
Finally came, Putin set off for a visit to China, and before getting on the plane, he expressed his attitude towards China, and the wording was extraordinary

author:Thinking Navigation Station

According to the latest news from the Observer Network, Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to pay an official state visit to China on May 16-17, which will be his first diplomatic visit after taking office as Russian president.

It is worth mentioning that Putin's last visit to Beijing was in October 2023 to attend the high-profile Belt and Road Summit.

Finally came, Putin set off for a visit to China, and before getting on the plane, he expressed his attitude towards China, and the wording was extraordinary

Before leaving, Putin gave an exclusive interview to Xinhua News Agency, in which he discussed in depth Russian-Chinese relations, the prospects for BRICS cooperation, and the current state of the Ukrainian crisis.

He said that relations between Russia and China have reached a historical peak, and even against the background of an increasingly grim international situation, relations between the two sides are still being strengthened.

At the same time, he spoke highly of the rapid development of Russian-Chinese economic and trade relations and was full of confidence in the future of economic relations between the two countries.

During this visit, Putin will lead a large trade delegation that includes elites in finance, finance, business and other fields.

Among them are the newly appointed Minister of Defense Andrei Belousov, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other high-ranking officials.

In addition, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov also revealed that the delegation included many business tycoons, such as Sberbank CEO Gelman Gref and a number of well-known entrepreneurs.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on the 14th that Chinese leaders will have an in-depth exchange of views with President Putin on bilateral relations and international and regional issues during the visit, especially in the important context of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova also stressed that Russian-Chinese relations are rock-solid and not affected by any external factors.

She noted that cooperation between Russia and China is based on a partnership of respect, equality and trust, as well as mutual support on key issues.

In his exclusive interview, Putin specifically mentioned the progress of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of agriculture.

Finally came, Putin set off for a visit to China, and before getting on the plane, he expressed his attitude towards China, and the wording was extraordinary

He said that the momentum of Russia's export of agricultural products to the Chinese market is very good, and various investment and production initiatives are being effectively implemented.

In addition, the transport and logistics corridors between the two countries are also operating steadily and growing.

He also stressed that the two sides will strive to carry out deeper cooperation in a number of innovative fields such as industry, high technology, space, peaceful use of nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, etc.

According to information released by the Kremlin, during Putin's visit to China, the leaders of the two countries are expected to sign a series of important documents to further promote the development of bilateral relations.

In addition to political exchanges, Putin will also go to Harbin to attend the 8th China-Russia Expo and the 4th China-Russia Forum on Local Cooperation, and have the opportunity to visit Harbin Institute of Technology for face-to-face interaction with teachers and students.

First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Melnikov pinned high hopes on the visit.

He said that Putin's visit to China is of great significance not only to Russia and China, but also to the whole world.

This view has been widely recognized, which shows that Russia attaches great importance to and looks forward to this visit.

However, the Western media's coverage of the visit was tinged with emotion.

The Associated Press and other media outlets have viewed Sino-Russian cooperation as a challenge to the so-called "US-led liberal world order" and have attempted to portray China and Russia as potential threats to international peace and order.

Finally came, Putin set off for a visit to China, and before getting on the plane, he expressed his attitude towards China, and the wording was extraordinary

Obviously, such bias and misdirection cannot conceal the positive significance of strengthening cooperation between China and Russia.

In response to the unreasonable accusations and sanctions imposed by the United States on China-Russia economic and trade exchanges, the Chinese government has repeatedly refuted and clarified them.

China stresses that trade cooperation between China and Russia is the right of both parties and is not subject to interference or obstruction by any third party.

At the same time, China also calls on relevant parties to resolve global disputes through consultation and oppose the unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia.

In general, after 75 years of trials and hardships, China-Russia relations have developed into a major-country relationship with a high degree of mutual trust, a strong level of cooperation, and great strategic value.

This kind of relationship is rooted in the profound traditional friendship between the two countries, and is in line with the aspirations of the two peoples and the only way for historical development.

Putin's visit to China will further strengthen cooperation and exchanges between China and Russia and inject new impetus into world peace and development.

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