
When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

author:An An talks about history

1. The journey to the end of life

Ni Kuang stopped in front of Gu Long's coffin, his face was gloomy and his eyes were empty. Once upon a time, they were like carefree children, unbridled in the bustling city of Hong Kong.

How many long nights, they raised wine glasses, talked about life, laughed and scolded, and complained to each other. However, now, the 48-year-old Gu Long died suddenly, and the end of his life befell his best friend.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Ni Kuang clutched the 48 bottles of rare Louis XIII brandy, his hands trembling slightly. It's a wine they love together, and every drop carries a deep friendship between them.

He took a deep breath and slowly opened the first bottle, pouring the rich liquor over the coffin of the ancient dragon, tears streaming down like rain.

"Old Ancient, we've had countless nights of drinking. You have said that you wish we could bury 48 bottles of Louis XIII for you after your death. But who knows......" Ni Kuang choked up speechlessly, and grief drowned him like a tide.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

In the past, they laughed and cursed, sharing the joys and sorrows of the drunkards, but tonight, it is a farewell wine, and no one will drink with him anymore.

One bottle, two bottles...... Ni Kuang numbly repeated the action of opening the cork, sprinkling the wine evenly on the coffin, as if this would allow the soul of the ancient dragon to enjoy the mellow aroma of the wine in heaven.

Gu Long was fond of drinking during his lifetime, and whenever a few of their friends drank freely, he always drank heartily and enjoyed it. Ni Kuang recalled those good times nostalgically, and his heart became more and more sad.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Cai Lan and Huang Zhan were also silently waiting on the side, and the three of them were as close as siblings. Seeing Ni Kuang in such pain, Cai Lan stepped forward and hugged him, comforting: "If Gu Long has a spirit in the sky, he must also accompany us to drink and talk."


Second, the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Time goes back to the seventies and eighties of the last century, when Ni Kuang, Gu Long, Jin Yong and Cai Lan were in the golden age of talent and prosperity. They are known as the "Four Great Talents of Hong Kong", who have left a brilliant chapter in literature, film and other fields.

In addition to creation, they also made good connections, talked about everything, and became mentors and friends in each other's lives.

There was a wonderful time in history when four talented literary masters invited the famous Miss Sanmao to their home. Miss Sanmao was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, and her snow-like skin was eye-catching, so that all the male guests present could not take their eyes off it.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Mr. Ni Kuang and Mr. Gu Long, who are over seventy years old, inevitably fell into a delicate situation in the face of such a beautiful and moving beauty. They quietly exchanged glances and shouted the slogan "one, two, three" in unison behind Miss Sanmao, and then the two gentlemen each left a mark of love on Miss Sanmao's delicate and smooth fragrant shoulders.

Miss Sanmao's face flushed with shyness, and she let out a slight exclamation, but instead of being angry, she laughed at the bold actions of the two men with magnanimity.

This hilarious scene is vividly depicted in Mr. Cai Lan's memoirs: "These two old naughty boys dare to do such rude things to Miss Sanmao, they are really asking for their own suffering!" ”。

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

On another fun-filled evening, four literary giants were excited to create Hong Kong's most popular entertainment show, "No Defense Tonight". This is an extremely innovative and forward-looking talk show that dares to challenge the bottom line of social morality without reservation.

They invited many hot stars as guests, and the atmosphere of each episode of the show was as warm as a carnival. Mr. Huang's unique sense of humor and sophisticated hosting skills are breathtaking.

Once, Mr. Leslie Cheung attended as a guest, and Mr. Huang Zhan did not hesitate to hug him tightly, kiss him on the cheek, and said mischievously: "I really like you, dear!" Mr. Leslie Cheung responded with the same enthusiasm: "How's it going, dear? "Despite their slightly exaggerated performance, they managed to bring the atmosphere to a climax.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

III. The collection of the Genius Literature

Although the friendship between the four talents can be said to be a lot of talk, their process of getting along is not all smooth sailing. As a master of martial arts novels, Mr. Jin Yong has made two business trips, and both entrusted Mr. Ni Kuang to serialize his masterpiece "Dragon Babu" on his behalf.

However, Mr. Ni Kuang actually wrote the heroine A Zhu to death in the first serial, and the second time he wrote the new heroine A Zi blind, which made Mr. Jin Yong furious and almost caused this martial arts masterpiece that perfectly integrates poetry and martial arts to be stillborn.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

At that time, as soon as Mr. Jin Yong returned to his home in Hong Kong, he found that his home was full of angry letters of questioning from book lovers, each of which accused Mr. Ni Kuang of why he wanted to write his beloved character to death or blindly.

Mr. Ni Kuang behaved unusually calmly, showing the unique calmness of a literati, and he explained to Mr. Jin Yong: "Heroes should be lonely, and Azhu should leave like this." ”

In the face of Jin Yong's stern questioning, Ni Kuang apologized sincerely and frankly at first, but then shrugged his shoulders lightly and said, "You can use your imagination to try to solve the problem satisfactorily."

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Such a contemptuous attitude undoubtedly adds fuel to the fire.

In desperation, Jin Yong racked his brains, pondered hard, and came up with the idea of adding a new Ah Zhu's sister Ah Zi in the novel to maintain the dramatic status of the heroine.

When Jin Yong was about to leave Hong Kong on a business trip again, he entrusted the writing work to Ni Kuang. Jin Yong knew the lessons of the past, and specially instructed Ni Kuang: "This time, we must avoid the death of the character again!" However, Ni Kuang did not directly write Ah Zi to death this time, but subtly made her lose her eyesight.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

When Jin Yong returned and saw the manuscript in his hand, he couldn't help but feel remorseful, and even almost became angry again. Faced with Ni Kuang's explanation of "Ah Zi did a lot of evil, so I blinded her as a punishment and retribution", Jin Yong could only endure the dissatisfaction in his heart, and once again "opened the eyes of wisdom" for Ah Zi and reconstructed a reasonable plot explanation.

