
Can you use diamine for pepper base fertilizer?

author:I am not familiar with the road of life

Pepper base fertilizer can be used chicken manure, pig manure and various biological bacteria organic fertilizer or balanced compound fertilizer per mu. It is recommended to use the ridge mulching cultivation method, which is conducive to the healthy growth of pepper plants in the later stage, and at the same time achieves high yield and good management.

Can you use diamine for pepper base fertilizer?

The fertilizer diamine referred to by farmers refers to diammonium phosphate fertilizer, which is a high-concentration fast-acting fertilizer, which is very suitable for the growth of pepper plants and improving soil fertility, and will be used as base fertilizer or top dressing is very good. Diamine, low nitrogen and high phosphorus as base fertilizer is used for about three months, and diamine must be applied early and deep in pepper planting.

Can you use diamine for pepper base fertilizer?

The nitrogen content in diamine is not much, and nitrogen fertilizer will be lost and volatile, and the nitrogen demand of pepper plants is also relatively high. Farmers should adjust the fertilization formula in time according to the change of available phosphorus content in the soil, and apply nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, so as to conform to the principle of balanced fertilization and give full play to the role of diamine.

Can you use diamine for pepper base fertilizer?

There are a lot of pepper growers because of soil fertility can not keep up, before planting pepper with base fertilizer diamine and a large number of chemical fertilizers, compound fertilizer can be used as much as possible, with one time is not enough to use many times top dressing, in order to ensure the yield of pepper, the soil is deeply affected, gradually hardened disease and lose activity, and then directly hinder the harvest of pepper.

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