
Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

author:Ayong talks about the world

1. Looking back on the past - the father-in-law admitted that he "almost missed" this good son-in-law

Time is like an arrow, and time is like a shuttle. Looking back, the man known as the "good son-in-law of China", the mark left by the first encounter between Mr. Full Stop and his father-in-law, Mr. Guo Zhijie, is still vivid.

Although Mr. Full Stop was already an older man who had experienced divorce turmoil and even gave birth to another daughter, in the eyes of Mr. Guo Zhijie, he did not seem to be able to match his own pearl, Miss Guo Yadan.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

Although his daughter returned home with Mr. Full Stop and promised them that he would do his best to take care of Yadan, Mr. Guo Zhijie still could not completely let go of his doubts. However, after in-depth understanding, Mr. Guo Zhijie's integrity, kindness and impeccable character gradually impressed Mr. Guo Zhijie, and he finally reluctantly agreed to the marriage of the two.

However, as time passed, Mr. Period, with his meticulous care and thoughtfulness, melted his father-in-law's heart defense bit by bit. When the family suffered a major change and Yadan's younger brother unfortunately passed away, Mr. Full Stop did not hesitate to stand up and take the initiative to take care of his parents-in-law.

Since then, he has taken care of the two elderly people like his own son, and has devoted endless care and attention to their daily lives.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

The pain that the parents-in-law had endured due to the loss of their beloved son gradually dissipated under the careful care of Mr. Period. Indeed, sometimes the road of life is so tortuous and winding, and those good things are often hidden in what we understand and value each other.

2. Looking back on Mr. Period's artistic career: the arduous journey from obscurity to fame

Before being hailed as "China's good son-in-law", Mr. Full Stop was an obscure small character, and his road to success was not all smooth sailing, but full of ups and downs and challenges.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

In 1962, Mr. Full Stop was born in an ordinary family in Dandong, Liaoning Province, as the eldest son in the family, he has been full of love for performing arts since he was a child. Under the influence of his family environment, he was naturally exposed to the art of opera.

His father worked in a garment factory, and in his spare time he was keen to study opera, and it was in this atmosphere that Mr. Full Stop developed a strong interest in acting.

At the age of 15, Mr. Full Stop participated in a theatrical performance and won an award for his Allegro skills, and since then, his artistic dreams have begun to sprout. After graduating from high school, he honorably joined the army and was assigned to the 11th Garrison Division of the Shenyang Military Region.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

Although he was only an ordinary stove soldier and a sanitary soldier, the flame of his love for art was never extinguished.

In his military career, he has successively exerted his talents in the performance team and projection team of the army, frequently imitating classic film and television roles on the stage, and bringing laughter to his comrades.

The tempering of this time has allowed him to accumulate countless precious performance experience on the stage.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

In 1984, he was selected to study in the Shenyang Military Region Repertory Troupe, which was not only the starting point for his official entry into the field of drama, but also the prelude to his brilliant acting career. During his time in the repertory theatre, he worked diligently and tirelessly, and his acting skills became more and more sophisticated.

Although at that time he could only play inconspicuous small roles in some lesser-known film and television dramas, such as the role of the clown Sesame in the movie "Living Treasure", this has laid a solid foundation for his future success.

In 1987, it was a key turning point in his life. This year, he was honored on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala of Shenyang TV Station, and won warm applause from the audience with his wonderful sketch "Examination of Actors".

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

The vivid image of the full stop in a headscarf left an unforgettable impression on the audience, so he was able to get acquainted with the famous artist Ye Jinglin, and was appreciated and reused by Zhao Benshan.

3. Full stop: The sweet journey of meeting and falling in love with Yadan

As his career gradually reached its peak, the full stop also ushered in another major turning point in his life - an encounter with Guo Yadan (commonly known as "Yadan").

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

At that time, both of them worked in the Shenyang Military Region Qianqian Repertory Troupe, and they were neighbors, living opposite the door of the same dormitory building. Every day, when going up and down the stairwell, you can always meet in the corridor or yard and greet each other.

As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. Full stop began to care about Yadan's daily life, and whenever he saw her carrying a heavy load home, he would take the initiative to lend a hand; After learning that she loves snacks, he often buys some delicious snacks for her.

And Yadan is also very caring for the full stop. Every weekend, she would come to Period's home to help him with household chores and take care of his and his daughter's food and daily life. They frolic and talk together, like a young couple in love.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

In 1996, they finally made their relationship public within the group. Full stop affectionately calls Ya Dan "Ya Dan", and Ya Dan respectfully calls him "Brother Ju". However, to their surprise, this relationship was resolutely opposed by Yadan's parents.

