
Shocked! The ass will actually "die"

author:Well-off Magazine

  "Sit at work, sit on your phone, sit while watching TV" Do you spend more time sitting every day? How many hours do you usually sit? If you sit for long periods of time, even all day, you need to be careful! Your ass may be "dead"!

  What the? Will the ass also "die"? How can you tell if your ass is "dead"? And how to save the "dead" ass?

Shocked! The ass will actually "die"

  In September last year, "26-year-old girl suffered from dead buttocks syndrome after long-term overtime and sedentary work" appeared on Weibo hot search. It is reported that Xiao Dai (pseudonym), a 26-year-old girl from Zhejiang, began to experience waist discomfort two months ago: as long as she sits for a long time, her waist will be sore and unbearable. Xiao Dai told the doctor that he worked more than 10 hours a day, often had to work overtime, and sat on a stool for about the same amount of time he slept every day. The doctor diagnosed that she might have "dead buttock syndrome".

Shocked! The ass will actually "die"

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  What is dead buttocks syndrome

  Dead hip syndrome, also known as gluteal amnesia, is caused by sitting still for a long time, the buttock muscles (especially the gluteus maximus) are in a state of compression and relaxation, which causes pain, numbness, atrophy, stiffness, and a series of symptoms such as waist, hip and knee pain.

  Main manifestations

  1. Weakness, atrophy and flattening of the buttocks, various chronic pains, such as buttocks pain, low back pain, leg pain, knee pain, foot and ankle pain, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, etc.;

  2. The stability of the pelvis deteriorates, and abnormal postures such as pelvic tilt and long and short legs appear.

  Self-test method for "dead buttocks syndrome".

  Kneeling Stretch: Hands on both knees, then one leg raised and stretched back. If you feel significantly difficult, it means that the muscles of the buttocks are unable to bear the weight of the lower limbs.

  Standing on one leg: Cross your hands in front of your chest and lift one leg back. If you can't keep your pelvis stable and instead tilt your leg up, you're not getting enough strength in your lateral hip muscles (gluteus medius).

  Dangers of dead buttocks syndrome

  According to experts, a typical symptom of dead hip syndrome is that you can't feel the gluteal muscles when you squeeze them, or the contraction is very weak. Common injuries associated with dead hip syndrome are:

  Low back pain

  The gluteal muscles, by contracting the gluteal muscles, allow us to keep our body upright and maintain good posture throughout our body. When we have dead hip syndrome and we can't contract the gluteal muscles normally, the body leans forward slightly, or the back becomes tense and tired because the muscles in the back compensate for the hip muscles to keep the body upright. The back muscles compensate for a long time, and over time lower back pain will appear.

  Piriformis syndrome

  The piriformis muscle, located in the middle of the gluteal region, is a collateral condition of dead hip syndrome, due to the compression of the sciatic nerve can cause pain in the buttocks and can radiate to the lower limbs, in severe cases, unable to walk or walk for a distance The pain is severe, and it is necessary to rest for a while before continuing to walk.

  Iliotibial band syndrome

  In addition to piriformis syndrome, dead hip syndrome can also induce iliotibial band syndrome. The iliotibial band is located on the outside of the thigh and is mainly used to reduce the pressure of body weight on the knee joint. People with iliotibial band syndrome often have pain on the outside of the knee joint, which can trigger lateral femoral epicondyle pain in severe cases.

  How can I prevent dead hip syndrome?

  Experts say the best way to prevent dead hip syndrome is to stay physically active. If you sit for long periods of time, it is recommended that you stand up, stretch, and move around every now and then as a way to keep your glute muscles active throughout the day. A good rule to use is to get up and move for 10 minutes every 1 hour of sitting to reactivate your gluteal muscles and prevent them from falling asleep.

  Also, stretching before and after a workout is key to avoiding gluteal amnesia, especially for long-distance runners and cyclists who need to stretch their hip flexors. This will allow the gluteus medius (one of the three gluteal muscles) to be properly strengthened, eliminating the mutual inhibition effect.

  However, experts remind you not to exercise blindly, and try to exercise your gluteal muscles scientifically and regularly under the guidance of a professional rehabilitation therapist or therapist.

  3 training movements to help you activate your gluteal muscles

  Gluteal bridge: Lie on your back and bend your knees, your feet on the ground, and your waist close to the ground; Lift your hips so that your shoulders, hips, and knees are in the same line, hold on to the top for a few seconds, and then straighten them up.

Shocked! The ass will actually "die"
Shocked! The ass will actually "die"

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  Sumo squat: Spread your legs 2 times shoulder width apart, slowly squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground, stay for 3 seconds and slowly return to the center.

Shocked! The ass will actually "die"

  ▲People's Daily Online video screenshot

  Side lunge: Sit with your feet apart, hips back, back straight, and legs pressing down in alternating lunges. Take care to breathe evenly.

Shocked! The ass will actually "die"

  ▲People's Daily Online video screenshot

  The above 3 movements, 15 in each group, do 3 sets a day.

  Source: Xiaokang Toutiao WeChat public account comprehensive China network, CCTV network, red network, People's Daily Online

  Editor-in-charge: Zhou Jingtao

  Review: Wang Fang