
Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

author:Free cookies g5

The spring breeze brings warmth, and the sunlight shines through the light gauze curtains on the wooden floor of the old house, mottled and detached. Today is the 80th birthday of the uncle of the Wang family, and the whole family is immersed in a festive warmth.

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Wang Yang stood in front of the mirror, arranging his tie, with a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew that today's gathering was of great significance, and that Uncle's birthday was not only a celebration, but also an opportunity for family reunion. Next to him, his wife Xiaofang was busy, and she whispered, "Yangyang, do you think this tie is good?" Represent our hearts and minds to be expressed just right. ”

"Well, it's good-looking, Uncle will definitely like it when he sees it." Wang Yang nodded with satisfaction, turned to open the drawer in the living room, and took out the red envelope prepared in advance, on which the word "Shou" was delicately written in golden bronzing characters. This red envelope contains 30,000 yuan in cash, which is heavy and heavy, and Wang Yang's heart is also heavy. This is a bonus he has saved for half a year, although the family expenses are not small, but in order to show respect and filial piety to his elders, he thinks it is all worth it.

"My God, Yangyang, how big of a red envelope are you going to pack, how much does it cost?" Xiao Fang looked at the bulging red envelopes in surprise, and her voice increased by a few degrees.

Wang Yang stroked Xiaofang's hair with a smile, and said softly: "Our uncle has worked hard all his life, and I can have today's birthday banquet, I can't bear it?" Definitely! ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

"Be careful, don't let your mother hear it, you know what she thinks......" Xiaofang reminded, afraid that Wang Yang would ignore the opinions of his family.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to keep a low profile." Wang Yang smiled and nodded.

Subsequently, the family set off in full gear and came to the uncle's house. As soon as you enter the door, the lively atmosphere is rushing, and relatives sit around, talking and laughing. The uncle sat on the main seat, the wrinkles on his face were stretched, and he greeted every guest happily.

"Uncle, happy birthday, this is a little meaning that Xiaofang and I have prepared for you." Wang Yang bowed down and handed the red envelope to the uncle.

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

"Oops, Yangyang, this ...... Too much to be like this. The uncle looked at the red envelope, his expression was complicated, his eyes were full of love but also a little hesitant.

Wang Yang smiled and responded: "Uncle, you have worked hard all your life and raised so many of our juniors, what is this little thing." You can take it, and let me do my filial piety. ”

Relatives have a lot of discussions, some praise Wang Yang's filial piety, some are secretly calculating, under this family gathering, all kinds of family daily words come and go, but the overly detailed eyes and a little envious voice invisibly show the delicate relationship and balance within the family.

Uncle finally smiled and nodded, put away the red envelope, and laughed again: "Okay, good, Yangyang, you kid is really gratifying to Uncle." Everyone is here today, come here, let's take a photo first, and then have a good celebration. ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

After Wang Yang handed the red envelope to his uncle, the whole family sat around the round table and enjoyed a table of tempting hometown dishes. When he was full of wine and food, the uncle stood up, took out a box of peaches, and said meaningfully: "Yangyang, I accepted your red envelope today." This peach is freshly picked from my own orchard, and I hope you will accept it when I go back to give it to your wife and children. ”

Wang Yang hurriedly stood up and replied, "Uncle, what are you polite, I will definitely smile at this intention." ”

The relatives at the banquet all cast envious glances. Uncle is known among the clan for his kindness, and the fruit he grows is even more famous. While greeting his uncle, Wang Yang couldn't wait to go home and share this sweet heart with his family.

Back home, Wang Yang put down the gift in his hand with ease, ready to enjoy this precious gift from his uncle with his family. But the moment he opened the box, he was stunned to find a heavy envelope lying under the peaches, obviously this was not just an ordinary box of peaches.

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Xiao Fang leaned over curiously and asked, "What is this?" Did the uncle give it? ”

Wang Yang replied while opening the envelope: "It should be, I don't know what is written in it." ”

Inside the envelope turned out to be a letter addressed to Wang Yang, with good handwriting and strong through the back of the paper. As he read, his face changed. In the letter, the uncle recounted a lot of old family affairs, and also revealed his deep expectations for Wang Yang. The content of the letter is rich and profound, revealing the criticism of traditional concepts and the yearning for modern ideas of a generation of old people.

Wang Yang read and read, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and said: "I didn't expect that the uncle had thought so much about it in his heart for so many years, and he actually looked at the family tradition like this." ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Xiaofang was also attracted by the content of the letter and asked, "What does it say?" Can you tell me about it? ”

"Uncle said in the letter that he hoped I could break the stereotypes in the family, such as the concept of preference for sons." Wang Yang sighed and continued, "He also hopes that our generation can change and respect everyone's choices and dreams. ”

Xiao Fang was silent after hearing this. She understands that these old beliefs are deeply ingrained in her family, and it is not easy to change.

