
"Living with my in-laws, I don't want to go home after work", this resonated and sighed among netizens!

author:Uncle Da said things

In the midst of multiple generations, why is the daughter-in-law reluctant to go home?


Many years ago, the extended family was a common form of family in Chinese society, where grandparents, parents, and children lived together in a lively and warm manner. Nowadays, under the influence of real estate policies, more and more young families choose to live with their parents and take care of their children together, which is also a manifestation of family concept. Multigenerational living can make the family more harmonious, and it can also allow the elderly and children to have more companionship and care, however, for some young daughters-in-law, multigenerational living together is not a happy thing, or even a burden.

"Living with my in-laws, I don't want to go home after work", this resonated and sighed among netizens!

Many people have heard of a situation where female employees are reluctant to go home after work every day, and every day they will find various reasons to work overtime and socialize, as long as they do not go home. In fact, the real reason why female employees are reluctant to go home is because her family is multi-generational, her parents-in-law have always lived with her, and her in-laws are still the kind of person who is more domineering, and she has no space of her own at home, so she would rather work overtime than go home.

"Living with my in-laws, I don't want to go home after work", this resonated and sighed among netizens!

1. The real reason why the daughter-in-law is reluctant to go home

More and more families choose to live with multiple generations, which also means that the daughter-in-law needs to live with her in-laws, and in the eyes of the in-laws, the daughter-in-law is an outsider, she should conform to the lifestyle and habits of the in-laws, so at home, the daughter-in-law does not have much say, she needs to do a lot of housework, and also needs to take care of the children, so to speak, she is like a full-time nanny at home, without her own time and space.

Moreover, when the in-laws are there, the daughter-in-law has no way to move around at home, she needs to be careful, for fear of offending the in-laws, so at home, the daughter-in-law does not feel at home at all, she can't relax at home, and she doesn't even have her own room, so she chooses to work overtime and socialize, as long as she doesn't go home.

In fact, the reason why the daughter-in-law is reluctant to go home is not because she doesn't like her in-laws, but because she feels that in front of her in-laws, she has no space and voice of her own, and she can't do what she wants to do, so she will avoid going home.

"Living with my in-laws, I don't want to go home after work", this resonated and sighed among netizens!

Second, what is needed for multigenerational living is respect and understanding

More and more families choose to live together with multiple generations, which also requires enough respect and understanding between family members, including the way of getting along and boundary awareness between daughters-in-law and in-laws, when the in-laws are at home, they should also give their daughter-in-law a certain amount of space and respect, and should not interfere too much in the daughter-in-law's life and family, and the daughter-in-law should also properly conform to the lifestyle and habits of the in-laws, so that they can live in harmony.

In fact, the contradictions and frictions between in-laws and daughters-in-law are very normal, which may stem from cultural differences, living habits, etc., so both parties need to communicate and compromise, only through communication, can they better understand each other, find common ground with each other, and thus reduce contradictions and friction.

In a multi-generational family, it is also very important for family members to get along with each other and have a sense of boundaries, so that everyone should have their own space and privacy, while also respecting the space and lifestyle of other family members, so that family harmony can be maintained.

"Living with my in-laws, I don't want to go home after work", this resonated and sighed among netizens!

3. How to maintain family harmony

In a multi-generational family, it is very important to maintain privacy and freedom between family members, which requires the joint efforts of family members, including the way of getting along and communication skills between in-laws and daughters-in-law, and also requires family members to have a sufficient sense of boundaries and know how to respect the lifestyle and space of others.

For the daughter-in-law, in the process of getting along with her in-laws, she also needs to learn how to maintain herself, how to find a balance with her in-laws, this is a challenge, but also a learning process, she can communicate with her in-laws, so that her in-laws understand their ideas and needs, but also to respect the opinions of her in-laws, can properly participate in some family activities, and live together with her in-laws, so that they can better integrate into the family and establish a good family relationship.

In the family, whether it is the in-laws or the daughter-in-law, you need to have enough tolerance and understanding, communication and understanding between family members is very important, only through frank treatment, can better alleviate the pressure of the family, and only with the support and encouragement of each other, can we face all kinds of difficulties and challenges in the family together.

"Living with my in-laws, I don't want to go home after work", this resonated and sighed among netizens!


Multi-generational living is a manifestation of the family concept, which can also make the family more harmonious, but in a multi-generational family, how to maintain the privacy space and freedom between family members, how to solve the contradictions and frictions between family members, is a problem that needs to be thought about and work together, which requires enough respect and understanding between family members, good communication skills, and boundary awareness, in order to jointly maintain family harmony.

I hope that every family can be warm and happy, whether it is a daughter-in-law or an in-law, they can get enough love and understanding in the family, and can also bring more happiness and warmth to the family.