
Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

author:said that the strong brother of the three farmers

"Master the weather, predict the future, and the daily forecast is with you". Hello family, new and old friends, I am the weather information broadcaster, "say the strength of the three farmers", in recent times, the weather has attracted much attention, especially friends in the southern region, it is estimated that they are "annoyed" by the annoying rain! Today, let's take a look at the latest weather forecast.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

Southern region

When it comes to the recent weather, I believe that friends in the south have the most right to speak. The recent southern region can be described as "rain all the time", and according to the latest weather forecast, the southern region does not seem to have any intention of stopping, and this weekend, the southern region will usher in a rare "heavy rain".

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

I believe everyone is no stranger to the word "heavy rain", the so-called heavy rainstorm, refers to the precipitation within 24 hours of more than 50 mm, or the maximum precipitation within 1 hour of more than 30 mm of heavy precipitation, can be said to be very terrifying.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

The main impact of this heavy rainstorm weather includes Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, affected by the combined influence of the low vortex and the typhoon peripheral circulation, this weekend, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places will usher in heavy rain weather, and the cumulative rainfall will reach 100-250 mm, which can be said to be quite terrifying.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

Such a heavy rainstorm will not only bring some inconvenience to travel, but also will have a certain impact on the growth of local crops and the lives of citizens, so we must do a good job of prevention, especially friends in some waterlogging areas, we must do a good job of prevention to ensure the safety of their personal and property.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

Northern Regions

Speaking of the northern region, the recent weather seems to be a bit "unkind", although the southern region has been raining, but the northern region has ushered in "hot weather", and such hot weather will continue for a long time.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

Under the control of the subtropical high pressure, the temperature in the northern region will continue to rise this weekend, among which the temperature in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places will directly rush to the 30 °C high temperature line, and will continue to maintain such a high temperature state.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

Such a high temperature weather not only makes friends in the north feel quite "hot", but also has a certain impact on the growth of local crops and the lives of citizens, so we must do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down to ensure their health.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

Other regions

Of course, in addition to the southern and northern regions, the weather in other regions is also of great concern, and according to the latest weather forecast, most parts of the continent will usher in a "rainy" weather in the next few days, and such rainy weather will continue for quite a long time.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

The rainy weather is mainly affected by the low vortex and the subtropical high pressure, which will mainly affect the south and southwest regions of the mainland, and will continue to affect the time of more than 3 days, among them, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places will usher in heavy rainstorms, and the rainfall in other regions is not small, all of which are more than 50 mm.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

This kind of rainy weather, for the southern region, can be said to be very "timely", can effectively alleviate the local drought, but also for the growth of crops to a certain extent, but for other regions, it is also necessary to do a good job of prevention, especially some strong convective weather, easy to local traffic and crop growth to bring a certain impact.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows


The weather is very important for everyone, and today's weather is also "changeable", which may bring us "surprises" at any time, so in the future life, we must always pay attention to the changes in the weather, and do a variety of countermeasures, in order to effectively protect ourselves and the people around us.

Heavy rain in many places! It starts tonight! Widespread heavy rainfall fell for 3 consecutive days, and the distribution of heavy rainstorms is as follows

At the same time, I would also like to remind everyone that at a time when the temperature is high and low, everyone must pay attention to increasing or decreasing clothing in a timely manner to avoid getting cold, and at the same time, we must also do a good job in environmental sanitation and epidemic prevention and control to protect our health.

Finally, I also hope that while enjoying a better life, you can pay more attention to the knowledge of environmental protection and climate change, start from the little things around you, and make your own efforts and contributions to protect the earth's home and jointly respond to climate change.