
Staying up late and working overtime, my heart "can't stand it"! Protect your heart, start with your routine!

author:Department of Neurology Zhang is the chief physician

Zhou Ming, who was sitting in the office, had been staying up late and working overtime for several days. The computer screen in front of him cast a faint light, and his eyelids seemed to be pressed by a heavy hammer, which was difficult to support. He understood that his body had reached its limits, but the work had to go on. Days like this have become the norm, and his heart seems to be silently bearing a huge burden.

Zhou Ming's heart was not a gratuitous warning to him. As early as a few months ago, he had frequent symptoms of palpitations and dizziness due to continuous overtime, reminding him again and again that the body's alarm bell had sounded. However, the pressure of work and social competition forced him to choose to ignore these signals and continue to move forward on the road of overtime.

This is not Zhou Ming's story alone. In today's fast-paced society, staying up late and working overtime has become a daily routine for many people. For a long time, people have often habitually sacrificed sleep in exchange for more working hours. However, we overlook the huge impact of this bad habit on heart health. Staying up late for long periods of time and working overtime not only increases the load on the heart, but also directly threatens our cardiovascular health.

Staying up late and working overtime, my heart "can't stand it"! Protect your heart, start with your routine!

The harm of staying up late and working overtime on the heart:

Staying up late and working overtime is not just a simple lack of sleep, but also a test of heart health. Let's take a look at the harm to the heart caused by staying up late and working overtime for a long time:

Increased cardiovascular load:

Sleep deprivation can lead to impairment in the normal functioning of various organs in the body, including the heart. Staying up late for a long time and working overtime makes the heart unable to get sufficient rest, and being in a state of high load for a long time is easy to cause the heart to increase its workload.

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease:

Several studies have shown that staying up late and working overtime for long periods of time increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lack of sleep can lead to problems such as increased blood pressure, abnormal blood sugar, and so on, which in turn increases the likelihood of a heart attack. Staying up late for a long time and working overtime will also aggravate the aging rate of blood vessels and increase the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

Heart rhythm disorders:

A normal routine can keep the heart's rhythm stable, but staying up late and working overtime for a long time will disrupt the body's biological clock and lead to heart rhythm disorders. Not only does this affect sleep quality, but it also increases the risk of cardiovascular problems such as arrhythmias.

Staying up late and working overtime can be described as multifaceted and long-term harmful to the heart. Therefore, it is particularly important to protect heart health, starting with adjusting your work and rest.

How to protect your heart and improve your work and rest:

In modern society, staying up late for a long time and working overtime has become the norm for many people. However, this irregular routine brings a non-negligible harm to heart health. To protect the heart and improve your work and rest, we can take the following steps:

Have a regular schedule and get enough sleep:

Long-term lack of sleep can overload the heart and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is important to have a regular schedule and get enough sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep per night is essential for adults, which helps maintain a healthy state of the heart.

Staying up late and working overtime, my heart "can't stand it"! Protect your heart, start with your routine!

Try to stay up late during the day as little as possible and avoid working continuously for long periods of time:

Staying up late for a long time and working overtime can lead to physical dysfunction and affect the normal functioning of the heart. Therefore, we should try to get our work done during the day and avoid overworking at night and working continuously for long periods of time. Organizing work and rest time can help protect your heart health.

Exercise regularly to promote cardiovascular health:

Moderate exercise not only helps to reduce the load on the heart, but also promotes blood circulation and improves cardiovascular health. Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can help protect heart health.

Staying up late and working overtime, my heart "can't stand it"! Protect your heart, start with your routine!

Watch your diet and control your salt and fat intake:

Poor eating habits can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, we should pay attention to our diet and control our salt and fat intake. It is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and low-fat and high-protein foods, and reduce the intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods to help maintain heart health.

Practical Tips:

Relax before bed and avoid electronic devices: Relaxing and avoiding electronic devices before bed can help improve sleep quality.

Try to avoid a full meal, and don't overfill dinner: Don't overdo too much dinner to avoid overfilling and causing indigestion and affecting sleep quality.

Stress reduction with regular relaxation training: Relaxation training can help relieve stress, improve sleep quality, and protect heart health.

Develop good sleep habits and maintain a regular sleep routine: Establishing good sleep habits and maintaining a regular sleep routine can help improve sleep quality and protect heart health.

Through the above methods, we can protect our heart health, improve our work and rest, stay away from the threat of cardiovascular diseases, and enjoy a healthier life.

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