
On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

author:Health Ellison 0xF

On the eve of the wedding, Li Qiang's heart was surging, the lights at home were bright, relatives and friends gathered together, and the warmth of home wrapped him in the new life. The photos on the table record the sweet time between him and Lili, and I can't help but feel gentle ripples in my heart.

"Qiangqiang, come and see if this flower ball looks good?" His mother's voice interrupted Li Qiang's musings. She was holding a bouquet of carefully selected flowers, and her face was flushed with happiness.

Li Qiang walked over, looked at the flowers in his mother's hand, and shook his head with a smile, "Mom, what you have prepared is the best, I believe Lili will like it." ”

"I hope Lili will like it too. You two little ones, but we've put a lot of thought into it. Mom smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Over the years, the love story between you and Lili is like a reproduction of our old couple when they were young." ”

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

"Yes, my mother-in-law and I have a lot of things to prepare tomorrow, but don't forget to be there on time." Dad poked his head out of the kitchen and told Li Qiang.

"Don't worry, Dad, I won't be late." Li Qiang responded, determined to give Lili a perfect start at this most important moment.

As the night progresses, the lights in the home fade out, and everything seems to be immersed in a dreamy silence. Li Qiang was lying on the bed, imagining the scene of walking into the wedding scene hand in hand with Lili, looking forward to it and nervous in his heart.

The day before the wedding, Li Qiang and Lili agreed to go to the barber shop together to do styling and welcome their big day in the most perfect condition. He deliberately chose an old shop that the two of them loved, because it witnessed every step of their growth.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

"Qiangqiang, do you remember everything we have to do tomorrow?" In front of the mirror, Lili adjusted her hairstyle from time to time, looking a little absent-minded.

"Of course, I remember the little details clearly. How is our new house furnished, are you satisfied? Li Qiang took Lili's hand and clenched it hard, hoping that this would convey some peace of mind to her.

Lili snuggled up to Li Qiang's shoulder and nodded, "Well, it's all good." It's because I'm so nervous that I always feel that something is wrong. ”

"Lili, it's okay. Everything will go according to plan and you will be the most beautiful bride. Li Qiang softly reassured and quipped, "Mother-in-law loves you so much, how could something go wrong on our big day?" ”

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Lili chuckled and looked at Li Qiang's eyes, she knew that no matter what happened, the person in front of her would be her most solid support.

The night was deep, and the two young hearts were quietly looking forward to each other's most important moments.

As the wedding date approached day by day, it should have been a time of happiness and joy, but Wang Li's mood became heavier and heavier. She tried her best to show a happy smile in front of everyone, but the worry inadvertently revealed in the corners of her eyes was still captured by the careful Li Qiang.

One night, when the two were alone, Li Qiang held Wang Li's hand and asked with concern, "Lili, is there something wrong?" You seem to have something on your mind lately, you can tell me. ”

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Wang Li retracted the gaze she wanted to avoid, and sighed lightly: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just at home... Something. She didn't want to make Li Qiang feel uneasy at this moment.

"At home? Is there any request from the mother-in-law or is it a temporary change? Li Qiang frowned, and he had vaguely guessed in his heart that something unpleasant might happen.

Wang Li smiled reluctantly: "Qiangqiang, don't worry too much, mom... Maybe I was a little too nervous because I was too concerned about the wedding. ”

"Lili, the wedding is a matter for the two of us, what can my mother-in-law say to me, let's face it together, nothing is unpassable." Li Qiang's face was full of determination, trying to give her confidence.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Wang Li nodded, she knew that Li Qiang was really willing to bear everything. But things don't seem to be that simple, and accidents always happen inadvertently.

Just a few days before the wedding, Li Qiang received a call from his mother-in-law, and Wang Fang's voice on the other end of the phone was a little panicked: "Qiang Qiang, this... Can you please not come to our house tomorrow, it's a little thing. ”

Li Qiang was a little surprised: "Mother-in-law, is there any problem?" Need help? ”

"Hey, don't mention it, don't come here yet, wait for Lili to tell you." The phone hung up in a hurry, and Li Qiang could only worry in his heart, not knowing what was going on.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Subsequently, Wang Li's attitude also became a little evasive, whenever Li Qiang mentioned the wedding, she always perfunctory. The family began to vaguely feel that something was wrong, and the questions and concerns of relatives and friends seemed to be shrouded in an invisible haze.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was the eve of the wedding. Although Li Qiang had an inexplicable premonition in his heart, he still hoped that everything was too much for him. He decided to go to Wang Li's house to find out the situation and solve the mystery in his heart.

