
In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley


In the harsh winter of 1964, the wolves of Wolf Valley were hungry and cunning, and three PLA soldiers were in a desperate situation here. Their story is a legend of courage, wisdom and sacrifice, which will forever be engraved on the cliffs of Wolf Valley and become a witness to history.

"Squad leader, we are surrounded by wolves!" A young fighter nervously reported.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

Squad leader Li Gang calmly looked around, and the wolves' eyes flashed with greed. He knew that they were at a life-or-death point.

"Don't panic, everyone, we have to stay calm." Li Gang's voice was firm and powerful.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

Another soldier, Wang Qiang, nervously clenched the gun in his hand: "Squad leader, what should we do?" ”

Li Gang pondered for a moment, and then quickly made a decision: "We must find a breakthrough, concentrate firepower, and protect ourselves." ”

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

Under the command of Li Gang, the three fighters were back to back, forming a tight defensive circle. Their guns are outward, ready to meet the attack of the wolves.

As night fell, the roar of wolves echoed through the valley. The hearts of the fighters were racing, but they did not give up hope. They know that only by working together can they overcome the difficulties ahead.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

Suddenly, the wolves began to attack. They came from all directions, surging like a tidal wave. The fighters returned fire, but ammunition was limited, and they had to save every bullet.

"Aim and don't waste bullets!" Li Gang reminded loudly.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

In a fierce burst of gunfire and the roar of wolves, the warriors fought their way. With their courage and wisdom, they repelled wave after wave of attacks.

However, the wolves don't seem to be planning to give up. They began to change their tactics, trying to find gaps in the warriors' defenses.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

"Squad leader, we're running out of bullets!" Wang Qiang reported anxiously.

Li Gang's heart tightened, he knew that they had to find a better way. He looked around and suddenly spotted a cliff not far away.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

"There it is!" A glimmer of hope flashed in Li Gang's eyes, "If we climb the cliff, the wolves will have no choice." ”

The soldiers immediately understood what Li Gang meant. They began to shoot while moving in the direction of the cliff. Although the process was full of dangers and difficulties, they eventually managed to climb the cliff.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

Standing on the cliff, the warriors looked at the wolves below. Although they are safe for the time being, they know that they are still in a difficult situation. They have to wait for rescue, or find another way to escape.

Over the next few days, the fighters faced severe hunger and cold. They encourage each other to face difficulties together. With their tenacity and courage, they demonstrated the tenacious spirit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

In the end, with the help of a patrol aircraft, the fighters were successfully rescued. Their story quickly spread among the military and the people, and became an inspiring legend.

On the cliffs of Wolf Valley, the names of Li Gang, Wang Qiang and other warriors are carved into stone, forever remembering their courage and sacrifice.

In 1964, three PLA fighters were surrounded by wolves in Wild Wolf Valley

Their story is not only a story of survival and overcoming difficulties, but also a story of unity, courage and faith. It will always inspire people to never give up and move forward in the face of difficulties and challenges.

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