
A 17-year-old sports student mistakenly cut his right knee New development: the chief surgeon was dismissed


Medical malpractice is frequent! A sports student in Baise, Guangxi, made a mistake in surgery, resulting in a tragedy. It is understood that the 17-year-old patient went to the Baidong Branch of the Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities in Baise City, Guangxi Province for surgery at the end of March this year because of an osteoma in his left knee. However, during the operation, the doctor mistakenly removed the patient's healthy right knee tissue instead of the original left knee osteoma. This medical accident has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in the society.


Parents seeking treatment for their children should be the hope of relieving the pain, but unexpectedly stepping into an even greater pain. The surgical consent form clearly states the surgical site, but the surgical records show a completely different situation, which raises questions about the hospital's management and the professionalism of the doctors. The medical imaging and surgical records provided by the parents showed that the child's right knee had obvious suture marks, while the left knee osteoma, which needed to be treated, was still there, which was shocking and infuriating.

A 17-year-old sports student mistakenly cut his right knee New development: the chief surgeon was dismissed

The Guangxi Baise Municipal Health Commission has intervened in the investigation, and the doctor involved has been removed from his post, but this move cannot dispel the resentment and grief of the family. Parents said that they are not seeking high financial compensation, but hope to protect their children's rights and interests through legal means, and also call on medical institutions to strengthen management to avoid similar medical accidents from happening again.

A 17-year-old sports student mistakenly cut his right knee New development: the chief surgeon was dismissed

Netizens have expressed doubts about the management of the hospital, believing that doctors should be responsible for their own actions and should not bring more pain to patients because of negligence. Some netizens called for strengthening medical supervision to prevent the occurrence of medical accidents, and some netizens expressed their support for parents to protect their rights and interests through legal channels, believing that medical institutions should assume corresponding responsibilities.

A 17-year-old sports student mistakenly cut his right knee New development: the chief surgeon was dismissed

This medical malpractice has once again raised concerns about medical safety. At a time when the relationship between doctors and patients is becoming increasingly tense, medical institutions should pay attention to the rights and safety of patients, strengthen internal management, improve the sense of responsibility and professionalism of medical staff, and protect the safety and rights of patients. At the same time, it is also hoped that the relevant departments can strengthen supervision, thoroughly investigate the matter, and give justice to the victims, so that patients and their families can feel the care and support of the society.

A 17-year-old sports student mistakenly cut his right knee New development: the chief surgeon was dismissed

Tips: This article is the first work of the original headlines, and it is forbidden to carry it within 72 hours

A 17-year-old sports student mistakenly cut his right knee New development: the chief surgeon was dismissed

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