Yadan's parents stick to their beliefs, believing that as a man who is a full 11 years older than his beloved daughter, who has experienced marital setbacks and has a daughter, full stop, is obviously not the ideal son-in-law candidate.

However, in the face of strong opposition from the family, Yadan was still steadfast, and she knew the wisdom of her choice, so she took a full stop home, hoping to let her relatives feel this sincere and affectionate man, and made a solemn vow to his future father-in-law and mother-in-law with his sincere and sincere emotional attitude, saying that he would do his best to assume the responsibility and care for Yadan.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

At the same time, Yadan's father also privately investigated the personality qualities of the full stop, and the feedback he got was all praise for him. After much deliberation, for the sake of their daughter's happiness, the father-in-law and mother-in-law finally decided to accept the marriage contract of the lovers.

Fourth, the full stop film and television works award-winning experience

In addition to repeatedly appearing on the sketch stage, full stop has also made remarkable achievements in the field of film and television, and his outstanding acting skills have won high recognition and praise from many professional judges.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

As early as 1995, full stop was nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor for his superb performance in the rural movie "Face to Face Back to Back", which laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Two years later, in 1997, full stop successfully portrayed the role of village chief Wang Changan in another rural-themed film "Causing Trouble", and his vivid image left a deep impression on the audience.

It is precisely because of this outstanding performance that he finally won the crown of Best Actor at the Changchun Film Festival.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

After entering the new millennium, full stop has played a major role in many popular film and television works, such as lawyer Hong Tao in the hit drama "Divorce Lawyer" in 2005, Lu Jianshe in the 2010 feature film "Breakthrough", etc., which shows that his drama path is expanding day by day.

These works fully demonstrate the full stop's profound acting skills and ability to accurately grasp the role.

Along the way, full stop has accumulated countless honors and affirmations in the film and television industry, reflecting his brilliant achievements in the sketch industry, and jointly shaping an outstanding artist with both strength and prestige.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

Fifth, full stop, use actions to win the approval of parents-in-law

That year, Yan Dang's younger brother was tragically killed in a ruthless car accident in his early 20s, leaving behind a young daughter, Xiaofang. After the shocking news spread, Yan Dang's parents, Guo Zhi Jie, were devastated and devastated by the loss of their beloved son, who felt as if they had lost the focus of their lives.

Faced with the immense grief endured by her parents-in-law, Ju Hua's heart was filled with endless pain. He knew that as a son-in-law, he should be the strongest pillar for the two old men in difficult times.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

When his parents-in-law fell into a miserable fog and couldn't sleep at night, Ju Hua resolutely knelt down in front of the two old men and solemnly made a vow of filial piety.

He firmly stated that he would treat his parents-in-law as his own parents, take care of them wholeheartedly, let their lives be carefree, and fill the regrets in his heart with the greatest filial piety.

Since then, Ju Hua has appeared in front of her parents-in-law with a new look, like a reborn son.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

To ensure that the vow is fulfilled, Ju Hua embarks on a long and determined path of service. He took his parents-in-law to Beijing to live with him, and was busy from early morning to late at night every day, taking care of the daily life of the elderly.

No matter when and where, as long as there is a need, even if he is sick and hospitalized, he will not hesitate to stand up and accompany him, and that deep filial piety makes the two old people feel at ease.

As time passed, Ju Hua's act of honoring her parents-in-law became more nuanced and touching. He knew that his parents-in-law missed their hometown deeply, so he always took them back to their hometown to worship their ancestors during festivals or when both parties had leisure, so that they could temporarily forget the pain of their son's departure.

Actor's full stop: The second marriage married an 11-year-old girl as his wife, and he was a son to his father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their children in their later years

Ju Hua's filial piety can be called dedication and painstaking efforts. Even when his mother-in-law was seriously ill and hospitalized, he and Yan Dang still cared for each other, divided their labor and worked together, and visited the hospital regularly every day.

Their thoughtfulness and meticulous care made the parents-in-law grateful, and their praise for this son-in-law came from the bottom of their hearts.

Father-in-law Guo Zhi Jie sincerely sighed: "Even if it is a biological son, it is difficult to do this!" Looking at this son-in-law, who was almost rejected by him, but now he is more filial than his own son, Guo Zhi Jie can't help but feel extremely relieved by the decision that year.

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