
Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

author:Xiao Wang's research diary


Chen Chusheng's tour set sail: Qingdao, our stage is ready

In other words, Chen Chusheng's debut on tour was really uproaring, and the whole Qingdao seemed to be shrouded in his musical magic. This guy is not joking, he is bringing a new playlist and full of sincerity to give everyone benefits. No, the Qingdao concert sang "Such a Life" for the first time, and as soon as you open your mouth, people feel as if they are in the ocean of music and feel the boundless waves.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

Chen Chusheng, this name is well-known in the music world. Back then, he won the hearts of countless fans with one popular song after another. Now, he is on tour again, not only to give back to the fans who have always supported him, but also to bring more diverse and in-depth music experiences to everyone.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

At this concert in Qingdao, Chen Chusheng can be said to have put a lot of effort into it. Not only did he make new adjustments to the playlist, but he also specially invited a tacit band to help. The stage lighting is even more eye-catching, as if you are in a dreamlike world. When his voice sounded, the whole scene seemed to be infected by his music, and people unconsciously swayed to the rhythm.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

Of course, such a performance has also aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: "Chen Chusheng's tour is really full of sincerity, not only is the song list new, but also such a powerful band is specially invited, this ticket is worth it!" Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that this concert should not only prepare your ears, but also prepare your voice, and sing happily with Chen Chusheng!" ”

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

However, some netizens put forward different views. They believe that although Chen Chusheng's music has always been great, the playlist for this tour seems to be a bit conservative and does not have much new ideas.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

In this regard, Chen Chusheng also responded in an interview: "Music takes time to precipitate and accumulate, I hope to be able to bring you some classic songs, and at the same time, I also hope to let more people know about my music through touring." ”

"Such a Life": Empathetic vocals, netizens call "ear pregnancy"

Speaking of the first song of this tour, "Such a Life", it is really "pregnant". The melody of this song is melodious and beautiful, and the lyrics are deeply rooted in people's hearts, which makes people can't help but fall into deep thought while listening to the song.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

When Chen Chusheng sang this song, he also showed his unique voice charm. He interprets the emotional core of the song in his own way, making people feel as if they can feel the fluctuations in his heart and the resonance of emotions. When his voice sounded, the whole scene seemed to be enveloped in his emotions, and people couldn't help but soak up the atmosphere created by this song.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

Of course, such a performance has also aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: "When Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life", it was so infectious, I seemed to be able to feel the emotional fluctuations in his heart. Some netizens joked: "After listening to this song, I feel that my ears are pregnant, what can I do!" ”

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

However, some netizens put forward their own opinions on the arrangement of this song. They believe that although Chen Chusheng's voice is excellent, the arrangement of this song seems to be a bit too simplistic and does not have too much layering. In this regard, Chen Chusheng's team also responded on social media: "We will try more arrangement styles in subsequent performances, hoping to bring you a richer music experience." ”

Qingdao Concert: Stage light show, a double feast of sight and sound

The stage light show of this Qingdao concert can be described as a double feast of sight and sound. When Chen Chusheng's music sounded, the whole stage seemed to be lit up, and the colorful lights kept changing shapes and colors with the rhythm of the music.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

The audience felt as if they were in a dreamlike world, feeling the perfect blend of music and light. The lights on the stage are sometimes soft and warm, sometimes warm and unrestrained, as if they can lead people's emotions to fluctuate.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

Of course, such a stage light show has also aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: "The stage light show of this concert is really shocking! I felt like I was in a world where music and light were intertwined. Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that this concert must not only prepare your ears, but also prepare your eyes!" ”

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

However, some netizens put forward their own opinions on the design of the stage light show. They believe that while the lighting effects are dazzling, sometimes overly fancy lighting can distract the audience and affect the appreciation of the music. In response, Chen Chusheng's team also responded on social media: "We will try more simple and creative lighting design in subsequent performances, hoping to better highlight the theme and emotion of the music." ”

Controversial summary: Chen Chusheng's tour, the perfect combination of music and stage or excessive show-off?

Chen Chusheng's tour can be said to have attracted widespread attention and discussion. From the update of the playlist to the design of the stage light show, every link is full of creativity and surprises. However, it is precisely these innovations and attempts that have also sparked some controversy and discussion.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

Some people think that Chen Chusheng's tour shows his love and persistent pursuit of music, he interprets the charm of music in his own way, and at the same time brings a new visual and auditory experience to the audience. Others believe that Chan is too much of a stage-effect and visually stunning tour, which sometimes distracts the audience and affects the appreciation of music.

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

In response to these controversies and discussions, we can't help but ponder a question: what should be the perfect combination of music and stage? Should we pursue the ultimate audio-visual effect or pay more attention to the essence of music and the transmission of emotions?

Chen Chusheng sang "Such a Life" for the first time, netizens: This is the rhythm of "Immortals Descending to Earth"?

Perhaps this is a question that has no standard answer, but it is precisely such discussions and controversies that make music and culture richer and more diverse. Whether you like Chen Chusheng's music or have a different opinion on his tour, we should respect each other's choices and preferences, and enjoy the music while gaining more food for thought and inspiration.

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