
Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

author:Erudite Joey 5n4K

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In real life, we often encounter this situation: a person's outward and inner state are completely different.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

Take Ma Sichun, a powerful mainland actress who has attracted much attention recently, judging from the latest Reuters photos exposed, her weight seems to have returned to 120 pounds, and the fat on her waist and abdomen is obviously prominent. But what is puzzling is that her face is very good, she is full of energy, and she doesn't look like there is any physical problem at all.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

This makes people wonder: Is Ma Sichun's weight gain due to his own choice, or is it due to other reasons? More importantly, as an actress, what impact will the gain or loss of weight have on her career? Around this topic, we might as well interpret and discuss more.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

After all, in the entertainment industry, body has always been a sensitive topic. Some people believe that body shape is crucial to an actor's career development; But there are also those who advocate that as long as the body is healthy, it is completely okay not to worry too much about the fluctuation of weight. Different points of view exist at the same time, which also reflects from the side that there are still some places worth reflecting on the aesthetic standards of women's bodies in our society.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

So, how should we interpret Ma Sichun's state of "inconsistency between inside and outside"? Let's wait and see!

According to the latest exposed Reuters photos, we can notice that Ma Sichun's waist and abdomen have some tiny fat, which makes her figure a little different from her previous slender image. However, it is reassuring to know that she is still in excellent spirits, with a ruddy complexion that gives people a healthy, normal feeling.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

Such a change in detail is actually not enough to attract much attention. As an excellent actor, Ma Sichun's physical condition may fluctuate with changes in work and life, which happens to each of us.

As an actor, being in shape is important, but health is the most important thing. We know that in the past, in order to maintain the so-called "perfect body", Ma Sichun often took diets and even fasting, which caused her body to fall into a state of severe malnutrition.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

recalled that a few years ago, when she was filming, she suddenly fainted on the scene due to physical exhaustion, and this scene frightened the whole crew. This incident has caused widespread attention and concern, and has also made people reflect on the cost of pursuing a perfect body.

We can also see that Ma Sichun has changed a lot now. She realized the importance of health and began to focus on eating a balanced diet and exercising moderately to keep her body healthy. She no longer pursues external beauty excessively, but pays more attention to inner balance and perfection.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

This transition has not only been beneficial for her personal health, but has also had a positive impact on her career. She is more focused on shaping the inner qualities and emotional expression of the character, rather than making the body her only concern.

As an actor, the ephemeral nature of a career is a reality that has always existed. Whether on screen or on stage, they need to put in a lot of effort and effort to present the best performance. However, we must recognize that the body is their lifelong friend.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

In this regard, Ma Sichun has now made remarkable progress. She has relaxed her excessive demands on herself and has begun to focus on maintaining a normal, healthy lifestyle. She understands that only physical health and mental balance can give her a longer career and better performances.

She no longer pursues a perfect body for a short period of time, but pays more attention to inner health and balance. She learned to eat a reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, and moderate exercise to allow her body to recover and adjust.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

This positive transformation undoubtedly deserves our recognition and encouragement. Because only in a healthy state can she maintain a stable performance state, give full play to her potential and talent, and bring more outstanding works to the audience.

No matter how good your body is, if your body suffers every day, then it will inevitably affect both work and life. Therefore, we should pay more attention to Ma Sichun's acting development, rather than just superficially paying attention to her weight.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

Ma Sichun's acting skills have shown remarkable progress in past works. Through her superb acting skills and solid acting skills, she has successfully created many memorable roles. Whether in movies or TV series, she is able to touch the hearts of the audience with her excellent acting skills.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

Her acting development has been the most important part of her career. Through continuous learning and exploration, she was able to gradually improve her performance level and show a more diverse and deeply rooted character image.

We should not be limited to paying too much attention to her weight, but should pay more attention to her acting growth. The figure is only the external appearance, and acting skills are the real core competitiveness of an actor.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

The aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry for women's bodies have been unreasonable for a long time. Slender, or even a little too slender, is considered to be a perfect body, this single and narrow aesthetic undoubtedly exacerbates the body anxiety of many women, and even leads to some extreme behaviors.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

I believe that healthy body standards should vary from person to person, and there is no one-size-fits-all formula. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, moderate exercise, and take care of your body. As for the fluctuation of weight within the normal range, you don't have to worry too much about it.

Ma Sichun's weight returned to 120, and the fat on his waist and abdomen was prominent, but his face was very good

Everyone's body genes are different, and the suitable weight range is also different. We should respect individual differences, abandon a single aesthetic, and face people of different body types with an open and inclusive attitude. In this way, everyone can confidently present their truest and healthiest selves, without being bound by narrow aesthetics.

Author's statement: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet and are invaded and deleted. The content is for entertainment only, no bad guidance, please establish the right values!

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