
The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

author:Dream wedding

In the bustling city, neon flashes and whistles form the city's never-night melody. In such a city, 56-year-old Zhang Mei stood on the balcony on the second floor, looking at the city's brilliance. There was a faint sadness on her face, which contrasted with the bustle of the city.

"Mom, why don't you sleep yet? Aren't you going to help out at the vegetable market tomorrow? Zhang Mei's daughter Xiaohong wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen, her voice full of concern.

Zhang Mei came back to her senses and smiled slightly: "It's okay, I just want to come out and blow the night breeze." ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Portrait of asian family with elderly parents and daughter sitting on sofa happily together with relationship and family concept.

"Mom, I know what's going on in your mind. For so many years, you have carried everything alone, and I am really happy to see you and Uncle Li decide to remarry. Xiaohong walked up to her mother and held her hand.

Zhang Mei held her daughter's hand, and her eyes revealed a complex emotion, which was not just as simple as being happy. "It's good if you're happy. In fact, when I was with Uncle Li, I was also apprehensive, after all, this new relationship always looked so out of place in the eyes of others at our age. "

Xiaohong clenched her mother's hand: "Mom, you think too much." There is no time limit for happiness, you and Uncle Li are both good people, support each other to go on, and our whole family supports you. ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"I know, I know." Zhang Mei said with emotion, "Over the years, since your father left, life has given me too many tests. Uncle Li's appearance was an accident, but it was also a consolation for me in my later years. ”

"What about Uncle Li? What does his family think of your marriage? Xiaohong asked curiously, knowing that in the traditional Chinese concept, remarriage is always a matter of discussion by many people.

Zhang Mei sighed faintly, "Actually, Uncle Li is not easy, since his wife died of illness, his life has also been messy. His son Xiaojie has been developing abroad, and each other's lives are almost untouched. Uncle Li, he ......" Speaking of this, Zhang Mei's voice suddenly lowered.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"What's wrong with him? Mom, you can tell me. Xiaohong asked worriedly.

"He, he's always had heart problems, that's why we decided to get married, and we want to give each other a little bit of support at the end of our lives." Zhang Mei's eyes were slightly moist.

Xiaohong looked at her mother distressedly, and her eyes couldn't help but redden, "Mom, then you have to be good, what do you need, say, Xiaojie and I, we will support you." ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

In this way, under the starlight, the words of mother and daughter faded away and echoed under the night sky. This is the beginning of a new life, and it is also a fate that has only been cultivated after many ups and downs. Zhang Mei's heart is full of expectations, but at the same time, it is also full of uncertainties about the future. In any case, the decision to remarry has been decided, and every step of the way has to be fought for carefully. After the news of her parents' remarriage gradually settled in the bottom of their hearts, Xiaohong and Xiaojie began more exchanges. In listening to each other, the two young people not only gave themselves a new understanding of this late marriage, but also connected their parents' past.

One afternoon, Xiaohong received a call from Xiaojie.

"Xiaohong, are you free? I have something I want to talk to you about. Xiao Jie's voice came through the phone, and he seemed to be a little worried.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"Of course I'm free, what's wrong, what's the matter?" Xiaohong put down the work at hand and replied seriously.

"It's about dad and your mom. I recently came back from abroad and spent some time with my dad and I felt ...... We need to talk. There was a hint of hesitation in Xiaojie's voice.

Xiaohong's heart tightened: "Okay, let's find a place to meet, shall we?" ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

So, the two agreed to meet at a coffee shop. Sitting down, Xiao Jie began the conversation with a solemn expression.

"Xiaohong, in fact, when I came back this time, I found that my father's health was not as optimistic as he described." Xiao Jie said in a deep voice, he found that Zhang Mei didn't know either.

"What do you mean? Uncle Li, he ...... "Xiaohong's heart is crumpled into a ball.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"He has a serious heart problem, and I'm worried about whether he wants to find someone to keep him company because of that...... You know, just in case. Xiaojie looked at Xiaohong, and his tone was full of worry.

