foreign tourism bureaus to have a dialogue and discuss how to promote and attract traffic to create attractive travel destinations. The forum will also focus on the field of study tours and explore how to integrate tourism and education.

Observation 4: Science and technology empower the integration of culture and tourism and high-quality development

With the theme of "Innovation-Driven Future Cultural Tourism", this year's travel exhibition presents and explores the many possibilities of technology-enabled high-quality development of cultural tourism.

Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, published a signed article in the People's Daily on May 16 this year entitled "Science and Technology Empowering the High-quality Development of Cultural and Tourism Integration", which wrote: "In order to meet the new expectations and new requirements of the masses for the high-quality development of cultural and tourism integration, smart cultural tourism, digital cultural tourism, and scientific and technological cultural tourism have changed from concepts to reality. ”

When digitalization accelerates into daily life, cultural tourism and technology are more closely linked. This year's travel expo will showcase the latest high-tech industries and achievements related to cultural tourism in the TECT Digital Cultural Tourism Zone, including AMD, Qipu Smart Technology, Metaverse Information Technology, Strive Interaction, Universal Phase, Spring and Culture, Dance and other exhibitors will bring a variety of new experiences of science and technology cultural tourism, which is eye-opening. Among them, Yandun, an important cultural relic in the south central axis of Beijing, was unveiled in the form of digital display, which is lifelike and breathtaking.

Feature writing: Nandu reporter Xiao Yang Photo courtesy of Suiwen Guang Travel

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