
The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

author:Thinking Navigation Station

The Russian-Ukrainian battlefield has entered the peak week of fierce fighting

Recently, the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine has entered an unprecedented peak of fierce fighting.

According to the latest report from the Russian satellite network, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that over the past week, the Ukrainian army has suffered heavy losses, numbering up to 9,565 people. This is a staggering number that highlights the brutality and ruthlessness of the battlefield.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

In the Donetsk and Kharkiv directions, fierce exchanges of troops of both sides began.

The Western Army Group of the Russian Army continues to occupy favorable front-line positions in this area, which has put tremendous pressure on the Ukrainian army.

According to war reports, the Ukrainian army lost 960 soldiers in this direction, as well as 2 tanks, 5 American-made field guns, 9 armored vehicles, and 4 BM-21 Hail rocket launchers.

These losses had a serious impact on the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army.

In addition, on the Zaporozhye and Yuzhno-Donetsk fronts, the fighting is no less intense.

The Russian Army Orient continued to launch a fierce offensive here, resulting in the loss of 965 people of the Ukrainian army.

In addition to casualties, the Ukrainian army also lost a large amount of weapons and equipment, including 1 tank, 9 armored vehicles, 28 vehicles, and a number of artillery and rocket artillery.

These losses further weakened the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army, making its situation on the battlefield even more difficult.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

In the Donetsk region, the Russian Army Group Center also achieved remarkable results. They eliminated 2,475 Ukrainian soldiers and continued attacks in the western side of Avadika and in the direction of Chasov Yar. In these battles, the Russian army destroyed a large number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and other equipment of the Ukrainian army, which seriously hit the morale of the Ukrainian army.

At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced a significant victory for Army Group South in the battle for Donetsk.

They successfully struck at the living forces and weapons and equipment of the Ukrainian army, which led to the loss of 3,725 people of the Ukrainian army.

In addition, 5 German Leopard 2 tanks, 3 Soviet tanks, and a large number of armored vehicles, automobiles, and artillery equipment were destroyed. These victories fully demonstrated the strong combat effectiveness and efficient tactics of the Russian army.

In order to motivate the soldiers to continue to fight bravely, the Russian Ministry of Defense has set up a generous bonus system.

It is reported that the soldier who destroys a Western tank will receive a reward of 1 million rubles, and the soldier who captures a combat robot will receive a bonus of up to 2 million rubles.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

This system greatly stimulated the fighting enthusiasm of the Russian soldiers and made them more courageous and fearless on the battlefield.

However, the Ukrainian army is not defenseless. According to the war report released by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, they have also eliminated 9,740 Russian soldiers in the past week.

This figure shows that the Ukrainian army also showed a stubborn spirit of resistance in the face of the onslaught of the Russian army.

At the same time, according to the records of the ORYX website, the Russian army also lost a large number of heavy weapons and equipment between January and April 2024.

This shows that the Ukrainian army has also inflicted considerable losses on the Russian army during the battle.

On the whole, the losses figures of Russia and Ukraine in terms of personnel, tanks and artillery are quite close.

This fully shows that the combat effectiveness of the Russian and Ukrainian armies is very close, and neither side has the advantage of being able to absolutely overwhelm the other at present.

In such a close situation, the two sides can only fall into repeated battles and stalemates.

However, this stalemate is a great attrition and wear and tear for both sides.

It is worth noting that the war has also had a profound impact on the demographics of Russia and Ukraine.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

Since both sides are countries with declining birth rates, especially in the Slavic population, the war will have a major impact on the demographic and ethnic structure for centuries to come.

This impact could transform every aspect of both societies, including economic, political, and cultural spheres.

At the height of the current pitch of battle, both sides are fighting for victory with all their might.

However, the final outcome of this war remains uncertain.

Although the Russian army has achieved certain advantages in some aspects, the Ukrainian army has also shown a stubborn spirit of resistance. Therefore, the future situation on the battlefield remains unpredictable.

Whatever the outcome, what is certain is that the war has already brought great losses and suffering to both sides.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

Countless lives have been lost on the battlefield, and countless families have been shattered as a result.

Therefore, we should deeply reflect on the disastrous consequences of war and strive to find a peaceful solution.

At this critical juncture, we call on both sides to remain calm and exercise restraint and to resolve differences and issues through dialogue and negotiation.

Only in this way can more bloodshed and conflict be avoided and true peace and prosperity be brought to the peoples of both countries.

At the same time, the international community should also strengthen its mediation and mediation efforts to build a bridge of communication between Russia and Ukraine and promote the smooth progress of the peace process.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

We should also focus on the impact of war on ordinary people.

Countless innocent civilians have been harmed and threatened in this war.

We should strengthen humanitarian assistance and support to provide the necessary help and care to the people affected by the war.

At the same time, we should also strengthen the investigation and accountability of war crimes, and ensure that those who commit crimes are duly punished and punished.

In short, the current Russian-Ukrainian battlefield has entered the peak week of fierce fighting, and both sides are fighting to the death for victory.

However, we should recognize the disastrous consequences of war and strive to find a peaceful solution.

The most intense week of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation, 1 person killed was rewarded with 2,000 dollars in cash: 19,305 people died in 7 days

Only in this way can we truly safeguard the interests and well-being of the two peoples and at the same time promote regional stability and development.

In this fierce confrontation, both Russia and Ukraine have paid a huge price.

However, war is not the best way to solve problems.

On the contrary, it only brings more pain and loss.

Therefore, we should adhere to the principles of peace, cooperation and understanding, and promote the resolution of differences and problems between Russia and Ukraine through dialogue and consultation.

Only in this way can real peace and prosperity be brought to the peoples of both countries, while at the same time setting a positive example for the entire international community.

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