
The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

author:Uncle Da said things

Menstruation and menopause, important markers of women's health


Menstruation and menopause are very important physiological phenomena in a woman's life, they not only mark a woman's fertility, but also closely related to a woman's overall health. However, in today's society, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of work pressure, many women often ignore their menstrual and menopausal status, and even hold some wrong perceptions about it, which will have a certain impact on women's physical and mental health. Therefore, this article will focus on the topic of menstruation and menopause, hoping to arouse more women's attention to their own health, and also hope to help women better understand menstruation and menopause and make the right health choices.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

1. Menstrual cycle and regularity, an important sign of women's health

Menstruation, as a sign of female maturity, is a physiological phenomenon that every woman is familiar with. A person's menstrual cycle and menstrual flow can reflect her physical health, and the regularity of the menstrual cycle is also very important for women, it can not only help women arrange their life and work reasonably, but also serve as an important indicator of women's health.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

1. Menstrual cycles and regularity reflect women's health

Under normal circumstances, a woman's menstrual cycle is usually about 28 days, and the time and duration of each menstrual cramp will also have a certain regularity, which is a normal physiological phenomenon, which also means that her body function is in a good state. On the contrary, if a woman's menstrual cycle is irregular, or even has excessive menstrual flow or excessive menstrual duration, then it is likely that there is some problem in the body that needs to be paid enough attention.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

2. Irregular menstruation may hide health problems

Menstrual irregularities are conditions in which a woman's menstrual cycle and menstrual flow are abnormal, which may be caused by diseases such as endocrine disorders, ovarian dysfunction, or endometriosis. Some female friends often feel that their menstrual irregularities are just some minor problems, and there is no need to go to the hospital for treatment, in fact, this is a very wrong perception, menstrual irregularities may be an early sign of some gynecological diseases, if they cannot be found and treated in time, it will bring great harm to women's health.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

2. Menopause is 45-55 years old, and menstrual changes need to be paid enough attention

Menopause refers to the official end of a woman's reproductive period, which can be determined as menopause from the beginning of the last menstrual period to one year later. Generally speaking, a woman's menopause is about 45-55 years old, when a woman enters menopause, the eggs in the ovaries will gradually decrease, and the secretion of estrogen and progesterone will also change to a certain extent, therefore, a woman's menstrual flow and menstrual cycle will also undergo certain changes.

1. Both early menopause and late menopause need to be cause for concern

In real life, some women may have some special menopausal conditions, such as the early menstrual cycle or later than the normal age of menopause, which requires women to pay enough attention. On the one hand, early menopause and late menstruation may increase the risk of women suffering from gynecological tumors such as breast cancer and cervical cancer, on the other hand, it may also be that there are some problems in women's own physical conditions, such as premature ovarian failure or hyperthyroidism.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

2. Menstrual changes after menopause should be alert to abnormal bleeding

For women who have entered menopause, although they no longer have menstrual cramps, in some special cases, they do experience some abnormal vaginal bleeding, which is called postmenopausal bleeding. In general, postmenopausal bleeding can be caused by diseases such as endometritis, uterine fibroids or endometrial cancer, so once this happens, women must seek medical attention in time and receive the necessary examinations to rule out the possibility of gynecological diseases.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

3. Postmenopausal skin changes are normal, and you need to adjust your mentality

As we age, women's skin will also show some obvious changes, especially after experiencing menopause, women's skin may become dry, saggy, wrinkles and pigmentation, which is a psychological challenge for many female friends, they often have dissatisfaction and complaints about their appearance, and even anxiety and depression.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

1. Causes of skin changes during menopause

In fact, after women go through menopause, the secretion of estrogen in the body will be significantly reduced, and estrogen has a very important protective effect on women's skin, it can help the skin retain moisture and elasticity, promote collagen synthesis, once estrogen is reduced, women's skin will appear dry, saggy, prone to wrinkles and spots.

2. Adjust your mindset and focus on overall health

In the face of the troubles caused by skin changes, female friends must first learn to accept and adjust, they need to understand that skin changes are a manifestation of normal aging in the body, every woman will experience, and no one can escape. Secondly, they should also understand that external beauty is important, but physical health is the most important, therefore, after menopause, female friends should pay more attention to their overall health, starting from diet, rest, exercise, etc., to help the body delay aging and maintain a healthy state.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

Fourth, a comprehensive health regimen for menopause

For women who have entered menopause, they do need to pay more attention to their physical health than ever before, and they also need to carry out some targeted health care according to their current physical condition to help them live a healthier and happier life in their later years.

1. Diet

In terms of diet, menopausal women not only need to pay attention to a light diet, but also pay attention to a balanced diet, and consume more foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, such as fish, legumes, vegetables and fruits, so as to help the body obtain comprehensive nutrition and maintain the stable function of the body.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are

2. Exercise reasonably

In terms of exercise, in addition to some aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, etc., female friends can also try some exercises such as yoga and tai chi, which can better regulate the body and mind, promote physical and mental balance, and also help alleviate some uncomfortable symptoms caused by menopause.

3. Traditional Chinese medicine for health preservation

In addition, menopausal women can also try some traditional Chinese medicine health preservation methods, such as acupuncture, moxibustion, etc., which can help regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body, promote the circulation of qi and blood, and fundamentally help women maintain their health.

The "best menopause" for women has been announced, reminding you that the closer you are to this age, the healthier you are


Menstruation and menopause are very important physiological phenomena in a woman's life, which not only reflect a woman's fertility status, but also closely related to her overall health. Therefore, every female friend should learn to pay attention to their menstrual and menopausal status, and should also establish a correct concept of health, understand that health is the greatest wealth, in ordinary life, pay attention to regulate their body, maintain good living habits, if there is any physical discomfort, but also seek medical attention in time, find the cause, and carry out scientific treatment, so as to have a healthy and happy life.

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