
After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

author:Meng Meng said

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After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

Tu Lei, the name of the well-known host, has once again become the focus of heated discussions on the Internet. On May 17, an unknown netizen posted a video of "the chaotic private life of the well-known host Tu", accusing him of "singing every night and being unruly" for many years.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

The deafening accusations hit Tu Lei's career and family like a bombshell. Fans couldn't believe that their beloved "sage" would fall to such a point, and they all said, "The truth is undoubted, and he must be returned to his innocence." At the same time, the "hot fans" who are afraid to avoid it also flock to it, taking the opportunity to step on one and fish in troubled waters. In the face of rising suspicion and doubts on the Internet, Tu Lei did not choose to remain silent. In the afternoon of the same day, he posted a response video with the caption: "Refuse to spread rumors, everyone is responsible!" In the video, he shot the case confidently: "The rumors are purely false, and if you have reported the case, you must go to court with them and sue them to the end!" and publicly displayed the receipt of the case that has been accepted.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

It is worth mentioning that Tu Lei also revealed the suffocating family experience in the video: "My wife and I have known each other for nearly 20 years, and our relationship has always been very affectionate. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with a serious illness last year, and she just finished chemotherapy this month, and is expected to continue radiation therapy. His eyes were moist, and he choked up: "This rumor hit her so hard that she didn't sleep all night, and she comforted me in turn when she should have been recuperating, I was so guilty of being a husband."

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

The Tu Lei incident has aroused widespread attention and in-depth thinking on the topic of "online privacy" in the whole society. In this era of social media, where information is open and circulating at a high speed, personal privacy is becoming more and more easily leaked and exposed. Whether you're an ordinary person or a high-profile celebrity, if you relax a little, your privacy is at high risk of being unexpectedly violated.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

Faced with the dilemma of celebrities having their privacy violated, we cannot blindly condemn or be self-serving. As public figures, they are destined to accept a high degree of attention and supervision from society when they step on stage, and the public has the right to know their real life conditions to a certain extent. However, "knowing" is not the same as "snooping" and "overexposing". We should give celebrities a certain amount of private living space, allowing them to put down the halo of stardom in private and live the life of ordinary people. After all, even the Roman emperor had to take off his purple robe and power ring, and there was a moment of relaxation and relaxation. In principle, celebrities' non-public life circles, such as family chores, personal hobbies, etc., should not be disturbed and exposed too much, so as to avoid the prying eyes and interference of others.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

In the same way, the public's "right to know" is not a laissez-faire without a bottom line. Of course, we have the right to monitor the moral integrity of celebrities, but the purpose of supervision should also be based on paying attention to the celebrity's public words and deeds, social influence, etc., rather than the details of private life. For example, we care about the achievements and ideas of our leaders, rather than interfering too much in their family conflicts. We judge actors' acting talents, not snooping into their intimate relationships.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

So, how do you define the categories of "public" and "private" lives of celebrities? We need to improve laws and regulations, and use clear and specific standards and regulations to reasonably stipulate the boundaries between celebrities' privacy and the public's right to know. For example, it can be clarified which fields and occasions belong to the "public life" of celebrities, and which venues and events belong to "private spaces"; In addition, for some special circumstances, such as celebrities involved in crimes and other serious violations of law and discipline, the public should also be given a certain right to know and the right to be exposed. Balancing the rights of celebrities and the interests of the public requires the foresight of legislators to draw a reasonable line of demarcation between the two by enacting clear legal provisions. Only in this way can we truly respect the privacy of celebrities and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the public, so as to achieve the unity of law and ethics.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

The Tu Lei incident, like a muffled thunderbolt, sounded in our ears, awakening all sectors of society to attach great importance to the protection of online privacy. In order to completely solve this problem, we need the joint efforts of the whole society.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

The general public, as an important member of the online world, shall conscientiously abide by online ethics and conduct, and be cautious in the use of words and forwarding. For those gossips that exaggerate and fan the flames and confuse right and wrong, we should remain rational and calm, and avoid blindly following the trend to sensationalize. After all, everyone has the right to privacy to be respected, and whether you are an ordinary person or a household name, you should not be wantonly spied on the details of your life and distorted and slandered. As for those real illegal and criminal incidents, as the public, we also have the right to pay attention to and supervise the follow-up results.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

At the same time, media practitioners should uphold journalistic ethics, strictly review the authenticity and authority of the content of the report, and think twice about news materials that may affect the personal privacy of the parties. We must not deliberately distort or fabricate anything out of nothing for the sake of sensationalism, otherwise we will not only lose the trust of the public, but will also become an accomplice in aiding and abetting abuse. Only by adhering to the professional ethics of journalism can journalists truly fulfill their social responsibilities as "searchlights" and "supervisors."

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

We call on relevant government functional departments to keep up with the pace of the times and innovate and improve laws and regulations on privacy protection for the online environment. It is necessary to clearly define the specific boundaries and standards of privacy protection, so that there is no longer an ambiguous area; At the same time, more severe and effective punishment measures have been formulated for privacy violations on the Internet, severely punishing lawbreakers and criminals from the legal level, and effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Only in this way can the right to privacy be firmly protected and defended in the online environment.

After blackening Cheng Lei and black Tu Lei, he was exposed to chaos in his private life, and he spoke out: The case has been reported!

In short, the Tu Lei incident has triggered our in-depth reflection on the topic of online privacy protection. The public, the media and the government need to work together to find a reasonable balance between the protection of privacy and the public's right to know, and inject more civilized, rational and legal forces into cyberspace, so as to build a more orderly and sunny online ecological environment.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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