Xiaohong lowered her head and pondered, and only looked up for a long time: "Then what should we do?" We can't just get them married, and then my mom ......"

"I know, that's what worries me the most. However, this does not separate them. They have feelings for each other too, don't they? Xiaojie said distressedly.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"We need to talk to them and maybe there will be a way to solve it." Xiaohong looked at Xiaojie with determination in her eyes.

After deciding, the two returned to Zhang Mei's home together. Under the warm lighting of the room, a family meeting begins.

"Aunt Zhang, Uncle Li, we have something we want to talk to you about." Xiaojie said straight to the point, but maintained a respectful attitude.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Zhang Mei and Uncle Li looked at each other, and Uncle Li was even more uneasy: "Xiaojie, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it directly." ”

So, Xiaojie and Xiaohong spoke out their worries unreservedly, telling about their worries about Uncle Li's health and the pressure that Zhang Mei might be under because of it.

After hearing this, Uncle Li was silent for a moment before slowly speaking: "Actually, I ......."

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Zhang Mei was startled at first, then looked at Uncle Li and held his hand: "Everyone has that day, I'm not afraid, what I care about is every minute and every second with you now." ”

"But Mom......" Xiaohong was about to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Mei's gentle gaze.

"Child, emotional matters are not so simple. You don't have to worry about us, we have a sense of proportion. After Zhang Mei finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Uncle Li, and there was a tacit understanding in both of their eyes.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Xiaojie and Xiaohong looked at them wordlessly, with mixed feelings in their hearts. They realized that perhaps the feelings and courage behind this late marriage were far deeper and larger than they imagined.

In the ensuing conversation, the two seniors shared their views and plans for the future with their children, and talked more deeply about their expectations for life and how they deal with their health conditions. Everything seems to have been thought out, from medical preparation to mutual care in daily life.

After the conversation, although Xiaohong and Xiaojie were still a little worried, they felt unprecedented respect and understanding for their parents' decision. They decide to work together to create an understanding and supportive environment for their parents' new lives. The candlelight of the wedding flickered on the windowsill of the new house, reflecting this small space in a warm and peaceful light. Zhang Mei sat on the edge of the bed, Uncle Li was not by her side, in order to give her a little space, he chose to wait in the living room. In the silence of the night, Zhang Mei's heart is turbulent, and at this moment, she finally needs to face her many feelings about her new life.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"Mom, why haven't you rested?" Little Red walked softly into the bedroom, and she noticed that her mother was sitting quietly, as if she had a lot to say.

Zhang Mei smiled faintly at Xiaohong, "Come here, sit next to me." She patted the bed.

Xiaohong squatted on the edge of the bed, her eyes full of concern, "Mom, is there something hidden from me?" ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Zhang Mei sighed, "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that I'm looking forward to and worrying about this new life......"

"Mom, what are you worried about? Isn't it with Uncle Li-" Before Xiaohong finished speaking, Zhang Mei waved her hand.

"No, Uncle Li is very good. I, I'm just worried about whether we can really love each other like young people, I'm afraid that I can't do well and be worthy of him. Zhang Mei's expression became a little confused.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Xiaohong held her hand, "Mom, love knows no age, you have the right to pursue your own happiness." As long as you respect each other and support each other, this is the best way to love each other. ”

Zhang Mei's eyes began to moisten, and she was just about to continue saying something, when Xiaohong's gaze suddenly stopped on the bedside table, and an unsealed letter attracted her attention.

"What is this?" Xiaohong asked out loud, and Zhang Mei also turned her head to look at the letter.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"Is this what Uncle Li wrote for you? Mom, what's in it? Red curiosity prompted her to reach out and open the letter.

"Don't-" Zhang Mei stopped in a panic, she instinctively thought that this was what Uncle Li had written to her in private.

