
It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

author:Holy Ran

Foreword: Where is Medical Ethics?

What happens when a healer's benevolence is tempted by money? Recently, a scandal broke out in Chengdu Hanhe Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which showed us the dark side of the medical system. A former doctor bravely stood up and exposed the disgusting behavior of his former department head who used his power to force doctors to generate income. This is not only a violation of personal professional ethics, but also a betrayal of the patient's trust. Today, let's take a deep look at this incident and explore the truth behind it.


Event Review: The Doctor's Helplessness and Resistance

On May 16, a message caused an uproar on social platforms. Wei Moumou, a former doctor from Chengdu Hanhe Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, publicly broke the news of his former department director Shi Moumou's various misdeeds, which was shocking.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

Dr. Wei, a former therapist in the hospital's rehabilitation department, uses his professional skills and passion to bring hope and warmth to patients. However, his persistence and seriousness have become a "thorn" in the eyes of Shi Moumou, the director of the department.

According to Dr. Wei, Shi Moumou talked to him several times and expressed dissatisfaction with his quick and effective treatment. "You cure the patient in three or five days, how can the hospital collect money?" Shi Moumou's words completely exposed the greed and ugliness in his heart. In Shi Moumou's view, the value of doctors is not to treat diseases and save people, but to create economic benefits for the hospital.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

This distorted value is unacceptable to Dr. Wei. He resolutely retorted: "The duty of a doctor is to treat diseases and save people, and it should not be for the purpose of making money." "His voice of justice has not received the response it deserves. Instead, he was transferred to an unfamiliar ophthalmology department and was eventually forced to leave his job.

What's even more shocking is that Dr. Wei revealed that due to the pressure of Shi Moumou, six doctors in the department have chosen to leave. What kind of "power" does this department director have that can make so many doctors choose to escape?

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

Shi's true identity and the hospital's response

With the fermentation of the incident, Shi Moumou's true identity gradually surfaced. It turned out that he only had a college degree and held a junior rehabilitation therapist certificate, not a physician's qualification certificate. How did such a person become the head of the upper department?

In the face of external doubts, the hospital has responded through a staff member. The staff member made it clear that Shi Moumou, the director of the rehabilitation department, was a therapist, not a doctor. He also emphasized that all medical practitioners in the hospital are legally qualified to practice medicine.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

Such a response did not quell public outrage. People have questioned how a person who is not qualified as a physician can hold such an important position. Are there serious gaps in the management of hospitals?

Official intervention and social expectations

The continuous fermentation of the incident finally attracted the attention of the official department. The National Health Commission quickly intervened in the investigation and said it would take the matter seriously. If the report is true, the relevant responsible person will be severely punished.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

The news gave the public hope. It is hoped that the authorities will be able to thoroughly investigate the truth and restore the innocence of the medical system. At the same time, this incident has also triggered a deep reflection on the internal management of the medical industry.

Netizens are hotly discussing the call with society

This incident has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens left messages expressing their anger and disappointment, and at the same time expressing their respect and support for the departing doctor who bravely stood up.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

"Severe punishment for medical corruption! Otherwise, the people will not be able to make a living!! A netizen's message expressed everyone's thoughts. Corruption in healthcare not only harms the interests of patients, but also undermines the credibility of the medical profession. There are calls for the relevant authorities to take it seriously, thoroughly investigate and deal with such incidents severely.

At the same time, some netizens raised deeper questions: Is there a deeper chain of interests hidden behind this ridiculous behavior? Is there an improper transfer of benefits in the hospital? These questions deserve our in-depth consideration and discussion.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

Conclusion: Protect the benevolence of doctors and rebuild bridges of trust

The scandal at Chengdu Hanhe Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has sounded the alarm for us. When the benevolence of doctors is eroded by money, and when the trust of patients is wantonly trampled on, how can we protect the purest feelings of doctors?

As a member of society, we have the responsibility and obligation to pay attention to the healthy development of the medical industry. We hope that the relevant authorities can strengthen supervision and severely punish medical corruption; We also expect every medical worker to adhere to the bottom line of professional ethics and take practical actions to protect the health and trust of patients.

It's a big deal! Director of a hospital: How can I make money if I am cured in three or five days? The comment area is frying

In this era of information, a single revelation can cause an uproar. But in any case, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude to examine each incident. Because there is often only one truth, and rumors can be everywhere. Let's work together to contribute to the healthy development of the medical industry!