Fourth, the uninhibited life trajectory

Before the disagreement with Jin Yong, Ni Kuang's life experience can be described as full of mystery and legend.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

When he was 16 years old, Ni Kuang was in high school, in the prime of his youth, unrestrained and willful. One day, he was once again skipping school and wandering, when suddenly, a gust of wind swept in and blew an admissions poster at his feet.

Ni Kuang picked it up and took a look, only to see the words "East China People's Revolutionary University Enrollment" written on it. Perhaps it was an impulse or a trick of fate, Ni Kuang really found the registration location as shown on the poster, and successfully passed the exam and became a member of East China People's Revolutionary University.

In this way, Ni Kuang was admitted without warning, and after three months of rigorous training in Suzhou, he changed into a uniform and became a glorious public security officer. The sudden assumption of the responsibility of maintaining social order from a carefree teenager is truly jaw-dropping.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

As expected, the mischievous Ni Kuang soon caused trouble in Inner Mongolia.

Once, Ni Kuang privately raised four little wolf dogs in the dormitory, but was discovered by the party organization secretary, and the angry secretary tried to stop it, but was attacked by the wolf dog and seriously injured his hand.

The incident sparked a conflict between the two.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Soon after, on a snowy night, due to the lack of heating fuel, Ni Kuang actually demolished the small wooden bridge to burn it as firewood, which eventually angered the superior leaders and was imprisoned in a confinement room.

When Ni Kuang heard the rumors that he would be severely punished, he was immediately frightened, and hurriedly packed his luggage overnight, hurriedly fled his home, and arrived in Liaoning and Shanghai.

However, despite his repeated pleas for help, no one dared to lend a helping hand, for fear that he would get into trouble and lead to unforeseen disasters and fall into a helpless predicament, Ni Kuang had to embark on a difficult escape journey towards Hong Kong, where his parents and relatives were, and after many hardships, he finally managed to hide in a truck transporting vegetables and successfully arrived in Hong Kong.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Ni Kuang, a newcomer, was penniless and could only sweat and carry bricks on the construction site to make ends meet. However, his outstanding literary talent was not buried, and it was not long before his works appeared in newspapers and magazines.

Jin Yong of "Ming Pao" was full of insight and admiration for his talent, and warmly invited him to join the creative team, Ni Kuang's literary path opened a new chapter, and the Hong Kong literary scene also ushered in a wave of rising talents.

Fifth, talented to write a brilliant chapter

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

At a time when the "Four Talents of Hong Kong" are shining in the literary world, the friendship between them is also getting deeper and deeper. For countless nights, they gathered together at Ni Kuang's residence or Cai Lan's mansion, toasted and drank together, and talked about life.

They are confidants who talk about everything, trust each other and support each other.

One day, Ni Kuang visited Cai Lan's house, and Cai Lan's elderly mother asked him if he liked to drink. Ni Kuang humbly replied: "I have a little drink, but I don't dare to drink more during the day, and I can only taste the wine when night falls."

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Cai Lan's mother was slightly stunned when she heard this, obviously she didn't expect Ni Kuang to answer like this, however, after a while, she took over the topic with a smile: "Then, the night is your time" After that, the kind old man actually rolled up his sleeves in front of the two, took out a bottle of wine, and drank to his heart's content, The atmosphere of the scene instantly froze, Ni Kuang and Cai Lan looked at each other and smiled, and the laughter echoed for a long time.

Another time, Ni Kuang happened to meet Ms. Qiong Yao, a well-known martial arts novel writer, at Cai Lan's home. During the conversation, Qiong Yao asked Ni Kuang if he would like to taste some fine wine. Ni Kuang, who has always been humble and polite, said tactfully: "I want to be able to taste the alcoholic drinks made in France."

He thought that such an expression was clear and clear enough, however, after a while, Qiong Yao took down a bottle of items from upstairs, and Ni Kuang looked at it, it was actually a bottle of expensive French perfume! It turned out that Qiong Yao misunderstood his words and separated the two concepts of "wine" and "containing alcohol" to understand.

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

When talking about that old time, Ni Kuang couldn't help but smile, because the scene at that time was really unbearable. At that moment, he himself seemed to be in a dilemma, unable to express his inner shock in words.

However, after a while, he understood this to be due to the sheer cultural differences between the two, so the laughter echoed in the air again, and then he chatted with Qiong Yao about poetry and poetry.

Part 6: The Heroes of the Past

When Gu Long died, Ni Kuang sent 48 bottles of brandy to accompany the funeral, and Gu Long vomited blood after drinking two sips of each bottle

Finally, this team, which is revered as the "Four Talents of Hong Kong", has also ushered in the end of its fate. Huang Zhan, Jin Yong, and Gu Long passed away one after another, and now only Cai Lan and Ni Kuang are still in the world.

In the days before Ni Kuang's death, he and Cai Lan often toasted together in the No. 155 reception room, reminiscing about the past. When asked what they think of the younger generation, Cai Lan humorously responded: "You young people have your own ideas, why should you care about the opinions of us old men? Ni Kuang replied with profound philosophical thoughts: "The thoughts of our old men have nothing to do with you, and each generation has its own pursuits.

As early as many years ago, Ni Kuang had written an epitaph full of wisdom for himself: "Think more about my good deeds in life, don't mention the notoriety behind me." At the end of his life, he seemed to have transcended the distractions of the world and welcomed the end of life with a calm mind.

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