However, things are always unexpected, and when Xiaohong unfolds the letter, a misleading phrase jumps into view: "If anything happens, please forgive me." ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Xiaohong's face changed drastically, "Mom...... What does that mean? Did he hide something, or—"

"No, it can't be, I don't believe it." Zhang Mei immediately stood up, she didn't want to believe all this in front of her, and her voice also raised.

With the voice, Uncle Li walked into the bedroom worriedly, "Zhang Mei, Xiaohong, what's wrong?" I wrote the letter just now. ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"Uncle Li, what do you mean in your letter? Why? Is there something hidden from us? Xiaohong questioned with a mixture of resentment and worry.

Uncle Li looked at them, with melancholy in his eyes but also a little calm, "This is my psychological construction to deal with emergencies, I think, if something happens to my body, I don't want you to be burdened." ”

Hearing Uncle Li's explanation, Zhang Mei's face was a little tear-stained, she suddenly understood Uncle Li's original intention of writing the letter, and Xiaohong also realized her misunderstanding.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"Dad, I shouldn't have asked you that, I'm sorry." Xiaohong bowed her head to admit her mistake, and Uncle Li stepped forward and hugged her.

"It's all right, we're all family. As long as we are honest with each other, everything can be faced. Zhang Mei looked at Uncle Li, and both of them showed a sense of stability in their eyes.

In this way, the turmoil caused by a letter not only did not bring damage, but deepened the understanding and trust between the newly formed family members. After a conversation, Zhang Mei and Uncle Li decided to take on the challenges they might face in the future together, and Xiaohong also felt the warmth and responsibility of the family. The night sky gradually brightened, and the warmth of the morning light shone into Zhang Mei and Uncle Li's bedroom. The turmoil in the night subsided, and the faces of the two old men were filled with relieved smiles, and their hands were tightly interlocked, revealing their firmness and trust in each other.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Xiaohong woke up early, boiled a pot of fragrant tea, and prepared a few love snacks. Walking into the living room, she saw that Zhang Mei and Uncle Li were already sitting on the sofa, she said softly: "Good morning, Mom, Uncle Li, I made tea, you can taste it." ”

Uncle Li smiled and nodded, "Thank you Xiaohong, I am blessed to have a considerate child like you." ”

"What a misunderstanding tonight is." Zhang Mei said with a smile, with a hint of joy in her tone.

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Xiaohong walked over, brought the tea to the two old men, and then sat beside them, "Mom, I have some clarity about what you said last night. Uncle Li is good to you and responsible for the family, and that's enough. ”

Uncle Li picked up the teacup, sniffed the aroma, and said, "Actually, people always have to face many things, don't they?" What matters is how we deal with it. ”

"Yes," Zhang Mei took over the conversation, "It is understandable that the two old men and the two old ladies remarried, and it is not a shameful thing." ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

Uncle Li nodded with a smile and added, "Moreover, when people are old, they must know how to cherish them." It is a very happy thing to have a partner who understands you and cares about you. ”

At this time, Xiaojie also walked out of the room, he rubbed his sleepy eyes, "Listening to your laughter, I know that everything is fine." ”

He walked over and sat down, looking at Zhang Mei and Uncle Li, "Dad, Aunt Zhang, what happened last night ......"

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

"It's all over, we're a family now, just support each other." Zhang Mei looked directly at Xiaojie.

In such a harmonious atmosphere, Xiaojie was finally relieved and his mood was greatly relaxed, "Then let's go on a small trip next?" Like a honeymoon or something. ”

Zhang Mei and Uncle Li couldn't help but smile at each other and readily agreed, "That's a good idea." ”

The first intercourse of the old man's remarriage in his later years: the true words of the 56-year-old aunt

The breakfast on the table slowly cooled in the laughter, but no one cared. Because in this warm little home, the emotions between people are the warmest sunshine.

"Actually, no matter what age you are, isn't love the same?" Zhang Mei suddenly asked such a rhetorical question.

The air in the room seemed to freeze, and then the four of them laughed in unison, and this laughter embraced all the past, and welcomed more happy futures.

This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspect of the text is not related to reality. If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.