
It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play


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It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play
In the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team faced the Canadian team in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and lost 22-25 in the first game; The first two victories have boosted the self-confidence of the Chinese team, but the strength of the Canadian team cannot be ignored; The Chinese team got off to a bad start, and the Canadian team took the lead; Wu Mengjie's score helped the Chinese team tie the score; In the middle of the game, the Chinese team made more mistakes, and the Canadian team extended its lead; Wu Mengjie scored consecutive points to overtake the score; At the end of the game, the scores of the two sides were deadlocked, and the Canadian team made efforts to win at a critical moment.

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team won the right to serve, and the three-point attack in the front row was carried out smoothly.

However, the Canadians showed excellent form from the start, quickly building a 2-0 lead.

It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play

At the critical moment, Li Yingying of the Chinese team stepped up, and she successfully helped the team equalize the score with a wonderful self-receiving and self-deduction performance.

Entering the middle of the game, the Chinese team made a pass error, and the Canadian team seized the opportunity to score 2 points in a row to rewrite the score to 4-2.

After the Chinese team recovered 1 point, there was another mistake, and the Canadian team took advantage of the situation to extend the advantage to 7-3.

Faced with this unfavorable situation, Coach Cai Bin decisively called a timeout.

It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play

After the pause, the Chinese team relied on Wu Mengjie's excellent play, and she scored one after another to successfully chase the score to a 7-7 draw.

The battle for the key points was particularly fierce, and the scores of the two sides were deadlocked.

Van Rijk and Gray's strong attack put the Chinese team under great pressure.

In the middle of the game, the Canadian team came back to take a 14-12 lead.

It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play

However, Wu Mengjie showed strong strength at critical moments, and her blocking and hitting out of bounds helped the Chinese team successfully achieve a rebound, and the score came to 15-14.

The competition between the two sides has entered a white heat, and you come and go, and you do not give in to each other.

The Canadians gradually gained the upper hand, taking a 19-16 lead.

Wu Mengjie and Li Yingying worked hard to chase the score, but Van Rijk's hitter went out of bounds to keep the Canadians in place.

It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play

In the end, the Canadian team won the game point 24-21 and won the crucial first game 25-22.

Throughout the game, the Chinese women's volleyball team exposed some problems, and many mistakes had a great negative impact on the team.

In particular, Li Yingying and Gong Xiangyu's slow heat at the beginning affected the performance of the whole team to a certain extent.

The result of this game was like a wake-up call and woke up the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In the subsequent games, the Chinese team must improve the starting state as soon as possible and reduce the occurrence of mistakes as much as possible.

in order to have the last laugh in the fierce competition in the future.

It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play

Recalling the past, the Chinese women's volleyball team has gone through countless challenges and created countless brilliance along the way.

Every defeat is an opportunity for growth.

They fought tenaciously in difficult situations and constantly summed up lessons and lessons in setbacks.

It is precisely because of these experiences that the Chinese women's volleyball team has been able to continue to improve and always maintain a strong competitiveness.

Now, in the face of this defeat, the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to reflect deeply, find the problem and improve it.

They have to draw strength from every game, whether it's victory or defeat.

It's a pity! The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 22-25! Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu, slow heat affects the play

I believe that in the coming days, the Chinese women's volleyball team will meet every challenge with firmer faith and more tenacious fighting spirit.

They will continue to improve themselves and move towards higher goals.

Because they are the Chinese women's volleyball team, they represent hard work, tenacity and glory.

Their stories will continue to be written, and their brilliance will continue.

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