
Cancer in the body, fart prophet? Frequent farts of these 4 kinds may be early warning signs of disease!

author:99 Health Net

Fart, in fact, is a sign of the normal functioning of the human intestines.

However, if you fart too often, it's not necessarily a good thing!

There was once such a hot topic: a 27-year-old woman farted dozens of times a day and was eventually diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer.

Cancer in the body, fart prophet? Frequent farts of these 4 kinds may be early warning signs of disease!


Farts = Colon Cancer?

How many farts are normal in a day?

Fartting a lot doesn't directly equate to colon cancer, but frequent farting can be a sign of certain problems with your digestive system, including colon cancer. Excessive farting can be related to several factors:


Consuming foods such as high-fiber foods, legumes, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, bean sprouts, etc., may increase the frequency of farting, as these foods produce more gas during digestion.

Digestive disorders

Some digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, or malabsorption, can cause excessive gas production.

Bacterial imbalance

Certain bacteria in the gut may break down food to produce more gas, which can lead to increased farting if the gut bacteria are out of balance, also known as dysbiosis.

Intestinal diseases

Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or colon cancer can cause intestinal dysfunction that can increase the number of farts.

As for how many farts a day counts as normal, this number varies from person to person, as everyone's eating habits, gut health, and metabolism are different. In general, the number of farts a normal person may be between 5 and 20 times a day, but this range is not absolute. If a person suddenly notices a large increase in the number of farts or is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, constipation, or diarrhea, etc., they should consult a doctor as it may be a sign of a digestive disorder.

Cancer in the body, fart prophet? Frequent farts of these 4 kinds may be early warning signs of disease!


Regularly put these 4 kinds of farts

It may be a warning sign of disease

Fart is a normal physiological phenomenon, but if you let out a specific type of fart regularly, and it is accompanied by other symptoms, it can be a sign of some health problem in the body.

Loud, smelly fart

This kind of fart is usually a sign that your diet may contain too many hard-to-digest foods, such as high-sulfur foods (such as garlic, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.), or an imbalance of gut bacteria. If this condition persists, you may need to adjust your diet or consult your doctor.

A continuous low fart

This may be caused by increased bowel movement or an increased rate of gas passing through the intestines. If this phenomenon is accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, or other digestive problems, it may be necessary to check for inflammatory bowel disease or other intestinal problems.

A fart that smells of rotten eggs

This taste can come from the production of sulfides such as hydrogen sulfide, usually because the food is not fully digested in the intestines. But if the taste is very strong and frequent, it may indicate too much protein in the diet, or an imbalance of gut bacteria.

Farts with a foul smell

If the fart is accompanied by a particularly unpleasant odor, it could be a sign of protein indigestion or a digestive infection, such as a bacterial or parasitic infection.

Cancer in the body, fart prophet? Frequent farts of these 4 kinds may be early warning signs of disease!


Teach you 4 tricks

Let out an elegant fart

Control the timing

Choose to fart during speech or applause, so that you can use other sounds to mask the sound of the fart. Or when the crowd is less concentrated, such as in a conference room or classroom break.

Reduction of gases

To avoid farting too much, you can try cutting back on gas-prone foods, such as legumes, high-fiber vegetables, and carbonated drinks. In addition, you can also try to do some simple exercises before farting, such as squeezing your hips or jumping lightly, to help the gas release slowly.

Goods used

If you have a premonition that you are going to fart, you can prepare items to cover the sound, such as handkerchiefs, paper bags, or masks. When farting, hold these items to your mouth and you can use the sound they produce to mask the fart sound.

Adjust your posture

Sometimes changing posture can help control the release of the fart. For example, you can try crossing your legs or gently squeezing your abdomen to slow down the release of gas.

While these methods may help you let out an "elegant fart" to some extent, they don't completely avoid attracting attention when you fart. Most importantly, don't worry too much about the natural phenomenon of farting, as it is usually harmless. If farting is frequent and accompanied by other digestive symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out potential health problems.

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