When he arrived at Wang's house, Wang Li greeted him with no longer the bright smile of the past, but the melancholy that he wanted to say and stopped. The uneasiness in Li Qiang's heart became stronger and stronger, and he knew that the matter might really be much more serious than he imagined.

On the wedding day, the morning light was a little cold, Li Qiang put on the carefully prepared groom's dress, and the anxiety in his heart could not be hidden like morning dew. He stood in front of the mirror, arranging his bow tie, only to find that his hands were trembling slightly.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Suddenly, the phone vibrated to break the silence of the morning. It was a text message from Wang Li, Li Qiang hurriedly picked up his mobile phone, only to see that the cold words on it pierced his heart like a sharp sword: "Qiang Qiang, I'm sorry, the wedding was canceled, and our family went on a trip." ”

Li Qiang's mind went blank, it was so sudden that he couldn't even believe his eyes. He dialed Wang Li's phone, but there was only endless silence and an indifferent prompt to be transferred to voicemail.

"How so? Yesterday was fine, how about today..."Li Qiang muttered to himself, remembering the change in Wang Fang's attitude and the worry in Wang Li's eyes a few days ago, the doubts in his heart became stronger and stronger.

After hesitating for a while, Li Qiang decided to go to Wang's house to check in person, and he had to get an explanation. The street outside the door was empty, and the wedding car was parked alone on the side of the road, as if it also felt the loss of the owner.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

When I arrived at Wang's house, the door was locked, and the surroundings were quiet, and there was no breath of life at all. Neighbors told him that the Wang family went out early in the morning, saying that they were going on a trip.

"Tourism?! Today is my wedding! Li Qiang was about to collapse, standing in front of the Wang family, feeling as if he was an orphan abandoned by the whole world.

A question rumbled in Li Qiang's heart: "Why?" Why did Lili do this? Is our love, our commitment, so fragile? ”

Ignoring the curious and sympathetic gazes cast by passers-by, Li Qiang sat on the steps of the Wang family, the contradiction between love and responsibility in his heart, like a ship struggling in the thick fog, not knowing where to go.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Time seemed to stand still, and Li Qiang's heart felt the passage of every second and the pain. Until the sun rose high, his father's phone call broke Li Qiang's contemplation: "Qiangzi, where are you?" Everyone is waiting for you. ”

"Dad, the wedding is canceled." Li Qiang's voice was hoarse, and his heavy words silenced his father on the other end of the phone.

The father said with difficulty: "Qiangzi, come back, no matter what happens, your family will always be your strongest backing." ”

Li Qiang clenched his phone, he knew that no matter how painful and desperate he was at the moment, life had to go on, and he had to face it.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

Time is like a heavy stone, accumulating in Li Qiang's heart bit by bit. He sat alone on the bench by the river, the water in front of him was not happy, but just like his current state of mind, there was no surging and enthusiasm in the past.

Since the wedding changed that day, Wang Li has no news, and Li Qiang can only piece together the various unreasonable requirements of the Yue family and their intervention in this marriage from the messy rumors and speculations.

He once firmly believed that love can transcend everything and understanding can solve all problems, but reality has given him a hard blow. Faced with the predicament in front of him, he began to ponder, can love really overcome everything?

"Hadron is here." His father's voice interrupted Li Qiang's musings. His father sat down beside him and handed him a bottle of water, "I know you're feeling bad, but you can't be depressed like this." ”

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

"Dad, I really don't know if there is really such a deep rift between me and Lili." Li Qiang's voice was full of helplessness and pain.

"Marriage is a matter of two people, but also a matter of two families. There may be no problem between you and Lili, but if the ideas and values of the two families are too different, it will also be a test. Father said earnestly.

Li Qiang took a deep breath and looked up at the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on his face, as if giving him some warmth and strength. He began to reflect on whether his past self had neglected many difficulties in reality.

"Perhaps, I should re-examine our relationship and the attitude towards difficulties. You can't always run away from reality. Li Qiang muttered to himself.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

"Hadron, no matter what you decide, we have your back. The most important thing now is to figure out what you really want. His father patted Li Qiang on the shoulder and encouraged him.

As the sky grew dark, Li Qiang stood up. He knows that life is made up of countless pieces, and it can't always be smooth sailing. After experiencing pain and confusion, he seemed to understand more.

Li Qiang returned home, picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Wang Li, expressing his understanding and expectations. Whether she chooses to face it with him or not, he retains a good look forward to the future.

He looks forward to that if one day, he and Wang Li can work together to face the difficulties in life together, then their marriage and new life will usher in new hope and dawn in the near future.

On the day of the groom's kiss, the mother-in-law's family went out for a group trip, and the bride sent a text message to inform him that the wedding was canceled

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