
Why is the conversion rate of users coming in from short videos much higher than that of live feed streams?

author:Everybody is a product manager
When swiping videos, we often receive live broadcast recommendations and short video drainage recommendations from the platform, both of which are used to attract traffic and bring goods, why is the conversion rate data so poor? Let's find out.
Why is the conversion rate of users coming in from short videos much higher than that of live feed streams?

When brushing Douyin and Kuaishou, we often see two different forms of live broadcast room drainage, one is live feed stream, and the other is short video drainage, but in the end, they are all for the purpose of introducing live broadcast rooms and completing the final conversion.

Why is the conversion rate of users coming in from short videos much higher than that of live feed streams?

The left is the live broadcast room where the feed stream is directly projected, and the right is the live broadcast room where the short video is directed

So, what's the difference between the two ways?

1. What is the difference between short video drainage and live feed streaming?

Both short video drainage and live feed streams are delivered through PC background operations, and the live broadcast room or short video that needs to be promoted is directly presented to target users on the recommendation page.

The difference is that the live feed stream will present the content of the current live broadcast to everyone, which is a great test of the current anchor's ability to catch people, and in each time period, there may be different users to see it, so you must do this live broadcast in the best state.

The short video drainage usually relies on the pre-edited materials, and the goods that need to be sold are presented to users in different ways, which is generally the content required for the live broadcast, and the content must be attractive enough to attract users before it is introduced into the live broadcast room.

It is also placed on the recommendation page, and the short video drainage is one step more than the direct investment in the live broadcast room, but why is the conversion rate of users who come in from short videos much higher than those who flow in from the live feed, and why is this?

2. Why do users who come in with short videos have better conversions than those who come in from live feeds?

From the content point of view, the short video takes longer to prepare in the early stage and has a higher degree of optimization, and you can polish the copywriting in advance, design hooks, and sort out the selling points to condense and present...... Even staged a sitcom, so that users have a sufficient understanding of the product when watching, so the amount of effective information received by users in a short period of time is greater, and it is more helpful for users to have an in-depth understanding of the product.

In this case, the user who "actively chooses to enter" is likely to belong to the intended user, and the follow-up is mainly to see whether the price of the live broadcast room meets their expectations. On the whole, the probability of such users will be relatively high, and those with little intention have already been eliminated in the early stage of short video drainage.

The live broadcast room displays real-time content, which has the advantage of being more realistic and creating a stronger atmosphere, but the disadvantages are also obvious, and it depends more on the professionalism of the anchor. Most of the users who come in from the live stream come in with curiosity to take a look, if the anchor can't react faster at this time, it may be difficult to promote user conversion, but cause user loss faster.

And the users who flow in from the live feed are generally guided by the anchor's intention or interests. Some of the users who come in are for the corresponding benefits, but after coming in, they find that they have been cheated and do not see what they want, so they will leave ruthlessly.

In addition, the live broadcast time cycle is long, and many products can enjoy discounts directly when they place an order in a short video, and you have to wait for half a day in the live broadcast room, and you have to pay attention to it, send a message and wait for a coupon to be issued, and it is really laborious to buy goods at a preferential price. And it is difficult to ensure that when the user enters, the content of the chat is the part that the user is interested in, so the content explained by the anchor also determines the length of the user's stay in the live broadcast room, which is relatively difficult to match the demand.

In addition, another key factor in the conversion rate is the base, the live feed stream will have a relatively large base, and the push may not be based on interest tags. We all know that the conversion rate will be affected by the conversion intention, as an unmarried and unpregnant man, if you push me to the maternal and infant live broadcast room, then I will most likely not click in, or even convert.

The target group does not match, and the push base is also large, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the conversion rate. The short video drainage method is through user exposure, which is pushed based on user interests, the base is relatively small, and the target users are more accurate.

Live feed streams and short video drainage are essentially ways to attract traffic, but why are there so many poor conversions? There is also the issue of consistent marketing.

Consistent marketing is from product to market to sales to service, so that the value felt by users is consistent and clear, and the hidden link of consistent marketing is the user's trust line + demand line.

Students who have done SEM placement in the past know that the conversion rate of users of brand words will be higher than that of product words, and that of product words will be higher than that of crowd words. Because users who search for brand words come with trust, have demand, and have trust in the brand, they will naturally have a high transaction, and there is a demand for searching for product words, but they have no awareness of the brand, so they need to tell users why they want to buy from you.

Returning to the live broadcast scene, users who see the short video and click into the live broadcast room have established initial cognition and trust in the short video link. This trust is feasible for both the theme and the IP, and because of the demand + trust, when the power is greater than the resistance, enter the live broadcast room, and the transaction at this time only needs to be solved by the trust in the goods in the live broadcast room.

The live feed stream and delivery are directly entered into the live broadcast room, there is no trust foundation, and the accuracy of the delivery is also related to whether there is a demand for users, and what the live broadcast room needs to complete is the accumulation of user trust from zero.

So why do you still need to run live feed streams instead of relying only on short videos to attract traffic?

3. Putting a live feed stream has another purpose

Different delivery methods have their own roles, and the conversion rate data of short video drainage is certainly better than that of live feed streams, but if the goals are different, the focus of the selected streaming methods is also different.

If it is a low-fan account with no experience in shooting high-quality videos, at this time, the live feed stream of "casting a wide net" will be more suitable;

In addition, if you use event marketing, such as a product launch, special event, or time-sensitive event such as a limited-time offer, the live broadcast room can attract viewers to participate immediately and drive conversions faster.

If you only do a small and beautiful business, do a good job of content, through natural flow, and assist in advertising, but what we want is scale, and advertising is a means to expand the scale and reach as many users as possible. The higher the level of delivery, the lower the input-output ratio, which is the industry consensus. So we need to find a balance and expand your precision delivery model, which is also the charm of placement leverage.

In the content part of the article, thank you @青苔 @孟老湿 @Topcat @敏捷增长研究室 @lifestyle and others for their wonderful answers in Tiantianwen contribution~

Part of the material source: Selected topics asked every day

"Everyday" is a mutual aid Q&A module under the Everyone is a Product Manager Community, which is committed to learning and exchanging knowledge in the fields of product, operation, and marketing.

This column is run by everyone is a product manager@Ginny collated, edited and published, welcome everyone to actively ask questions and communicate together.

The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0.

The views in this article only represent the author's own, everyone is a product manager, and the platform only provides information storage space services.

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