
He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

author:Yihan said gossip

1. Famous in the Chinese film industry for "learning foreign languages".

In 2017, the hit of the TV series "In the Name of the People" made Hou Tianlai, an excellent actor, once again attract widespread attention. In the play, his superb interpretation of the role of Chen Qingquan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and leaves a deep impression on people.

Chen Qingquan was a high-ranking official, but his fate was changed by a sudden scrutiny. Faced with this situation, he actually issued an obscene and jaw-dropping instruction to his subordinates in a rather literary and artistic way - just four words: "Learn a foreign language".

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Although this is only a small line in the script, Hou Tianlai's wonderful performance makes it full of ridicule and ridicule. When this sentence rang on the screen, the audience couldn't help but laugh.

It turns out that those dirty things can be expressed so easily and strictly in the mouths of sanctimonious people.

This is undoubtedly an accurate portrayal and high summary of Chen Qingquan's role. As an actor, Hou Tianlai successfully presented this role in front of the audience, bringing them a new viewing experience.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Since then, the word "learning foreign languages" has become a well-known hot word, and Hou Tianlai has also won higher recognition and praise in the film and television industry and the hearts of the audience.

2. Misunderstanding and trouble

The character image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it often becomes a major challenge for veteran actors. Like Feng Yuanzheng, Hou Tianlai was also misunderstood by the audience. The villains such as Wang Xiansheng and Chen Qingquan created by him, because of their vivid and vivid images, make it difficult for the audience to distinguish between inside and outside the play while appreciating the plot.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Every time he recalled these misunderstandings, Hou Tianlai felt helpless. As a veteran actor, his duty is to do his best to interpret every role. Sometimes, however, he is too engaged, leading the audience to develop a deep-seated prejudice against him.

The audience mistakenly thought that his personality was just like the sanctimonious characters in the play. In fact, in real life, Hou Tianlai does not have the insidious and cunning behaviors and inner world of the characters in the play.

He treats women with great respect and has never had any peachy news or bad behavior. However, the audience's existing impression of him is difficult to change easily. Whenever he tries to play a new role, the audience can't help but compare it with the image of the past, and thus lose the opportunity to reinvent him.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

This kind of troubled by the constraints and limitations of the character image is the biggest regret in his heart.

3. The reputation of "Sven scum" is impressive

If you want to study the reason why Hou Tianlai was named "Sven scum", it is undoubtedly inseparable from the high-profile TV series "Women Are No Longer Silent" in 2003. This epoch-making film and television work bravely brought the social phenomenon of women in the plight of sexual harassment to the big screen, and its novel and bold subject matter aroused widespread attention and heated discussions at the time.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

In the play, Hou Tianlai played a villain named Wang Xiansheng. As the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, Wang Xiansheng is powerful and reckless in the behavior of his female employees.

He sometimes showed a gentlemanly demeanor of gentleness and manners; Sometimes it becomes irritable and irritable, eerie and terrifying, which makes people shudder, Hou Tianlai vividly shows this fickle personality split, which can be called a vivid interpretation of the four words "Sven scum".

In the face of a flattering little secretary like Jin Lili, he was arrogant and calm; However, when he encountered the indifferent treatment of beauties like Su Jing, he used all kinds of means to reveal his hideous face and had nothing to hide.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Hou Tianlai's superb and nuanced acting skills made people feel frightened, and some viewers even confused him with the character, thinking that "Sven scum" was a true portrayal of himself.

The successful shaping of this role completely subverted his previous positive image and made him the best spokesperson of "Sven Scum". Since then, these four words have been closely linked to his name and cannot be separated.

Fourth, the twists and turns of the road to acting

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Before portraying the role of "Sven scum" in "Women Are No Longer Silent", Hou Tianlai's acting career was not smooth sailing, full of ups and downs. , an actor who graduated from Jilin Academy of Arts, was known as the "emperor's professional household" when he first set foot in the film industry.

In 1998, Hou Tianlai made his debut with the TV series "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom", in which he played Emperor Xianfeng, although he played a supporting role, but left a deep impression on the audience. Emperor Xianfeng, as the last emperor of the last days of the Qing Dynasty, looked even more bloated and weak on Hou Tianlai's thin body, like a tragic picture of the king of the dead country.

Since then, he has successively played Pu Yi in "The Last Imperial Princess" and Emperor Tongzhi in "Emperor Tongzhi", creating a total of six emperors. However, it is a pity that these emperors have all come to a tragic end without exception, and they are far from the wise monarchs such as Kangxi and Qianlong, who opened up their territories.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Although Hou Tianlai continues to work hard and his superb acting skills have been widely recognized by the industry, it is regrettable that he has always been bound by those "unfortunate" roles, so that he has struggled in his acting career and cannot really reach the glorious stage.

However, fate seems to have taken a turn in 2003, when the TV series "Women Are No Longer Silent" enabled him to win the public's attention and popularity with his wonderful interpretation of the villainous role.

However, this also puts him in the dilemma of being a typed character. In subsequent works, he played the role of either a cynical playboy or a man bewitched by beauty, immersed in the world of women all day long.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

The audience's stereotype of him has undoubtedly brought new challenges to his career development.

Fifth, there are two days in and out of the play

The audience was deeply impressed by Hou Tianlai's image of "Sven scum", and it was unbelievable that in real life he was a good man who was gentle, modest and polite. The actresses who have worked with him are full of praise for Hou Tianlai.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

A certain actress recalled that once she accidentally fell on the set, Hou Tianlai immediately stepped forward without hesitation, carefully helped her up, and carefully checked whether she was injured At first, the actress felt a little embarrassed, but was soon deeply moved by Hou Tianlai's considerate care and gentlemanly demeanor.

In real life, Hou Tianlai is well-behaved, humble and polite, and treats women with respect and appropriateness. His private life is even more innocent, and there has never been any scandal or negative news.

Some judges even praised him as "an old artist with both virtue and art", which shows that he is widely praised in the industry, and Hou Tianlai regrets that he has spent a lot of time and energy due to his dedication to his career, thus missing the precious moment of accompanying his children's growth.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Whenever people mention the phrase "learn a foreign language" that he said in the TV series "In the Name of the People", he will always laugh shyly as an honest and kind person in real life. In and out of the play, he seems to be two completely different people, and this huge contrast has become a problem for his life.

Sixth, the fate of actors

Being dominated and limited by the image of the character may be the fate of an excellent actor. They are too involved in each character, interpreting the emotions and personalities of the characters to the fullest, which makes it difficult for the audience to distinguish between the unreal and the real.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

Hou Tianlai's excellent acting skills allow him to switch between each role freely, however, it also means that he is tightly bound by those distinct and unique character images.

The audience's memories and preconceived notions are so deeply imprinted in their minds that they are difficult to erase easily.

When he plays a new role, the audience often involuntarily compares it with the image of the past, and there is no room for Hou Tian to reinvent himself. It was as if he was dressed in a coat of "Sven scum" that he could never get rid of.

He was originally an emperor's professional household, but later became a man's idol and a woman's nightmare because of learning foreign languages

This kind of predicament that is fixed in the established impression has become a big regret and pain in the hearts of many senior actors. As the saying goes, "dogs can't change their", and it is difficult for Hou Tianlai to completely break free from the stereotypical label and image of "Sven scum".

However, perhaps because of this, he and other excellent actors are willing to pay the price of being thoroughly integrated into the role. Being dominated and limited by the image of the character is undoubtedly the fate that outstanding actors must bear, and it is also an unnoble honor that they have earned at the cost of art.

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