
Dear users, price adjustment announcement


Hello dear readers! We are here to introduce you to the latest important news about the real estate industry.

Dear users, price adjustment announcement

Recently, many cities across the country have successively introduced the policy of "recognising the house but not the loan" to simplify the application process for the first home loan. The policy has been implemented in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places, and was officially confirmed by Beijing in early September. After the completion of the implementation, the four first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have implemented this set of policies. For details, please refer to the article "Latest Developments: Major Announcements of New Policies for Buying Houses in Beijing and Shanghai".

Dear users, price adjustment announcement

In addition, Chongqing, Chengdu, Foshan, Jiangmen and other cities also announced the implementation of the policy of "recognising houses but not loans" on the same day. The introduction of these policies has undoubtedly brought new vitality to the real estate market.

Dear users, price adjustment announcement

It is worth noting that Beijing's policy of "recognising housing but not recognising loans" has triggered a strong response from the market. Many real estate companies have planned to increase their efforts to launch and adjust their marketing strategies. It is understood that September is the traditional peak season of the property market, coupled with the continuous release of favorable policies, the market prospect is promising.

Dear users, price adjustment announcement

However, some intermediaries have taken this opportunity to speculate on the rise in housing prices, and even some real estate projects have announced price increases. In this regard, a well-known real estate company in Guangzhou refuted the rumors and denied the "preferential recovery and price increase notice" circulating on the Internet.

Dear users, price adjustment announcement

According to Beijing's policy of "recognising a house but not recognising a loan", if you do not have a house in Beijing but have a loan record, the down payment still needs to be paid in accordance with the existing policy. For example, for a house worth 4 million yuan, the down payment should be about 800,000 yuan.

Dear users, price adjustment announcement

In general, the implementation of the policy of "recognising houses but not loans" will help reduce the burden on first-time home buyers and promote the healthy and stable development of the real estate market. At the same time, we must also be vigilant against the hype behavior of some unscrupulous intermediaries to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Dear users, price adjustment announcement
Dear users, price adjustment announcement
Dear users, price adjustment announcement
Dear users, price adjustment announcement
Dear users, price adjustment announcement