
Wushan County: Normalization of national defense education and cultivation of students' patriotism

author:Wushan Melting

In recent years, Wushan County has insisted on carrying out national defense education for young people as a normalized and regular work, and the military and local governments have jointly promoted the integration of national defense education into daily teaching and military training for students, and used the advantages of red resources in the county to educate people in an all-round way and the whole process of national defense science and technology, which has effectively stimulated the patriotism, the feelings of serving the country, and the will to strengthen the country among the primary and secondary school students in the county.

Wushan County: Normalization of national defense education and cultivation of students' patriotism

Make good use of red resources to stimulate students' patriotic enthusiasm. Relying on the advantages of red resources such as the "4841" Martyrs Cemetery in Shandan Town, the Guohuaru Martyrs Cemetery in Luomen Town, and the former site of Mao Zedong's Long March Camp in Feishan Village, Yuanyang Town, teachers and students of all levels and types of primary and secondary schools in the county were organized to carry out activities such as martyrs' cemeteries and re-walking the Long March Road for 1,500 people, remembering the revolutionary martyrs and inheriting the red spirit. On April 3, Mandarin Duck Junior High School organized students to carry out the Qingming Festival and re-walk the Red Research Activity of the Long March Road, in which the students collectively recited the "Seven Laws of the Long March" with the most pious attitude and the most sonorous voice, deeply feeling that the current good life is not easy to come by, and they should be firm and sincere in recalling the martyrs, and understand the mission in admiring the martyrs.

Wushan County: Normalization of national defense education and cultivation of students' patriotism

Veterans preached on campus and ignited students' dream of a strong country. Organize members of the "Wushan County Veterans Propaganda Group" to go deep into Wushan No. 1 Middle School, Tianshui Wushan Red Army Primary School, and Chengguan No. 3 Primary School to carry out 5 veteran propaganda activities with the theme of "Veterans Always Follow the Party and Pass on the Red Gene", inheriting the red gene and cultivating patriotic feelings. On 9 May, when the "Long March Squad" led by Senior Colonel Ao Wei, former member of the Standing Committee of the Bijie City CPC Committee and commander of the military sub-district in Guizhou Province, passed through Wushan, he invited him to give a unique lesson on national defense education to the students of the county vocational secondary school, sowing "red seeds" in the hearts of the students and igniting the students' dream of building a strong country.

Wushan County: Normalization of national defense education and cultivation of students' patriotism

Military training has been normalized, and students' concept of national defense has been firmly established. Military training is not only a requirement of national defense construction, but also a need to improve students' ability to take care of themselves in life. The county people's armed forces department and relevant departments take the initiative to strengthen responsibility, and carefully select more than 50 instructors from retired soldiers or key militia members every year to devote themselves to the military training of freshmen in schools in the county with excellent professional skills and excellent education level. The military training work allows every primary and secondary school student to "immerse" themselves in the way of experiencing military life, guides them to master national defense knowledge, understands the ideological connotation of strengthening the army, improves the national defense literacy of young students, and earnestly builds schools at all levels into a strong position for national defense education in the new era.

Wushan County: Normalization of national defense education and cultivation of students' patriotism

The military-civilian joint interaction and diligence enhance students' sense of mission. Adhere to the advantages of large garrison counties and frequent military-civilian interactions as the highlights, constantly innovate new models of national defense education, add educational elements, effectively strengthen students' new understanding of national defense education, and strive to enhance students' sense of mission and responsibility in the new era. On many occasions, the officers and soldiers of the troops stationed in the county or the enterprises undertaking national defense education and supporting the army have been organized to jointly carry out national defense education activities with the theme of "working hard to strengthen national defense and moving forward bravely and resolutely towards rejuvenation", so that students can "feel the culture of the military camp at close range", experience the life of the military camp, and personally feel the strength of the people's army, strive to enhance the students' patriotism, and guide all teachers and students to contribute talents to the cause of national defense construction.

Author: Fu Hongwu

Source: County Veterans Affairs Bureau

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