Wang Yang picked up the paring knife on the table, cut a peach for Xiao Fang, tasted it, and the sweet juice suddenly filled his mouth. She asked cautiously, "What are you going to do with this letter?" ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Wang Yang pondered for a moment, and then replied firmly: "Uncle really wants to say this to me. As a junior, I should inherit his wishes and make some changes. ”

The couple looked at each other and smiled, and despite the challenging road ahead, they decided to start on their own and try to change those outdated beliefs. Gradually, the sunset on the balcony turned the western sky red, and the home was filled with a warm atmosphere of anticipation for the future.

In the sweetness of the peaches and the heaviness of the letters, Wang Yang and Xiaofang fell into deep thought. The words of the uncle in the letter are like a sigh in the evening breeze, slowly telling the difficulties of the past and the vision of the future. Wang Yang's mind kept flashing scenes of injustice in the family because of the patriarchal concept.

One day at noon, Wang Yang took advantage of the family gathering to find his father Wang Ming and talk to his uncles about this topic. Wang Yang got straight to the point: "Dad, uncles, I read the letter that my uncle wrote to me, and he mentioned that he hoped that the family would change. ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Wang Ming frowned: "Change? Tell me, what did he say? ”

Wang Yang took a deep breath and briefly shared the content of the letter. "Uncle doesn't want us to be bound by old ideas, especially unfair treatment of women," he said. ”

The remark caused a slight commotion. Uncle Wang Gang took a puff of cigarette and was a little displeased: "This is what our ancestors have passed down from generation to generation, do you want our generation to change it?" ”

But Wang Yang said firmly: "Uncle, the times are changing, and we also need to keep up." Look at the uncle's letter, he wants to see us differently. ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Many relatives began to whisper, but Wang Yang did not flinch. "If we continue to favor sons, our daughters, sisters, and even mothers will be treated unfairly," he insisted. Do we really want this situation to continue? ”

Wang Ming was silent, but a flash of thought flashed in his eyes. He finally said, "Yangyang, you're right. It's time for something to change. ”

The other uncle couldn't help but say, "Then what do you think, Yangyang, what should we do?" ”

Wang Yang thought carefully about every word in the uncle's letter, and then said, "We can start with small things. For example, when it comes to our daughters' education and marriage, we can respect their wishes more and stop imposing our decisions. ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Heated discussions ensued, and although controversial, most people began to understand. After all, Wang Yang's words touched their hearts, and they saw the possibility of change.

At this time, Xiaofang served hot tea and asked softly, "How was the discussion?" ”

Wang Yang turned his head, looked at his trusting wife, smiled and said, "There is improvement." People are willing to listen and think. ”

The discussion lasted all afternoon, and everything from the traditional ideas of the grandparents to the practical needs of modern life was put on the table. Wang Yang and his relatives work together to find a solution to the conflict, and the uncle's desire gradually sows the seeds of change. As the sun set and the twilight was four, Wang Yang's heart surged with a torrent of excitement, and he knew that the future of the family had quietly changed.

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

As the seeds of family concept reform took root in his heart, Wang Yang became more and more convinced that his choice was not wrong. He decided to take active action and use this unexpected gift from his uncle to guide the family towards renewal.

After dinner one day, Wang Yang put away the table and said to his family lightly: "Today's conversation with my father and them was very fruitful, and I feel that the door of the family has been opened to change." ”

Xiao Fang smiled, nodded and said, "Yes, although their attitude was a little resistant at first, through your patient explanation, it seems that they really began to think about this issue." ”

Wang Yang caught a glimpse of his daughter Wang Xiaomeng, who had just learned to walk in the corner of the living room, staggering towards them, and he said gently: "Look at our little Mengmeng, I hope she can grow up in a fairer environment in the future." ”

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Xiaofang sat on the sofa, picked up her daughter, and said with emotion: "If we can really change, then our children, as well as our nieces, will not be able to enjoy more respect and choices in the future?" ”

Wang Yang smiled and made up his mind: "Yes." From now on, I will pay more attention to the rights of female family members, and we will make this a new tradition in the family. ”

As the months passed, Wang Yang's persistence gradually infected the rest of the family. He often discussed women's education and workplace issues with his father and uncles, and gradually passed them on to the next generation. Gender clashes and patriarchal stereotypes have been diluted in warm conversations, and the importance of money, although undiminished, is no longer the only yardstick for judging a person's worth.

At the family gathering, Wang Yang proudly looked at his nephew Wang Wan, who was in college, and was able to freely choose her major and future path. "Uncle Yang, thank you, it was you who opened our eyes." Wang Wan said gratefully.

Uncle celebrated his birthday with a gift of 30,000 yuan, returned a box of peaches, and when I got home and opened it, I was stunned

Looking at the smile on his niece's face and his daughter playing not far away, Wang Yang's heart was full of warmth. He deeply understands that only when a family can constantly renew its concept and carry more love and respect can it be truly harmonious and strong.

At night, he looked up at the starry sky and asked himself: "Is it true that every family must be like us, constantly updating and embracing change, in order to usher in that better sky?" ”

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